
  • 网络speed control circuit
  1. VB和MATLAB在液压比例速度控制回路的应用

    The Application of VB and MATLAB in Hydraulic Circuit for Speed Proportional Controlling

  2. 在分析张力控制模型的基础上,结合模糊控制原理和一般的模糊控制器设计方法,在张力控制回路和速度控制回路分别设计了混合模糊PID控制器。

    On the basis of theoretic analysis of the system and the Fuzzy theory , two admixture Fuzzy & PID controllers are designed between the speed loop and the tension loop .

  3. 随后在直升机外环回路进行设计,采用二次型状态调节器设计法设计速度控制回路。

    Thirdly , the paper used linear quadratic state actuator scheme to design the velocity controlling loop .

  4. 整个控制系统从内到外依次分为三个控制回路:内环姿态控制回路,中环速度控制回路和外环位置控制回路。

    The whole control system is separated into three loops , namely the inner loop attitude control , the middle loop velocity control and the outer loop position control .

  5. 介绍了某大型液压设备中,一水平安置的增速组合液压缸速度控制回路的工作原理及所采取的包括差动连接在内的节能措施。

    The paper introduces the working principle on which the speedcontrolling loop built in a speed up and built up hydrolic cylinder is used in a heavy type of hydrolic equipment surrounded by water .

  6. 以某飞机为研究对象,通过在俯仰角速度控制回路上加上法向过载回路作为外回路,实现飞机纵向控制中的法向过载设计。

    In this paper , one aircraft is used as the study model . It can realize the normal acceleration control that the pitch rate feedback is regarded as inner-loop and the normal acceleration feedback is the outer-loop .

  7. 本文设计了基于DSP56F805,由速度和电流反馈控制回路构成的伺服系统实时仿真软件,并给出了其设计和编制过程。

    This paper illustrates the emulation software architecture of the system based on DSP56F805.The design and implementation of the speed and current feedback loop are described in detail .

  8. 电动机的速度控制机床液压系统速度控制回路的自动选择系统

    An Approach to an Automatic System in Selecting Speed Control of Hydraulic Circuit Applied in Machine Tools

  9. 为了最大限度的减小速度回路变化对系统张力的影响,在速度控制回路和张力控制回路之间设计了一个模糊逻辑补偿解耦器。

    In order to minimize instantaneous tension variation caused by the speed change , a Fuzzy decoupling compensator is designed in the tension system .