
  • 网络Card machine;card reader
  1. 该系统以C++Builder作为系统的开发工具,以Oracle作为底层数据库管理软件,利用读卡机与扫描仪进行采集产品的数据信息,采用面向组件的系统设计方法,实现了产品的信息管理。

    This system has realized the product information management by C + + Builder , by Oracle database , administrated software and so forth , obtained the gathering product data information by the card reader and the scanner .

  2. 读卡机如何保护安全模组卡?

    How did the card reader protect Sam card ?

  3. 加油站卡机联动方案与POS机方案实践比较

    Comparison between filling card program and POS program

  4. 他的第二次创业是Square,这是一项手机支付服务,可以替代传统的信用卡读卡机设备、商业银行账户和办公电脑。

    His new venture is Square , a mobile payment service that replaces the traditional payment apparatus of credit card reader machines , merchant bank accounts and back-office computers .

  5. 采用ANSYS中PDS模块即随机有限元预测隧道变形量及发生卡机的风险率。

    PDS module in ANSYS namely Stochastic FEM , is adopted to predict tunnel deformation and the probability of TBM jamming .

  6. 尽管难以置信,但是很多我们银行的顾客都不知道怎样在ATM读卡机上刷卡。

    Hard to believe , but many of our customers at the bank still don 't know how to swipe their card through the ATM card reader .

  7. 本文对TBM施工中实际发生的卡机等工程地质问题研究证明了上述观点。

    Study on practical geological problems actually happening to TBM tunnelling , such as kaput has proved the viewpoint expressed above .

  8. CNG加气站使用卡机联动及网络管理系统,可以全面实现自动化管理和提高工作效率。

    Application of card-machine interlocking and network management system in CNG gas stations can totally fulfill automation management and improve efficiency .

  9. CNG加气站卡机联动及网络管理系统的分析与应用

    Analysis and applications of CNG gas station United controlling system with card and machine as well as the network automatic Managment

  10. 引入一个数字密钥,移民官桌上的读卡机就能验证RFID芯片的合法性,在此之前,该芯片绝不会泄露任何数据。

    The RFID chip is not supposed to divulge any data until the reading machine on the immigration official 's desk authenticates itself by presenting an encrypted digital key .

  11. 介绍了全自动发卡机在公路收费系统入口车道中的几种应用解决方案,重点阐述我们最新基于嵌入式Linux的无人值守卡机解决方案;

    This paper introduces several application solutions of automatic card-dispenser under the entry lane in the road toll collecting system , emphatically describes our newest unmanned card-dispenser solution based on the embedded linux ;

  12. 引黄入晋联结段7号隧洞TBM卡机事故原因数值模拟分析

    Numerical simulation of cause of tunnel boring machine jamming in section of connection works No.7 tunnel of Yellow River diversion project in China

  13. 卡机事故是制约TBM工作效率的重要因素之一,目前对其的预测多是确定性的有限元分析方法。

    TBM jamming is one of important factors that affect a TBM efficiency , and the deterministic finite element method is mainly adopted to predict the accident now .

  14. OMR在信息自动采集中的应用越来越广泛,而读卡机的统一驱动一直是信息采集中的一个复杂问题。

    Information collection by OMR has been increasingly applied . The unified driver for OMR is always the complex problem on information collection .

  15. 针对大港油田CNG加气站引进卡机联动及网络管理系统,从卡机联动系统功能,卡机联动改造分析与研究以及系统的优势等方面进行了较详细的阐述。

    Card-machine interaction and NMS have been introduced to CNG refilling stations in DaGang . The entire functions , rebuilding research and analysis with systematical advantages are also put forward in a more detailed exposition .

  16. ISO14443单芯片读卡机发射电路的设计

    Design of Transmitter of Single-chip Reader for ISO 14443

  17. ISO14443单芯片读卡机放大、滤波和量化电路的设计

    Design of Amplifier , Filter , Quantizer of Monolithic Integrated Reader for ISO 14443 IC Card

  18. 2005年,大港油田为改变CNG站在销售、记账和收费等过程中存在操作人员劳动强度大、成本费用高、管理漏洞大等缺陷,率先在全国引进了卡机联动及网络管理系统。

    In 2005 , in order to change the situations of high labor intensity , high cost and management loopholes in the course of marketing , keeping accounts and charging , Dagang Oil Field Company initiatively introduced card-machine interlocking and network management system .

  19. 各式各样“非接触式”支付系统都依赖近距离无线通信(NFC)技术:当卡接近或接触到读卡机时,置于卡内的NFC设备便会产生反应;

    The various " contactless " payment systems rely on a technology called " near-field communication "( NFC ) . The NFC device within the cards reacts when placed close to a reader or touched onto one .

  20. 详细介绍了以OMR光电读卡机为采样输入设备,采用VB6.0/Access数据库为主要开发工具,实现对教师教学质量评估信息卡进行快速、准确处理分析的物理过程。

    A method is described in detail , by which the procedure of processing and analyzing the message cards to evaluate teacher 's teaching level is realized rapidly and accurately . The procedure is realized by use of VB6.0/Access database and OMR system is adopted as a sampling input device .

  21. 不能确定智能卡读卡机列表。

    A list of smart card readers could not be determined .

  22. 产品包括:读卡机所使用之连接器。

    Products include : card readers used by the connector .

  23. 当前没有可用的智能卡读卡机。

    No smart card readers are currently available .

  24. 内嵌软读卡机的网上批阅系统开发与设计

    Development and Design of On-line Marking System with Built-in " Soft Card Reader "

  25. 这个读卡机与我的电脑系统兼容,但扫描机不兼容。

    The card reader is compatible but the scanner is incompatible with my computer system .

  26. 如果慢速的读卡机和打印机由磁盘来代替又会怎样呢?

    But what if the slow card reader and printer were replaced by a disk ?

  27. 我们要把读卡机破坏了。

    We gotta jam the outside reader .

  28. 智慧卡可以储存验证与识别资讯,店员只要用一台基本的读卡机就能加以查核。

    Smart cards can store validation and identification information that a clerk can check with a basic card reader .

  29. 他们是盲人或视力不佳等,他们需要一个文本浏览器/卡机/文读本。

    They are blind or have poor eyesight so they need a text only browser / reader / Braille reader .

  30. 桔子要帮我们个忙,把这张信用卡在信用卡机里刷一下。

    JOE : Orange is going to give us a break by zipping this credit card through the credit card machine .