
  • 网络instantaneous center;instant center;instantaneous center of velocity;instantaneous centre of velocity;Instant center of velocity
  1. 利用速度瞬心法,通过有目的地找出相关瞬心和目标瞬心,解决了多自由度的平面复杂机构速度分析问题

    The article tries to solve the problem in analyzing the velocity of the multi-free and complex linkages through the instantaneous center method by purposefully finding the interrelated instantaneous center and the objective instantaneous center . The instantaneous center method of plane complex linkages

  2. 求速度瞬心的解析法

    Analytics for Finding the Instantaneous Center of Velocity

  3. 利用AutoCAD图解平面机构速度瞬心的三三分组法

    A division by three for finding the instant centers of plane mechanism with AutoCAD

  4. 求机构速度瞬心的对心四边形法

    Opposite Centric Quadrilateral Method for Finding the Instantaneous Center of Velocity

  5. 凸轮轮廓设计的速度瞬心法

    Instantaneous Velocity Center Method for the Design of Cam Profiles

  6. 用速度瞬心法求导杆机构导杆的角加速度

    Using Centre of Speed to Get the Angle Acceleration of Smooth Pole

  7. 速度瞬心的加速度特性及其应用

    Characteristics of Acceleration of Instantaneous Velocity Center and Its Application

  8. 速度瞬心及其在机构速度分析中的应用

    Instantaneous Velocity Center and Its Application in Mechanism Velocity Analysis

  9. 刚体平面运动时相对速度瞬心的动量矩定理

    Theorem of momentum quadrature of comparative speed in movement of rigid body

  10. 叙述了用速度瞬心法求导杆角加速度的新方法。

    Virtual Instrument for Measuring Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration Based on LabVIEW ;

  11. 用速度瞬心作机构运动分析的解析法

    Analytical method of mechanical movement analysis by using the momentary center of speed

  12. 平面Ⅱ级机构速度瞬心的解析解

    Analytical Design About Instantaneous Center of Velocity in the n Level Planar Mechanism

  13. 用速度瞬心法求曲柄摇杆机构摇杆的角加速度

    The Obtaining of the Angle Acceleration of Swing Stick from Centre of Speed Method

  14. 对速度瞬心动量矩定理的再研究

    A Further Study on the Theorem of Moment of Momentum for Velocity Instantaneous Center

  15. 求曲柄滑块机构滑块加速度的速度瞬心法

    The velocity instantaneous centre method for finding the acceleration of slider in crank-slider mechanism

  16. 复杂平面机构运动分析的速度瞬心法

    A method of transient velocity center for analysing the complex plain movement of a mechanism

  17. 纯滚动凸轮速度瞬心的加速度及其应用

    Acceleration of velocity instantaneous center on the cam only rolling in plane motion and its application

  18. 本文提出了质量和力等效转化的速度瞬心法。

    In this paper , the instantaneous center method for the redaction of masses and forces is proposed .

  19. 速度瞬心轨迹与运动初瞬时加速度瞬心

    The Path of the Instant Center of Velocity and the Center of Acceleration at Initial Instant of Motion

  20. 关于用来确定机构速度瞬心的三心定理的直接证明及若干注记

    Direct Proof and Some Notes on " Three-Centers Theorem " Used for Determining Instantaneous Centers of Velocity in Mechanism

  21. 机构速度瞬心及瞬心转移速度的研究(1)&速度瞬心的求解

    Research on Finding the Instant Center of a Planar Mechanism and Its Moving Velocity ( 1 ) & Finding the Instant Center

  22. 本文研究用相对速度瞬心求滚子从动杆和平底从动杆凸轮实际轮廓的方法。

    The paper discusses the method of determinating the cam profile , with roller or plat-faced follower , by means of instantaneous centers .

  23. 给出了用三心定理求解其速度瞬心的递推关系及其应用实例。

    For the convenience of its application , the paper gives the iteration relation for solving transient velocity center by the theorem of three centers .

  24. 用速度瞬心作机构速度分析的图解法,在中外文献中已有论述。

    The graphical calculation of mechanical speed analysis by using momentary center of speed has already been reported in the literature both at home and abroad .

  25. 提出了平面连杆机构速度瞬心转移速度(简称瞬心速度)求解的新方法。

    A new method for finding the moving velocity of an instant center position ( for short instant center velocity ) of planar linkages is studied .

  26. 介绍了用速度瞬心法求滑块的加速度及连杆的角加速度的方法。

    A new way to obtain the acceleration of a smooth object and the angle acceleration of a linked pole by the center of speed is introduced .

  27. 本文介绍了用速度瞬心法求解曲柄滑块机构滑块加速度的方法,并给予论证。

    This paper introduced a way for finding the acceleration of slider in the crank - slider mechanism by the use of velocity instantaneous method , and gave out the demonstration .

  28. 研究了邻接矩阵在平面机构自由度计算、同构识别和速度瞬心求解中的应用。

    The application of adjacent matrices of mechanisms to the determination of the degree of freedom , the identification of isomorphic chains and the detection of instant centers for mechanisms are studied .

  29. 采用简捷的方法推导质点系相对于任意动点的动量矩定理,并由此引出质点系相对于质心的动量矩定理和质点系相对于速度瞬心的动量矩定理。

    There from it is used to obtain the principles of the angular of momentum of the system of particles with respect to its cenier of mass and instantaneous center of velocity .

  30. 本文提出了利用速度瞬心计算轮系传动比的新思路,给出了两组通用公式,并以实例演示了此法的应用。

    A new way is proposed for calculating the transmission ratio of gear train by making use of velocity instantaneous center . Two groups of general formulas are given and shown with practical examples .