
tè xǔ xié yì
  • concession;franchise agreement
  1. 试论BOT的特许协议及其性质

    A Study on the Concession Agreement of BOT and its Characteristics

  2. bot方式中涉及两类重要合同,即辅助性合同和bot特许协议。

    BOT involves two kinds of agreements , i.e.subsidiary contract and BOT concession .

  3. BOT特许协议及其主体身份的法律规制

    The BOT special-permit agreement and the adjustment of its subject capacity

  4. BOT特许协议之法律分析及立法建议

    Legal Analysis on Build-Operate-Transfer Franchise Agreement and Legislative Suggestions

  5. BOT中政府特许协议的法律性质分析

    A Legal Analysis of BOT Government Concession Agreement

  6. 论BOT特许协议中的政府保证

    On Government Surety in Concession of BOT

  7. BOT项目特许协议法律性质及风险问题研究

    A review of the legal state and the legal risks of the BOT project contract

  8. 论BOT特许协议争端的解决途径

    The Dispute Settlement for the BOT Concession

  9. BOT项目特许协议的风险研究

    Risk Analysis of BOT Projects Concession Contract

  10. BOT方式特许协议的法律性质

    Legal Characteristic of BOT Concession Agreement

  11. 探讨了BOT特许协议的定位、东道国作为BOT主体的身份确认等法律问题。

    An inquiry is made about the BOT special-Permit-Agreement and the adjustment of its subject capacity .

  12. 在BOT一系列合同中,特许协议是BOT方式的先决条件与核心问题。

    BOT franchise agreement ranks as the prior condition and core part among the BOT package contracts .

  13. 本文分三个部分,分别对BOT的基本特征和基本关系,BOT的立法评价,特许协议的有关问题进行了探讨。

    Part IIn this part , the author is going to discuss the basic characteristics and internal relations of BOT .

  14. 政府保证是BOT特许协议的核心内容之一,直接影响到特许协议的成立。

    Government undertaking , directly influencing the conclusion of the project agreement , is one of the core elements of the agreement .

  15. 我们从我国的政府保证的角度出发,分析了BOT特许协议中的政府保证的必要性、实践中的问题、以及立法上的建议。

    This is to put forward to opinions in the angle of govern-ment surety , analyzing the necessity , problem in practice and legislative proposals .

  16. 本文重点从BOT基本法律框架以及BOT特许协议的法律性质、缔约主体、订立、内容等方面探讨BOT特许协议有关法律问题。

    This paper analyses BOT legal frame , legal property 、 main contracting body 、 legal issues of conclusion and content of BOT concession agreement .

  17. 主要研究内容如下:首先,对BOT项目的具体模式、运作流程、特许协议等要素进行具体阐述。

    The main contents is as follows : Firstly , this paper expounds the specific mode of BOT projects , operational procedures , and license agreements specifically .

  18. 在BOT项目中特许协议为其核心问题,国内对BOT项目中特许协议的性质存在不同的观点。

    It is known that the concession agreement contract is the essential problem in the BOT project , which legal state was presented as different words in China .

  19. 当其他酒店管理机构试图与大学签订特许协议时,香港ICON酒店事实上是一个被学校完全拥有和经营的综合学校。

    While other hotel-management programs tend to have franchise agreements with universities , Hotel ICON is in fact an integrated campus of sorts wholly owned and developed by the school .

  20. 特许协议在BOT中占据重要地位,是BOT赖以运行的基石,但是有关特许协议的法律属性在法学界存在争议。

    The concession agreement , an important part of BOT , is the cornerstone for BOT to operate . However , the legal nature of concession agreement remains controversial in the legal circle .

  21. 特许协议所具有的特殊性,要求我们走出观念上的种种误区,对其予以专项立法,为BOT方式在我国的发展扫清障碍。

    In fact , BOT chartered agreement has its own special features which forces us to abandon all the wrong concepts , and make special legislation for the purpose of clearing away the obstacles to the practice of BOT in China .

  22. 在对BOT特许协议属国际契约还是国内契约是行政合同还是民商事合同进行论证的基础上,提出了BOT特许协议属国内契约,是一种特殊的民商事合同。

    On the problem that whether BOT charter agreement is domestic contract , commercial contract or the administrative contract on the basis of the argument , the thesis puts forward the BOT concession agreement of domestic contracts is a special type of contract in civil law .

  23. 在此基础上,提出了制定我国《BOT特许协议法》应采用一般立法和专项立法并举的折衷立法模式、坚持程序与实体并重、专项规则与配套规则并行原则的立法建议。

    On its basis , it puts forward legislative proposals for the establishment of 《 BOT concession agreement law 》 in China , such as middle legislative mode of combined general and special legislation , equal attention to program and entity as well as principle of special and matched rules .

  24. 但对于其基础协议&特许协议的法律性质各国认识不一,在我国法学界也存在着争议。

    However , there are still various understandings towards the legal nature of its basic protocol-the chartered protocol among countries .

  25. “特许协议”是业主授权承包商代表业主运营设备的协议。

    ' Licence Agreement'is the agreement needed by which the Employer gives the Contractor authority to operate the plant on his behalf .

  26. 当你正决定是否签订经营特许协议,我认为最重要的是我们应该首先对机会进行评估。

    When you are deciding whether to enter a franchise agreement , I think it 's important that we should first evaluate the opportunity .

  27. 如特许协议属月租租约性质,可如同其他租约那样,在网上递交加盖印花申请。

    If the license agreement is in the nature of a tenancy agreement with monthly rents , you may submit the stamping application online as other tenancy agreements .

  28. 同学若侵犯版权,例如过量地下载电子内容,就是违反本地法律及大学的特许协议,该使用者将受大学纪律处分。

    Copyright infringement by CUHK members , such as excessive downloading of electronic content , violates local laws and University licence agreements and will subject the user to university disciplinary action .

  29. 其主要表现形式有:固定价格、限制数量、划分市场、联合抵制、独家交易协议、选择性销售协议、特许协议、搭售等。

    Mostly the uniform action to limit competition includes the ways of fixed prices , quantity limitation , market division , boycott , exclusive trade agreement , selective sale agreement , franchised agreement , package sales , etc. .

  30. BOT特许经营协议若干法律问题研究

    The Study on Some Legal Issues of BOT Franchise Agreements