
  • 网络ADMM
  1. 在河内举行的东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)国防部长会议上,中国国防部长梁光烈邀请美国国防部长罗伯特·盖茨访问中国。

    US Defense Secretary Invited to Visit China At the ASEAN Defense Ministers meeting in Hanoi , Chinese Minister of Defense Liang Guanglie invited his U.S. counterpart Defense Secretary Robert Gates to visit China , in what seems like an easing of military tensions in the region .

  2. 盖茨是在前往波兰克拉科夫出席北约国防部长会议途中说这番话的。

    Gates spoke on his way to Krakow , Poland for a meeting of NATO defense ministers .

  3. 他指出,上周在伊斯坦布尔召开国防部长会议之前,法国已经增派了更多力量。

    They noted France made more increases before last week 's defense ministers ' meeting in Istanbul .

  4. 这次会议是自从该组织2001年在上海成立以来举行的第四次国防部长会议。

    This is the fourth defense ministers'meeting of the SCO , since it was founded in Shanghai in2001 .

  5. 组成海上安全部队的提议尚待批准,可能会在下个月在布鲁塞尔再次举行欧盟国防部长会议时获准。

    The maritime initiative still needs approval - probably during another EU defense meeting in Brussels next month .

  6. 离开亚洲之后,盖茨部长将前往斯洛伐克参加北约国防部长会议,预期会议的焦点将是阿富汗问题。

    From Asia , Secretary Gates will travel to Slovakia for a meeting of NATO defense ministers expected to focus on Afghanistan .

  7. 为配合此次峰会,成员国先后举行了国防部长会议、外交部长会议、首次议长会议。

    Prior to the summit , the SCO member states have held the meeting of defense ministers , meeting of foreign ministers and meeting of top legislators .

  8. 如今,将大多数希望寄托在一个名叫东南亚国防部长会议的组织上,英文简称ADMM+,根据亚洲人的喜好按照英文字母排序法。

    Most hopes now are vested in a grouping known , with Asia 's flair for alphabetical nomenclature , as the ADMM + ( for ASEAN Defence Ministers'Meeting ) .

  9. 欧盟计划训练数百名索马里安全力量,并可能延长其在索马里海岸打击海盗的任务,为这个被战争蹂躏的非洲国家带来稳定。该训练协议在布鲁塞尔举行的国防部长会议期间达成。

    The European Union plans to train hundreds of Somali security forces and possibly expand its anti-piracy mission off Somalia 's coast in an effort to bring stability to the war-torn Horn of Africa nation . The agreement to train Somali forces was reached during a meeting of European Union defense ministers in Brussels .

  10. 这项预期中的协议,是在为期两天的美日外交国防部长级会议结束后的记者会上宣布的。会议的东道主是美国国务卿克林顿。

    The anticipated compromise deal was announced at a closing news conference of a two-day meeting of the Pacific allies ' foreign and defense ministers , hosted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton .

  11. 在东盟加八国国防部长的会议上,外交举措似乎为缓解紧张关系起到一定作用。

    At the ASEAN Defense Ministers meeting in Hanoi , Chinese Minister of Defense Liang Guanglie invited his U.S. counterpart Defense Secretary Robert Gates to visit China , in what seems like an easing of military tensions in the region . Diplomacy appears to be making some progress in reducing tensions at the ASEAN Plus Eight defense ministers ' meeting .

  12. 美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀开始了对以色列为期两天的访问,并与以色列国防部长本尼·甘茨举行了会议。

    US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has kicked off a two-day visit to Israel , with a meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz .