
  • 网络Liquid-Phase Sintering;Liquid phase sintering;lps
  1. 烧结助剂对SiC液相烧结行为的影响

    Effects of Sintering Additives on the Liquid-phase Sintering of SiC

  2. 同时对SiC的液相烧结机理也进行了探索。

    The liquid-phase sintering mechanisms of SiC were also studied .

  3. Al2O3/3Y-TZP复相陶瓷的液相烧结机理

    Mechanism of liquid phase sintering for Al_2O_3 / 3Y-TZP composite

  4. 液相烧结SiC陶瓷预混粉制备工艺的研究

    Research of Preparation Technology of SiC Premix for Liquid-phase Sintering

  5. 真空液相烧结Mo2FeB2硬质覆层材料的研究

    Research on vacuum liquid phase sintered mo_2feb_2 hard alloy cladding materials

  6. Y-TZP/Al2O3复相陶瓷的液相烧结及显微结构

    Liquid Phase Sintering and Microstructure of Y-TZP / Al_2O_3 Composite

  7. 高温等静压后处理液相烧结SiC陶瓷的结构与性能表征

    Characterization of Microstructure and Properties of Post-hot Isostatic Pressing of Liquid Phase Sintered SiC

  8. 高含Cu量Mo-Cu合金的液相烧结

    Liquid Phase Sintered Molybdenum-Rich Copper Alloy

  9. 液相烧结的高比重合金是由W晶粒和粘结相组成的。

    Liquid phase sintered tungsten heavy alloy consists of interconnected tungsten grains and continuous matrix phase .

  10. 液相烧结SiC陶瓷的微观结构

    Microstructure of Liquid Phase Sintered SiC

  11. 不同AlN含量对液相烧结SiC陶瓷的影响

    Effective of AlN content on liquid sintering silicon carbide

  12. 液相烧结SiC陶瓷

    Liquid phase sintered SiC ceramics

  13. 与传统固相烧结相比,液相烧结使SiC陶瓷性能显著提高。

    Compared with solid state sintered silicon carbide ceramics , the liquid phase sintered one exhibits superior performance .

  14. 采用液相烧结Mo、Cu混合粉压坯的方法制取合金,分析了合金的力学性能及组织。

    Mo-rich Cu alloy was made with the method of liquid phase sintering the mixed Mo and Cu powder .

  15. 烧结机理为SPS低温液相烧结。

    The sintering mechanism is found to be liquid phase sintering .

  16. 液相烧结Al2O3/3Y–TZP复相材料的致密化与力学性能

    Densification and mechanical properties of al_2o_3 / 3y – tzp composites prepared by liquid phase sintering

  17. 用液相烧结法制备出钢结硬质合金硬质覆层材料FCⅠ和FCⅡ,并对其磨损性能进行了研究。

    Steel based carbide materials FC ⅰ and FC ⅱ for cladding were produced by liquid sintering process .

  18. PIM高密度合金在液相烧结过程中的变形

    Distortion of PIM tungsten heavy alloy during liquid phase sintering

  19. 研究了粘结相的成分Ni和Cu的变化对液相烧结MoWNiCu合金性能的影响。

    The effects of bonding phase composed of Ni and Cu on the properties of the liquid phase sintered Mo W Ni Cu alloy were studied .

  20. 以Al-B4C-C为烧结助剂的SiC陶瓷液相烧结研究

    Liquid-Phase Sintering of SiC with Al-B_4C-C as Sintering Aids

  21. 液相烧结对Nd-Fe-B粉末压坯及磁体取向度的影响

    Influence of Liquid Sintering on Alignment Degree of Nd-Fe - B Green Compact and Magnets

  22. 为了研究失重环境对液相烧结AlN复合材料的影响,在抛物线飞行飞机上,以碳钛燃烧反应形成的高温作为实验热源,进行了失重实验和AlN复合材料、TiC材料制备中重力行为研究。

    The gravity behaviors in the combustion synthesis of Ti and carbon on the parabolic flight aircraft were investigated .

  23. XRD物相分析结果表明,添加Al能够明显促进陶瓷材料的液相烧结,有利于β-Si3N4的形成,从而对材料的力学性能产生了重大影响。

    Result of XRD shows that liquid-phase sintering and formation of β - Si_3N_4 were promoted by adding Al as an important alloy element .

  24. Fe-Cu合金液相烧结时隔离孔的封闭

    Closure of isolated pores during liquid phase sintering of Fe-Cu alloys

  25. Al2O3-TiC/TiN体系的致密化过程为液相烧结;

    While the process was controlled by the mechanism of liquid phase sintering for the system of Al2O3-TiC / TiN .

  26. 用金相分析,X射线衍射相分析和透射电镜观察等手段,全面细致地考察了液相烧结W-Ni-Fe合金的微观组织。

    The microstructure of liquid-phase-sintered W-Ni-Fe alloys was investigated by metallographic examination , X-ray diffraction , phase analysis and electron microscopic observation .

  27. 采用液相烧结法(LPS)制备了TiC/Ti复合材料,借助X射线衍射(XRD)分析了复合材料的相构成。

    TiC / Ti composite were fabricated by liquid phase sintering ( LPS ) method . The phase composition of the composites was investigated by means of XRD .

  28. 阐述了液相烧结SiC陶瓷喷雾造粒过程中的相关制备工艺,研究了浆料的特性、干燥温度、喷雾压力等因素对粉体性能的影响。

    Spray prilling technology using for preparing liquid-phase sintering SiC powders was discussed . The influences of slurry characteristics , temperature and spray press on powder properties were investigated .

  29. 烧结早期WC晶粒长大是在晶粒旋转合并机制与局部液相烧结机制共同作用下完成。

    And WC grains are grown up based on the grain rotation combination mechanism and local liquid-phase sintering in the early stages of sintering .

  30. Sialon的烧结过程是1个多因素控制的瞬时液相烧结过程。

    The process of the Sialon sintering was transitional liquid phase sintering , which was controlled by several factors .