
  • 网络rate integrating gyro;rate integrating gyroscope
  1. 减小速率积分陀螺漂移误差的方法

    Methods for Decrease the Drift Error of Rate Integrating Gyro

  2. 速率积分陀螺的数学模型和常值漂移的在轨标定

    The Mathematical Model and On-Orbit Calibration of the Constant Drift of the Rate Integrating Gyro

  3. 由四个速率积分陀螺组成的惯性姿态敏感器

    Inertial Attitude Sensor Unit Consisted of Four Rate Integrating Gyros

  4. 液浮速率积分陀螺温控模型分析和参数设计

    Model Analysis and Parameter Design for Temperature Control System of Liquid Floated Rate Integrating Gyro

  5. 介绍了一种用单自由度速率积分陀螺组成的卫星用惯性敏感器陀螺漂移系数测试的实用方法。

    The paper presents a practical method for satellite inertial sensor assembly consisted of single-degree-of-freedom rate integrating gyros .

  6. 本文针对航天陀螺寿命试验所提出的要求,设计了某型号液浮速率积分陀螺寿命试验系统。

    In this dissertation , the requirements of Space Gyro life test , designing the life test system of a certain type of the liquid integral gyro .

  7. 当卫星速率积分陀螺的配置冗余度不满足一致性检验条件时,不能单纯利用硬件冗余实现陀螺的故障定位。

    When the redundancy of the gyroscopes can not meet the condition of consistency check , fault isolation of the gyroscopes can not be realized only by hardware redundancy .

  8. 此种陀螺标定需进行两次姿态机动,利用太阳敏感器和速率积分陀螺遥测数据标定陀螺的常值漂移。

    This kind of gyro calibration is to calculate the constant drifts of gyros using the telemetry data of the sun sensors and the rate integrating gyros through twice attitude maneuvers .

  9. 转移轨道远地点火后及同步轨道在三轴稳定地球指向模式下的陀螺标定是利用地球敏感器、太阳敏感器和速率积分陀螺信号的遥测值标定陀螺常值漂移。

    After apogee firing in transfer orbit and during synchronous orbil , the gyro calibration under the three axis stabilized earth pointing mode is to calculate the constant drift using telemetry data of the signals of the earth sensor , Sun sensors and rate integrating gyros .