
  • 网络Interstellar exploration;space exploration
  1. 美国NASA跟踪太空飞船的能力对于星际探索非常重要。

    NASA 's ability to track spacecraft is crucial to the exploration of the stars .

  2. 和《迷失Z城》一样,《星际探索》的灵感也源自《黑暗之心》,讲述一名探险者前往危险未知领域的旅途。

    Like The Lost City , it is a Heart of Darkness-inspired drama about an explorer travelling to dangerous uncharted territory .

  3. 在威尼斯电影节上亮相的《星际探索》是詹姆斯·格雷担任编剧和导演的科幻冒险片。曾导演过《迷失Z城》的詹姆斯·格雷是影评人的宠儿。

    Blasting off from the Venice Film Festival , Ad Astra is a science-fiction adventure written and directed by James Gray , the critics ' favourite who made The Lost City of Z.

  4. 星际探索中机器人与人类如何共同合作?

    Robots and humans in planetary exploration : working together ?

  5. 尤其是在未来星际探索、军事侦察等方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    Specially , it has a bright future to use hopping robot in outer space explore 、 military affairs .

  6. 这个故事发生在1927年,讲述了英国国王乔治五世(西蒙·琼斯饰演)和玛丽女王(杰拉丁尼·詹姆斯饰演)的一次来访。《星际探索》

    The story , set in 1927 , revolves around a visit by King George V ( Simon Jones ) and Queen Mary ( Geraldine James ) . Ad Astra

  7. 由于带攀岩功能的仿生四足机器人在许多领域,特别是国防、人机工程、交通、未来星际探索、军事侦查等方面有着非常重要的应用。

    The bionic quadruped robots with rock-climbing function have very important applications in many areas , especially national defense , man-machine engineering , transportation , future interplanetary exploration , military investigation and so on .

  8. 从制造业的无人驾驶的搬运移动机器人到非制造业的星际探索和能源开发移动机器人及智能服务机器人,都显示了移动机器人正在与人类共同发展和进步。

    From the pilotless transporting robot of manufacturing industry to interspace exploration and energy development robot of no-manufacturing industry and intelligent service robot , those all powerfully show that mobile robot is progressing with human being together .

  9. 灾害搜救机器人作为高冗余度系统,具有很高的运动稳定性和环境适应能力,不仅广泛应用在倒塌建筑物中进行灾害搜救工作,而且也可以从事于军事侦察、星际探索等恶劣环境和危险领域。

    As a high redundancy system with high dynamic stability and environmental adaptability , disaster rescue robot is widely used in collapsed buildings for disaster search and rescue work , military reconnaissance , planetary exploration and other harsh environments .

  10. 仿生跳跃机器人运动灵活性高、地形适应能力强,在军事侦察、星际探索、抢险救灾、考古探测等领域有着及其广泛的应用前景,是机器人研究领域的热点。

    Bionic jumping robots have great movement flexibility and terrain suitability . As a hot topic in robot research , they have widespread application prospect in fields such as military reconnaissance , interstellar exploration , emergency and disaster relief , archaeological exploration .

  11. 谷歌没有披露自己参与星际探索的任何计划,但设立了2000万美元奖项,用于奖励在明年底之前实现机器人登陆月球、行走500米并发回图像的任何民间项目。

    Google has not disclosed any plans of its own to engage in interplanetary exploration , though it has offered a $ 20m prize for any private mission before the end of next year that can land a robot on the moon , travel 500 meters and send back images .