
  • 网络Hydraulic and pneumatic transmission;Hydraulic and Atmospheric Pressure Transmission
  1. 《液压与气压传动》多媒体课件开发及应用研究

    Courseware Development and Application Research of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission

  2. 应用型本科《液压与气压传动》精品课建设

    Excellent course construction of hydraulic and pneumatic transmission in technology application-oriented institute

  3. Flash在液压与气压传动CAI课件中的应用

    Application of Flash in CAI Course Ware of Hydraulics and Pneumatics Transmission

  4. 液压与气压传动MCAI网络课件的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Hydraulics & Pneumatics MCAI Courseware

  5. 该文主要介绍了液压与气压传动CAI课件的开发,包括控件的开发、回路原理仿真的实现以及课件的集成的介绍。

    This paper introduces the development of CAI courseware for hydraulic pressure and atmospheric pressure driving , including the development of controlling chips , realization of circuit principle .

  6. 本文详细阐述了液压与气压传动MCAI网络课件的研制与开发过程,总结了对MCAI网络课件的设计方法、制作过程以及对网络课件网站建立的实际经验与体会。

    Research and development of Hydraulics and Pneumatics MCAI courseware were introduced , and the experiences of the design and making of MCAI were summed up .

  7. 介绍了如何利用Flash软件进行液压与气压传动元件及回路工作原理的动画开发,该动画取得了良好的教学效果。

    How to use Flash software to develop the moving pictures about the work principle of Hydraulics and Pneumatics transmission component and circuit is introduced in this paper , finally this paper summed up good teaching effect of the moving pictures .

  8. 液压与气压传动实验教学改革与实践

    Reform and Practice of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission Experimental Teaching

  9. 液压与气压传动网络教学系统的设计与实现液压悬挂系统联结装置

    Design and Implementation of Network Teaching System for Hydraulic and Pneumatic Drive Courses

  10. 《液压与气压传动》课程试题库系统的建立

    Development of the Test Questions Stock of the Hydraulic and Atmospheric Transmission Course

  11. 基于网络的液压与气压传动课程的研究与开发

    The Research and Development of the Course of Hydraulics & Pneumatics Based on the Network

  12. 液压与气压传动是工科院校机械类及机电类专业的一门重要的必修课程。

    Transmission of sap pressure and air pressure is one important compulsory course for both enginery and machine-electrical students in science colleges or universities .