
  • 网络feature films;Documentary;TV special
  1. 电视专题片不一定具有时效性,但是却能以丰富多彩的表现形式和表现手法引起社会的广泛关注和共鸣。

    Television and feature films are not necessarily time-sensitive , but was able to a variety of forms and technique of expression has aroused wide attention and sympathy .

  2. 曾拍摄多部故事片、纪录片、科教片电影;以及大量电视剧、专题片和音乐电视片。

    Cinematographer of multiple movies , documentaries , science and educational films , and a large number of TV drama programs , feature films , and musical videos .

  3. 关于女王的电视专题片《伊丽莎白女王》创下了收视纪录。

    ' Elizabeth R ' , a TV portrait of the Queen , had record viewing figures .

  4. 把编辑好的新闻片,通过计算机数字压缩技术,可以直接存放在硬盘上面,再通过刻录软件利用刻录机将已经编辑制作好的新闻或专题片录像带刻录在DVD光盘上。

    Newsreel if edited completely , may directly be stored in hard disks through the computer digital compression technology , and can be recorded on the DVD compact disc .

  5. 我刚刚从亚特兰大的短暂旅途中回来,稍后我将赶往纽约,为ESPN的某专题片拍摄一组镜头。

    I just got back from a quick trip to Atlanta and later this month I 'll go to New York to film a commercial spot for ESPN .

  6. 试论电视专题片解说词的写作

    On Writing of the Commentary of the TV Special Topic Programs

  7. 谈电视专题片的结构设计

    Television On Structural Designs of TV Programs On Special Subject

  8. 海奔国际汽车城招商专题片;

    Theme film for business invitation of high speed international auto mall ;

  9. 非线性编辑技术在水电站工程专题片制作中的应用

    Application of non-linear editing technique In making special project film

  10. 专题片的研究是不断拓展和完善的。

    Feature film study is to expand and improve continuously .

  11. 开始了从新闻片、专题片逐渐向纪录片叙事转型。

    Started from the newsreel , gradually to the documentary films narrative transformation .

  12. 非线性编辑在专题片制作中的应用

    Application of Non-linear Edition System in Thematic Video Making

  13. 艺术类人物专题片语言兼有专业性和艺术性两大特点。

    The language of artistic figure Tv puogramm have both speciality and artistry .

  14. 我想是一部电视专题片。

    I believe there 's a TV special .

  15. 如何在电视专题片中塑造典型人物

    Discussing How to Mold the Human Life How to Mold Typical Characters in TV Special Programs

  16. 这部专题片中的部分内容是中国在打击恐怖主义行动中没收的材料。

    The recordings are materials confiscated as part of the current terror crackdown across the country .

  17. 细节的正确运用可以延伸专题片的内涵,可以引起观众的共鸣。

    Correct application of details could extend the connotation of documentaries and raise the respondance of audiences .

  18. 这部专题片真实地反映了西部人民的生存情况。

    This monographic film is a real reflection of the living conditions of people in the western region .

  19. 浅析新时期党员教育电视专题片的属性

    Analysis of the Properties of Educational TV Report on Special Subject to CCP Members in the New Era

  20. 视频资源;资源征集;专题片;文化信息资源共享工程;数字图书馆;

    Video resources ; Resources collection ; TV documentaries ; Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project ; Digital library ;

  21. 电视专题片《徽商》在国家媒体上传播错误说法显然不妥。

    The spreading of TV program " Hui Merchants " on National media is misgivings by all appearance .

  22. 该专题片引用媒体的报道,列举了如下种种行径:2015年美国有超过56万人无家可归,其中包括25%的未成年人;

    In 2015 , more than 560000 people across the United States were homeless , 25 percent of whom were under age ;

  23. 为大会制作的佛法专题片《慈航》,受到信众广泛好评。

    The Buddhism monographic film called The Mercy Boat that he directed for the Dharma Assembly was well received by the devotees .

  24. 与会人员还一起观看了电视专题片《邳州映像》,较为全面地了解了邳州旅游产业和经济社会发展情况。

    The participants also watched a television documentary " Pizhou mapping " A more comprehensive understanding of Pizhou tourism industry and economic and social development .

  25. 作者通过卫生电视专题片的创作实践,用具体实例说明了细节表现在创作中的重要作用。

    Through practice in producing TV documentaries on public health , the author described the importance of application of details in TV production by individual cases .

  26. 李蕾蕾,德国工业遗产与电视专题片《德国工业旅游》介绍,《规划评论》,2007年1-2(总第25期):35-36页。

    LI Leilei , 2007 . " An Introduction on German industrial heritage and Television programme German industrial tourism " . Planning Review . Vol.25 : pp351-36 .

  27. 每一天广播与电视台都要播出相关的节目,有时是历史回顾,有时是公开辩论,有时则是描写那个时代主要人物的专题片。

    A day doesn 't pass without the radio and television stations offering a retrospective , a debate or a portrait of the main characters of the era .

  28. 企业宣传片是涵盖巨大信息量的品牌传播工具,拍摄企业专题片是一项复杂的工程。

    The business enterprise publicity slice is the brand media which covers a great deal of information , taking business enterprise special subject a slice is a complicated engineering .

  29. 在思想教育专题片的形象设计与后期制作上,提出了许多值得认真推敲的问题。

    A lot of questions on the imaginative design and later-stage making of a special picture recording film for ideological education which warrant careful consideration have been put forward .

  30. 本文将纪录片放在一个大的参照系中加以审视,通过与新闻片、专题片、故事片的比照和界别,探讨纪录片的内涵。

    Compared with some other types of TV programme such as news , theme films , story films , documentary was placed into a large background to probe into its connotation .