
  • 网络star;star topology;Star-Topology
  1. 分别研究了基于UART总线型和星型结构主节点时序,并给出了半双工串行处理、半双工流水处理、全双工流水处理三种模式下主节点轮询一周的处理时间。

    Master node 's temporal features of bus topological structure and star topological structure for UART-based master-salve communication are studied . Poll-wait-process periods of half-duplex serial fashion , half-duplex pipelining fashion and duplex fashion are presented .

  2. 在星型结构网络中,按需对节点进行分组并对各组进行时隙调度。

    In Star network , nodes are on-demand grouped and scheduled by time slots .

  3. 为此,将数据仓库和联机分析处理技术(OLAP)引入卷烟质量管理系统,提出了基于数据仓库和OLAP的卷烟质量管理系统的体系结构,并利用星型结构实现了卷烟质量管理系统多维数据模型。

    So , the Data Warehouse and OLAP technology can be applied to this system . It proposes the system structure of cigarette quality management system based on Data Warehouse and OLAP , establishes the multidimensional data model of the cigarette quality management system with star-scheme .

  4. 本文基于Honeyd软件设计并实现了一个针对星型结构分布式系统(Star-StructuredDistributedSystems,SSDS)的压力测试框架。首先,根据SSDS系统的负载模式提出了相应的压力测试策略。

    This paper presents the design and implement of a testing framework for stress testing star-structured distributed systems ( SSDS ) . Firstly , the paper presents an efficient stress testing method according to the load mode of SSDS systems .

  5. 本文围绕P-FMS控制网络平台的建立问题进行研究与开发,参照OSI/ISO模型和Ethernet+TCP/IP的体系结构,提出并建立了具有两级星型结构的P-FMS网络体系结构;

    The paper focuses on the establishment of the P-FMS Control Network platform , and presents the structure of P-FMS network owning two star-topology in term of the model of OSI / ISO and the structure of Ethernet + TCP / IP .

  6. 首先,它根据星型结构分布式系统的负载模式提出了基于Honeyd的测试框架,该测试框架的构建思想对其它类似系统压力测试的研究具有一定的参考价值。

    Firstly , it presents a stress testing framework according to the load mode of SSDS systems , and the idea of building test framework provides some references for stress testing other similar systems .

  7. 提出了一种基于特征点的新的特征匹配方案,即先用星型结构进行局部匹配去除伪特征点,然后按照距离匹配进行全局匹配,实验证明结果很好。

    A new matching method based on feature points is developed .

  8. 星型结构系列聚酯防蜡剂的合成

    Synthesis of series of polyesters with star shape structure as paraffin inhibitor

  9. 这描绘了星型结构的软件集成结构。

    This represents the hub-and-spoke application integration architecture .

  10. 一种基于星型结构的移动代理的容错模型

    A Star-based Fault-Tolerant Architecture for Mobile Agent

  11. 而网络的拓扑结构则选择了星型结构。

    Choose the star topology .

  12. 在同一个网络中用于分配计算机的通用的拓扑结构有点对点,总线结构,星型结构和环形结构。

    Common topologies used to arrange computers in a network are point-to point , bus , star , and ring .

  13. 炼钢厂局域网为快速以太网,拓扑结构是以中心交换机为核心的星型结构。

    The network in Steel Plant is a fast Ethernet , its topology is a star construction with the exchanger core .

  14. 为表现公司中央集权化,核心层星型结构建立数据流的汇聚点作为关键站点。

    To reflect this corporate centralization , the core layer hub-and-spoke configuration establishes the focal point of the data flow as a key site .

  15. 对比分析了当前主流开关互连技术,并给出了星型结构技术的应用前景及其应用选择参考。

    A comparison with other major switched fabric technologies , its application prospects , and some suggestions of its option are brought up as well .

  16. 在对批量密钥更新和成员行为进行分析的基础上,结合星型结构和树型结构,给出了一种密钥树的概率组织方法。

    Based on batch group rekeying and group members behavior , propose a new method : probabilistic organization of the key tree , combining star structure and tree structure .

  17. 整个系统主要研究四个方面,以发布/订阅的星型结构连接三个子系统、获取目标、跟踪日标、控制采集摄像头。

    The whole system is mainly composed of four parts : using Pub / Sub star structure to join three subsystems , acquiring target , tracing moving object and controlling rotation of camera .

  18. 当出现负载较轻节点时,此节点以自己为中心与物理位置相邻的一群节点构成一个星型结构区域,负载转移在这块邻近的区域进行。

    When a light node arises , the node , which is work as a center , will construct a star-like structure area with other nodes physically close to it . Load transfer will achieve in a neighboring region .

  19. 成本主题的概念模型、逻辑模型和物理模型的建立,分析了大孤山选厂工艺制造流程及制造成本构成,设计了生产事实表与其他维度表组成的星型结构;

    Establish the conceptual model , logical model and physical model of cost subject . The manufacturing process and the factors of the cost are analyzed . The star-like topology is designed including the production facts table and other dimensional tables ;

  20. 通过分析结果得出:单跳星型结构时延小、网络吞吐量大,但中断率高;两跳树形限制型相对时延较大、吞吐量较低,但中断率较小。

    By analyzing the results concluded that one hop star has small time delay , big network throughput , but the interrupt rate is high . Two jump tree has longer relatively delay , throughput is small , but the outage probability is small .

  21. 本文把农业网站作为挖掘的数据源,为了更有效地管理和利用通过挖掘得到的农业数据,尝试构建了一种星型结构的农业数据仓库模型,并给出了农业网站数据挖掘的模型系统。

    This paper based on the data of agricultural websites as mining . In order to effectively manage and use the data obtained by mining , to construct a star of the agricultural structure of data warehouse , and agricultural websites of data mining model system .

  22. 运用MAC协议一种类型便是以太网,它被用于总线或星型拓扑结构。

    One type of MAC is Ethernet , which is used by bus or star network topologies .

  23. PACS服务器采用星型拓扑结构与各设备连接,图像浏览终端通过交换机采用总线结构与PACS服务器连接。

    Image display workstations have been connected to the PACS server by a bus topology through switch equipments .

  24. 并行计算平台是由WINDOWSnt系统下的PC机集群网络组成,网络拓扑结构采用星型拓扑结构,采用通用的消息传递环境MPI作为网络计算的并行支撑环境。

    The parallel computation platform is made up of PC connected networks under the circumstance of WINDOWS NT using the star-typed topological structure with the support of universal MPI ( Massage Passing Interface ) .

  25. IPV6低速网络为星型拓扑结构;通讯模块和信息空调电控板之间通讯采用异步串行通讯方式;通讯模块与网络家电之间的通讯协议遵循帧通讯标准。

    IPV6 low-speed network has star topology ; the communication between communication module and air conditioner control panel uses asynchronous serial communication ; the communication protocol between communication module and network appliance abides frame communication standard .

  26. 传统DDN专网属于星型拓扑结构,缺点是逻辑拓扑难于调整、网络可扩展性和可维护性较差。

    Traditional DDN Private Network belongs to star topology with shortcomings of difficult adjustment of logical topology and worse extendibility and maintainability of network .

  27. 并在Z-Stack协议栈的基础上,实现了星型拓扑结构的简单无线温度传感器网络系统,实现了温度信息的采集并通过串口显示出来,达到了预期设计的目的,完成温度采集的整体要求。

    And Z-Stack protocol stack , based on the realization of a simple star topology wireless sensor network system , the temperature information collection and display through the serial port , designed to achieve the desired purpose , the completion of the overall requirements of the temperature acquisition .

  28. 星型拓扑结构在大型计算机教室网络布线中的优化与实施

    Optimization and Implementation of Hub-spoken Topology Configuration in the Lane Setting of Mainframe Computer Lab

  29. 网络结构:星型拓扑结构。

    Internet structure : radial topo structure .

  30. 采用树状星型拓朴结构切实提高骨干网络安全性能

    Enhanced the Security Performance of Backbone Network Practically by using the Tree Star Topology Structure