
  1. 今年1月底,亨氏董事长亚历克斯•贝林(AlexBehring)就一笔交易接洽了他在卡夫的对手约翰•卡希尔(JohnCahill),不到两个月时间就达成了创建卡夫亨氏(HeinzCompany)的协议。

    The agreement to create the Kraft Heinz Company came together in less than two months , with Heinz chairman Alex Behring approaching his counterpart at Kraft , John Cahill , about a deal in late January .

  2. 如果这种工作环境听起来很适合你,新成立的卡夫亨氏公司也许很快就会展开招聘了。

    If that sounds like the work environment for you , the newly formed Kraft Heinz Company may soon be hiring .

  3. 合并后,卡夫亨氏的年营业收入将达290亿美元,成为全球第五大食品和饮料公司。

    The deal creates a combined business with annual revenues of $ 29bn , making it the fifth-biggest food and beverage company in the world .