
  • 网络Speed control range;Tempo Control Range;rpm
  1. 实验中电机速度控制范围为20-80r/min,负载约为0.2N。

    In the experiment , the range of speed control is 20-80 r / min , and the load is about 0.2 N · m.

  2. 结果表明:在所构建的最佳助滑速度控制范围之内进行24次水池和16次雪上交替控制训练课后,运动员助滑速度知觉控制能力明显提高;

    The results show that the acrobats ' control ability of approach speed perception has improved significantly after alternate control training of 24 periods in pool and 16 periods on snow at the approach speed within the optimal control range established ;

  3. 男、女运动员助滑速度知觉控制范围值相同;

    The control range of male and female skiers is the same .

  4. 探讨层燃锅炉在采用煤水混烧技术时对送风系统的要求和对燃烧过程的影响,以及炉排面上配风速度的控制范围。

    It discusses the requirement of the air supply system and the effect of the combustion process with using CWM technique in layer combustion heating boiler , and the controlling range of the air velocity through the stoker .

  5. 采用心理测量与统计法,时自由式滑雪空中技巧运动员不同难度动作最佳助滑速度知觉控制范围值的构建、最佳控制范围值与运动成绩关系进行研究。

    By using the method of psychological measurement and statistical method , this paper studies the relationship between aerial skiers performance and structure of their perception controlling range value along with the optimum controlling range value of optimum approach skiing velocity for motion of different difficulties .

  6. 监测结果显示,爆破质点振动速度控制在设计允许范围内,在整个地下厂房开挖过程中和开挖后围岩的位移值控制在允许范围内。

    The monitoring results showed that the particle vibrating velocity is controlled in the design allowance and the displacement value of whole underground powerhouse in and after the excavation is controlled in the allowance .

  7. 恒温恒湿空调系统是一种工艺性空调,它主要将空气温度、湿度、洁净度及气流速度等控制在一定范围,以满足工业生产、科学研究与文物保存等场所的需要。

    The constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning system belongs to the process air conditioning , which is mainly used to control the indoor parameters , such as the air temperature , relative humidity , cleanliness and so on , in some specific ranges .