
sù dù biǎo
  • speedometer;speed indicative;velometer
  1. 速度表显示时速达90英里。

    The speedometer was touching 90 .

  2. 本文叙述了在铁路运输中对速度表、转速表校准的重要性,以及在本系统采用步进电机的优越性。

    Discusses the importance of the calibration of the speedometer and tachometer in railroad transportation and the advantages of adopting step-motors in this system .

  3. 应用SSSI和EID两个人机界面设计理论分析了德法两国高速列车司机室中速度表的优缺点,并通过实验进一步验证了理论假设。

    The advantages and disadvantages of the in cab speedometers for ICE and TGV high speed trains were analyzed , using SSSI and EID man machine interface design theories and the theoretical assumptions were further confirmed through the experiments .

  4. 速度表能帮我测出每天行走的旅程。

    A speedometer will help me to measure the daily distance .

  5. 采用新型的霍尔集成传感器研究成功了霍尔数字式汽车速度表。

    A digital metrograph using a new-type integrated Hall switching transducer is studied .

  6. GB/T12548-1990汽车速度表、里程表检验校正方法

    Motor vehicles-Speedometer and odometer-Calibration method

  7. 警告通知应该是清楚且非模态的,告知用户他们做了什么,就好像速度表安静地向我们报告超速。

    Warnings should clearly and modelessly inform users of what they have done , much as the speedometer silently reports our speed violations .

  8. 速度表、转速表检验设备应用微机控制的研究提出用改装后的机械式叶轮风速表作为传感器。

    Study on the Calibration of the Speedometer and Tachometer Based on Microcomputer Control It is suggested to use the refitted speedometer with mechanical impeller as the sensor .

  9. 许多车在速度表上有“换挡指示灯”或标识,提示您什么时候应该换挡,别让引擎转速过高。

    Many cars have a " Shift Light " or indications on the speedometer that will tell you when you need to shift so you don 't rev the engine too fast .

  10. 液相循环速度随表观气速的增加而增加,并且二者满足乘幂关系。

    Liquid velocity increases when solid particles are added into the liquid phase .

  11. 因此,负群速度只是表观速度,能流的研究结果也证明了这一点。

    Thus the negative group velocity is simply an apparent velocity as we shall show from the study of energy flow .

  12. 由于体积扩张的速度比表面积快,因此总体平均每平方米发出的热量就会变多。

    Since the volume expands faster than the surface area , the overall heat flowing out per square meter will increase .

  13. 实验研究了液体粘度、表观液体速度、表观气体速度、辅助液体速度及颗粒密度对颗粒循环速度的影响。随着液体粘度的增加,颗粒循环速度增加;

    Experimental results show that the particle circulating velocities increase with increasing liquid velocity , superficial liquid velocity and secondary liquid velocity .

  14. 焦炭气化反应速度和表观活化能均降低。

    The rate and the apparent activity energy of gasification reaction of coke are lower than that under the condition of no anthracite .

  15. 键位相关速度当量表是优化汉字键盘输入健位设计的人机工程基础据,也为自动测定汉字键盘输入方法速度素质提供了科学依据。

    Keyboard code location relative speed equivalence is a basic data for optimizing Chinese-Character keyboard entry and can be used to compare various Chinese-character entry methods scientifically .

  16. 本文采用分光光度法测定了碘催化抗坏血酸氧化萘酚绿B反应的反应速度常数和表观活化能。

    Kinetic constant and apparent activation energy of iodine catalytic reaction of ascorbic acid oxidation Naphth Green B have been determined by spectrophotometric method .

  17. 缓存与速度面向单表查询的具有语义缓存功能的ODBC接口设计

    Design of Single Relation Query Oriented ODBC Interface with Semantic Cache

  18. ITO废料经过机械活化后,化学活性提高,反应速度加快,表观活化能和反应级数降低。

    Chemical activation can be enhanced , reaction speed can be improved , the apparent activation energy and the reacting order can be decreased since the ITO is activated in the mechanical activation equipment .

  19. 计算了初始阶段的反应速度常数和表观活化能;

    The values of apparent activation energy and reaction rate constant were calculated .

  20. 因此,对驾驶者借以了解汽车行驶速度的车速表,其指示值是否准确及指示误差的大小必须加以研究。

    So the accuracy and indicatory error of the speedometer must be studied .

  21. 游泳速度模式用表的制定与运用

    Design and application of a swimming speed model table

  22. 根据仿真的结果提出了最佳的粒子浓度与速度的配合表,以指导工程作业。

    According to the simulation results obtained the optimum particle concentration to guide the engineering work .

  23. 它在这个速度上的表性,基本上就是它在50英里和60英里时表现的某种插值函数。

    How it behaves at55 will be some interpolated function of what it does at50 and60 mph .

  24. 现代核心路由器对查找速率、表项更新速度、查找表容量等提出越来越高的要求。

    The modern core router puts forward higher and higher standards on the speed of updating table , look-up rate and capacity of look-up table .

  25. 在空气中运动的物体所受的牵引力与速度和物体表面积成绩的比。

    The ratio of the drag on a body moving through air to the product of the velocity and the surface area of the body .

  26. 本文探讨了游泳速度模式用表的制定方法,并对模式用表的运用进行了论述,为运动员的目标训练或检验反馈提供了定量化数据。

    The present article discussed the method of designing , a swimming speed model table and made an analysis of its application , thus providing the quantitative data for the target training or test feedback of swimmers .

  27. 方法:通过微分方法分析单次静脉滴注一室模型药物的动力学特征,求出消除速度常数k和表观分布容积V等药动学参数。

    Methods : The novel method was based on the analysis of differential kinetics of the plasma level of the single compartmental drug by single intravenous infusion injection .

  28. 芯片聚合酶链反应(PCR)与传统的台式PCR相比具有如下优点:热容量小,升温降温速度快;比表面积增大,热传导效率大大提高;样品及试剂消耗少。

    Chip polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) has following advantages comparing to the traditional desktop PCR : smaller heat capacity , thus high cooling and heating rate ; larger specific surface area , thus high heat conduction efficiency ; smaller consumption of sample and reagents .

  29. 在常规BCH编译码电路的基础上,提出了电路简单、译码速度较快的查表译码法,并讨论了它的适用范围。

    Based upon the conventional BCH coding and decoding circuit , the table examining decoding method with the advantage of simple circuit and less decoding time is proposed , and its applicable range is also discussed .

  30. 为了加快匹配搜索的速度,采用查找表的方式构建径向模式库。

    In order to speed up the search process , a radial mode database is constructed through table lookup .