
zhuān diàn
  • special telegram;special dispatch
专电 [zhuān diàn]
  • [special dispatch;special telegram] 记者通过电报发回本报社的专稿

专电[zhuān diàn]
  1. 这些是世界各地拍来的专电。

    These are dispatched from all parts of the world .

  2. 高职高专电类专业课程仿真教学研究

    Simulation Teaching of the Curriculum of Electrical Majors in the Vocational College

  3. 加强体育教师自身建设。试论师专电教课的优化论体操教师智能结构的优化

    Discussion on Optimizing the Intelligence Construction of Gymnastics Teachers

  4. 高职高专电工学课程教学改革

    Teaching Reform on Electrotechnics Course in the High Special and High Vocational School

  5. 普通高等学校体育教育专业课程设置改革的思考试论师专电教课的优化大学英语与通识教育

    College English course in the general education

  6. 高工专电类专业实验教学综合改革的总体思路

    The Comprehensive Thinking of the Synthetical Experiment Teaching Reform on the Electric Majors in the Higher Engineering Institutes