
  • 网络Aesthetic Medicine;Cosmetic Medicine
  1. 形式美理论在美容医学中的应用

    Argumentation of the theory of form beauty applied to aesthetic medicine

  2. 美容医学:小心市场诱惑的陷阱&关于美容医学健康发展的几个问题

    Aesthetic Medicine : to be care the pitfall of the market enticement

  3. 精神医学与心理治疗对美容医学的意义和作用

    Psychiatry and psychology : its significance and effect in cosmetic medicine

  4. 《中国美容医学》2003~2007年文献计量分析

    Bibliometric analysis of Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine from 2003-2007

  5. 审美及美感在美容医学中的系统应用

    Application of aesthetic judgement and feeling in medical cosmetology

  6. 医学美学与美容医学的整体学科研究

    Study on the subject of medical aesthetics and aesthetic medicine as a whole

  7. 下颌骨及颧弓测量相关分析在美容医学中的应用

    Application of mandible and zygomatic arch measurement and related analysis in medical aesthetics

  8. 结果美容医学整体学科建设已取得认可,有了更明确的定义,顺应了医学模式的转变,是科学发展、社会进步、人类需求的必然产物。

    Results Cosmetic medicine was recognized as an independent specialty and gained its clear definition .

  9. 论美容医学专业教育的体系结构

    The Systematic Structure of Aesthetic Medicine Education

  10. 2003~2007年《中国美容医学》刊载论文被引情况统计分析

    A citation analysis of the papers published in Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine from 2003-2007

  11. 美容医学伦理宣言

    Declaration of aesthetic medical ethics

  12. 美容医学教学的探索

    Exploration of cosmetology medicine teaching

  13. 他们的作用体现在心理诊断(如筛选病人、针对性心理护理等),以及作为美容医学的治疗手段。

    The effect of psychiatry and psychotherapy is to help cosmetic person overcome the problem of body image ;

  14. 光-电一体化技术在美容医学领域的兴起与发展

    The emergence and development of the integration technique of light and electricity in the medical field of cosmetology

  15. 用科学的精神、科学的态度和科学的思想,促进美容医学教育事业的健康发展。

    Pro - mote the sound development to the cosmetology medicine education with scientific spirits , attitudes and ideas .

  16. 本文指出深入研究美容医学是摆在美容医务工作者面前的一个十分重要的课题。

    This article points out that is very important for the workers of aesthetical medicine to research this medicine deeply .

  17. 如不加选择地运用美容医学,是对医学核心价值体系的扭曲和嘲弄。

    It is a retortion and quiz to the system of medical core value if it is used in cosmetic medicine unselected .

  18. 美容医学持续升温,“美容增高”即“肢体延长术”被越来越多的爱美男女所尝试。

    Cosmetic medicine is popular in recent years , limb lengthening so as cosmetic heightening was accepted by more and more young people .

  19. 美国国际美容医学会称,2009年中国整容手术数量位居亚洲第一。

    The US-based International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ranks China first in Asia in terms of the number of procedures performed in 2009 .

  20. 美容医学的复杂性不仅来自于医学技术的飞速发展,而且还来自于美容手术患者复杂的人格特征。

    The complexity of cosmetology not only attributes to a rapid development of medical technology , but also to these patients complex personality traits .

  21. 美容医学工作者应该自觉地将审美及美感的基本原理全方位地运用于美容医学实践,美容医学临床才能取得质的飞跃。

    To have a qualitative leap in cosmetic clinic , the medical cosmetology workers should apply the fundamental principles of aesthetic judgement and feeling to the medical cosmetology practice omni-directionally sidedly .

  22. 延缓和治疗皮肤老化一直是医学研究的重点问题。与传统的嫩肤方法相比,激光非磨削嫩肤技术既不损伤皮肤表皮,又能减轻皮肤皱纹,因而成为美容医学研究的一个热点。

    Compared to traditional methods for wrinkle reduction , laser non-ablative rejuvenation can improve aged structural changes in skin without damage of the epidermis , so it becomes a major topic of interest in the aesthetic medicine .

  23. 并就美容医学的形成、研究的范围、美容医学与健康的关系、在社会中的地位、美容医学应遵循的审美原则及美容医学的展望谈了自己的看法。

    It also gives some opinions on the evolvement of aesthetical medicine , its research area , the relationship between health and it , its social position , the aesthetical rules it should follow and its prospects .

  24. 目的对国内外有关非结核性分枝杆菌致皮肤软组织感染,在美容医学和整形外科中的发生病因学、诊断、菌种鉴别和防治原则进行综合分析。

    Objective To evaluate the nontuberculous mycobacteria infections in home and abroad , and analyze its etiology , diagnosis , strain discrimination and prevention of these infections and principles of their treatment in medical cosmetology and aesthetic surgery .

  25. 很难将中国古代的生活美容与医学美容截然分开,化妆品实际是中医外用药的同义语。

    It is difficult to completely separate the China ancient life cosmetology from medical cosmetology . Cosmetic is Chinese medicine for external use in essence .

  26. 在美容皮肤病与医学皮肤病患者中精神药物的使用率:一项比较研究

    Prevalence of psychotropic medication use among cosmetic and medical dermatology patients : A comparative study

  27. 目的回顾与总结我国以美容外科为主体的美容医学近20年来的发展与现状,以利今后更健康的发展。

    Objective To review and summarize the development during the last 20 years and the current status of cosmetic medicine , i.e. , cosmetic surgery , in China , for the healthier development of this specialty in the future .

  28. 加拿大医学美容协会(CAAM)是致力于追求卓越,通过美容医学教育和领导的安全。

    The Canadian Association of Aesthetic Medicine ( CAAM ) is committed to excellence and safety in Aesthetic Medicine through education and leadership .