
zhuān shēnɡ běn
  • upgrade from junior college student to university student;students with the diploma of junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study
  1. 师专升本后的教师教育模式探索

    An Exploration into Teachers Educational Pattern After the TTS ' Promotion

  2. 专升本院校大学生职业价值观教育研究

    Research on Vocational Values Education of University Students Upgraded from College

  3. 医学专升本(夜大)学生学习状况分析

    An analysis of current situation of medical students of night schools

  4. 成人专升本人体寄生虫学教学的改革

    Reform of the teaching of human parasitology in adult-upgraded medical education

  5. 专升本院校学报精品战略的若干思考

    On the strategy of excellent works in journal in newly-upgraded universities

  6. 专升本院校图书馆发展建设的思考

    On Development and Construction of a Library in Colleges and Universities

  7. 专升本师范院校毕业生综合素质调查启示

    Revelation of Investigation of Graduates ' General Quality of Normal Colleges

  8. 医学成人专升本教育发展的研究

    On Development of Medical Professional Training Promoted to Undergraduate Course Adult Education

  9. 现代教育技术在英语远程学习中的运用&云南电大开放教育英语专升本学生学习情况调查

    Study on the Application of Modern Educational Technology in Distance English Learning

  10. 化学专业专升本教学中存在问题及对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Chemistry Teaching for Turning Junior into Undergraduate

  11. 论专升本院校图书馆的数字化信息服务

    On the Digitalized Information Service in the University Library Upgraded from College

  12. 浅谈专升本学生的高等数学再教育

    On higher mathematics reeducation for student turning the junior into the undergraduate

  13. 采用全新体制,促进专升本高校实现跨越式发展&新建本科院校管理体制改革走向初探

    Adopting Brand-new System , Accelerating Newly Ascending University to Realize Great-leap-forward Development

  14. 军队公共卫生管理专升本学员成绩分析

    Analysis on Examination Results of Bachelors Majored in Military Public Health Administration

  15. 合并后专升本高校图书馆人事改革探析

    Analysis of the Personnel Reform after Newly Merged and Up-graded University Libraries

  16. 医学院校成人预防医学专升本教育教学改革探索与实践

    Exploration and practice of adult-upgraded preventive medicine teaching reform in medical colleges

  17. 成教专升本应用解剖学试卷分析与思考

    Analyses and thoughts of applied anatomical paper for adult undergraduates

  18. 高职专升本教育课程衔接的实践研究

    Practice Study on the Curriculum Joining from Higher Vocational College to Undergraduate College

  19. 专升本地方院校图书馆特色资源建设探析

    Analysis of Libraries Special Resources Construction in Upgraded Universities

  20. 专升本院校六定及各组织机构应遵循的基本原则

    The " Six-makings " and Basic Principals for Organizations in Newly Upgraded Universities

  21. 对护理专升本学员法律意识的调查研究

    An Investigation on Legal Consciousness of College Nursing Students

  22. 试论专升本高校图书馆服务工作难点及对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasures of Service in Upgraded University Library

  23. 专升本与我校图书馆改革初探

    Technological Academy Upgrade to Regular College Course and Our School Library Reformation View

  24. 浅谈基层农村图书馆现状及应对策略专升本院校图书馆现状调研及其对策

    Talking about the Present Situation of Basic-level Rural Library and the Coping Strategy

  25. 医学成人专升本教学模式的初步探讨

    The Studies on the Teaching Model of College to Undergraduate in Medical Adult Education

  26. 成人专升本基础医学教育的改革思路

    Reform on preclinical medical education of adult undergraduate

  27. 合并专升本高校图书馆员的心理分析与对策

    Analysis on the Psychology of Librarian in the Merged Universities Upgraded from the Colleges

  28. 三步走战略的特点以及三步走战略与机专升本。

    Its features ; the relationship between the strategy and the school 's development .

  29. 专升本院校专业课程教学调整

    Specialized course adjusting in specialized to undergraduate education

  30. 专升本后的物理实验室建设与实验教学的思考

    Thoughts on Physics Lab Construction and Experiment Teaching after Promotion to a Regular College