
  • 网络Presidents of Guatemala
  1. 危地马拉总统佩雷斯(OttoPerezMolina)发布了灾害警报,要求受影响的建筑内的人疏散,并警告可能发生余震。

    Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina issued a disaster alert and asked for the evacuation of affected buildings , warning of aftershocks .

  2. 去年10月,奥巴马亲自向危地马拉总统阿尔瓦罗·柯隆表示了歉意,随后下令彻查这件事。

    Obama personally apologized to Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom in October before ordering a thorough review of what happened .

  3. 一个联合国调查机构澄清,危地马拉总统科洛姆与一位著名律师罗德里格·罗森伯格的谋杀案无关。

    UN investigation has cleared Guatemala 's President Alvaro Colom of involvement in the murder of a prominent lawyer , Rodrigo Rosenberg .

  4. 为了竞选下一任危地马拉总统,桑德拉??托雷斯??德科洛姆已与总统阿尔瓦罗??科洛姆离婚。

    Sandra Torres , now divorced from Guatemala 's president , ? ? lvaro Colom , wanted to run for his job .

  5. 同时,危地马拉总统称这项由美国国立卫生研究院在1946至1948年进行的实验“违反了人类道德”。

    Meanwhile , The Guatemalan president has called the1946-1948 experiments conducted by the US National Institutes of Health " crimes against humanity " .