
  • 网络MOOG;servo valve
  1. 基于液压伺服阀动态特性辨识的混沌遗传算法

    A New Chaos Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Performance Identification of Servo Valve

  2. 单片机、微机在液压伺服阀台的CAT系统中的应用

    Single-chip processor 、 Microcomputer in Hydraulic Servo Valve 's CAT System

  3. PLC对数控液压伺服阀的开环控制选用液压阀的注意事项

    Open Loop Control of Numerical Controlled Hydraulic Servo Valve by the Use of PLC

  4. 文章主要介绍PLC对液压伺服阀的控制方法及控制系统的组成,说明驱动接口电路的连接。

    The method of direct control of hydraulic servo valve by means of PLC , the component parts of the control system and the driving interface circuits were described mainly in this paper .

  5. 为了改善液压伺服阀的性能,在伺服阀力矩马达的工作气隙中添加磁流体(MF)。

    Magnetic fluid ( MF ) was added into the working air clearances of hydraulic servo-valve torque motor to improve the performance of the servo-valve .

  6. 介绍了液压伺服阀和位置传感器在拉弯矫直机中的应用。

    The application of hydraulic servo and position sensor on stretch bender was introduced .

  7. 液压伺服阀支撑杆和反馈杆的刚度测量

    The Rigidity Measurement of he Supporting Stem and Feedback Stem in Hydraulic Servo Valve

  8. 给出了小波分析在液压伺服阀性能测试中的应用实例。

    An example of using the wavelet analysis in testing performances of hydraulic servo valve is given .

  9. 讨论了磁流变液压伺服阀的工作原理和磁流变流体压力控制系统的工作原理。

    At first the working principles of the MR servo-valves and MR fluid pressure control system are briefly presented .

  10. 本实用新型数控液压伺服阀主要用于液压自动控制领域。

    The utility model relates to a numerical control hydraulic servo valve which is mainly used in the hydraulic automatic control field .

  11. 同时根据磁流变液压伺服阀的驱动原理,建立磁流变流体压力控制系统进行实验研究。

    Meanwhile according to the driving mechanisms of MR servo-valve , the experimental study is carried out after the MRF pressure control system is built .

  12. 力矩马达作为液压伺服阀的电&机械转换装置,是电液伺服阀的关键元件之一,其输出力矩特性对伺服阀性能具有较大的影响。

    As the electric-mechanism converter of the servo valve , torque motor is the key component of the electro-hydraulic servo valve . Its output torque characteristic has a significant influence on the performance of servo valve .

  13. 电动液压伺服控制阀

    Electrohydraulic servo control valve

  14. 液压比例伺服阀在结晶器振动方面的应用,是一种新型的结晶器振动技术,可以取代传统的机械式振动装置。

    The application of hydraulic proportioning valve in mould oscillating system is a new technology which can take the place of traditional mechanical oscillating system .

  15. 本文采用一种模拟伺服阀滑阀工作状况的新的测试方法,这种测试方法利用液压缸作为伺服阀滑阀的负载,而液压缸空载运行。

    This paper adopts an new test method in simulation work conditions of spool valve of servo valve , which takes advantage of the hydraulic cylinder as the operating load of spool valve of servo valve , however the hydraulic cylinder works without operating load .

  16. 通过反演设计策略,给出基于Lyapunov稳定的设计过程,其中系统负载、液压油缸及液压伺服阀的动力特性都包含于控制系统设计中。

    The controller design employs the backstepping design strategy to develop a Lyapunov - based nonlinear controller for a hydraulic servo-system . Load , hydraulic and valve dynamics are incorporated in the design process .

  17. 控制单活塞杆液压缸的不对称伺服阀

    Non-symmetry Servo-valve for Controlling Single-rod Hydraulic Cylinder

  18. 因此在液压元件中数字伺服阀的设计与研究以及在它在具体领域中的应用是当今液压界的重要研究方向之一。

    So the research and design of the digital servo valve is one of the most important aspects of nowadays hydraulic field .

  19. 随着飞机液压系统中液压舵机和伺服阀等高精度附件的大量应用,为保证系统的可靠性和延长附件寿命,降低全寿命费用,必须大幅度提高液压系统的清洁度。

    Because of increasing accuracy of many major accessories , such as servo actuators and servo valves , a raised cleanness must be provided in hydraulic systems to ensure accurate operation of the systems and prolonged service life of the accessories , and to reduce lift cycle costs .

  20. 其次,根据液压控制系统的设计要求设计了液压伺服系统的控制回路;完成了液压缸、伺服阀等主要元件的参数计算与选型;对液压伺服系统的数学模型进行了研究。

    Also the calculation and selection of hydraulic cylinder , servo valve and other major element parameter are completed .