
  • 网络speed error;STEADY STATE ERROR
  1. 无稳态速度误差的V/f控制.感应电动机驱动系统

    V / f Controlled Induction Motor Drive System without Steady-State Speed Error

  2. 并在分析GPS主要误差的基础上,推导了适用于本文的GPS的定常速度误差模型。

    After analysing the central errors of GPS , constant speed error model of GPS is established .

  3. 层状介质P波非双曲走时速度误差分析

    Error analysis of P-wave non-hyperbolic moveout velocity in layered media

  4. 推导了以GPS载波相位单差误差为观测量的线性观测方程,将速度误差和载波相位单差误差同时作为初始对准观测量。

    The observation equation is deduced , which takes the error of carrier phase single-difference as the observation variables .

  5. 速度误差反馈调平可以达到较高的精度,但是快速性不如卡尔曼滤波和H∞滤波;

    The velocity error linear feedback can obtain high precision , but the speediness is lower than Kalman filter andH ∞ filter .

  6. 在计及发电机角速度误差信号和机端电压误差信号的目标函数基础上,PID参数用ITAE法对以变量Δω设计的控制器进行优化,改善了机端电压的品质。

    The parameters of the controller is optimized using the ITAE function and the stability of generator terminal voltage is improved .

  7. 其基本原理是:用频率补偿控制(FCC)技术控制定于电压频率以补偿速度误差。

    Namely , the frequency of the stator voltage is controlled to compensate for the error , which is strategy called the frequency compensation control ( FCC ) .

  8. 在GPS有效时,该算法采用基于遗传算法的小波神经网络对GPS/INS信号建立INS位置、姿态、速度误差预测模型。

    When GPS is effective , the INS position , attitude and speed errors are modeled upon the INS / GPS message using the genetic algorithm based on the wavelet neural network .

  9. 在GPS信号丢失5分钟时,位置误差大约为1400米,速度误差大约为15米/秒,姿态角误差大约为10度。

    When the signal of GPS is lost for five minutes , the position error is about 1400 meters , its velocity error is about 15m / s and its attitude angle error is about 10 degree .

  10. 仿真结果表明:距离向速度误差是影响SAR定位精度的主要因素,定位精度还与斜视角和飞行速度有关。

    Finally it makes the simulation . The simulation results show that the range motion error is the most fact affecting the SAR geolocation accuracy , which also related to the squint angle and the velocity .

  11. 应用参数自整定模糊-PID控制,对PID的3个参数进行调节,控制被控车与导航车的车间纵向相对距离误差和纵向相对速度误差的变化范围,以实现汽车纵向控制。

    Then the parameter auto-adjusting fuzzy-PID control method was used by adjusting the three parameters of PID to control the varying errors for the longitudinal relative distance and relative velocity between the controlled vehicle and the navigation vehicle .

  12. 文中阐述了捷联惯性导航系统的工作原理,利用MATLAB编写了捷联解算程序,通过仿真验证了捷联理论和算法的正确性,分析了位置和速度误差随时间积累的特性。

    Dissertation expounded the working principle of strapdown inertial navigation system , given inertial prepared solution procedures by using MATLAB . Through simulation strapdown the correctness of the theory and algorithms , analysised the characteristics of position and velocity errors accumulate over time .

  13. 提出了进行SINS姿态校正的四元数补偿算法,采用闭环KF(卡尔曼滤波)技术实时校正惯性仪表误差,补偿四元数误差,修正位置、速度误差。

    Quaternion compensation algorithm for attitude correction of SINS is proposed using closed loop Kalman filter ( KF ) method that can real-time correct the errors of inertial instrument , compensate quaternion , position and velocity .

  14. 对于以速度误差为观测量的自对准和增加载相单差误差的GPS辅助对准两种对准方法,应用基于奇异值分解的可观测性分析方法进行了可观测性分析和仿真比较。

    The observability of the two methods , namely self-alignment taking velocity error as observation variables and GPS assistant alignment taking both velocity errors and carrier phase single-difference errors as observation variables , is analyzed by using singularity value decomposition . And the two methods are compared through simulations .

  15. 数值计算结果表明平衡分布边界条件克服了Bounce-Back方法在边界上所产生的滑动速度误差效应。

    The computational results show that the new boundary condition for the equilibrium distribution overcame the erroneous slip velocities resulted from the conventional bounce-back method .

  16. 具体工作为:(1)从理论上分析了航向速度误差对SAR成像处理的影响,得出随着SAR分辨率的提高或工作波段的降低,航向速度误差的影响越来越大的结论。

    The main work includes : ( 1 ) Theory analyses of the forward velocity error on SAR imaging are carried out . Based on the results , we conclude that as the SAR resolution higher or carrier frequency lower , the influence of forward velocity error worse .

  17. 在进行AVO分析时,由于速度误差的影响,CDP道集的反射波经动校正后的同相轴仍有扭曲现象,即存在着剩余时差,对AVO分析有很大影响。

    Because of the influence of velocity error , the NMO corrected events of CDP gather still look not straight , that is to say , there exist residual moveouts , causing bad influence on AVO analysis .

  18. 接着,由于速度误差中的划船效应补偿是MIMU的应用研究的另一个重要方面,本文给出了新的速度误差补偿算法的设计方法,并提出了12种新的划船效应补偿方法。

    The sculling error compensation is a key aspect of research in using MIMU to get the good performance of the system , and new sculling algorithms are developed to get good effect on the sculling compensation .

  19. 该系统可以达到分米级的位置误差,厘米级的速度误差,0.2度的姿态角度误差,以及高于100Hz的输出更新频率。

    The system yield the performance of decimeter position accuracy , centimeter velocity accuracy , 0.2 degree attitude accuracy , and more than 100 Hz update rate output .

  20. 针对双星定位系统(RDSS)存在的定位位置滞后的先天缺陷,根据组合导航定位系统输出速度误差小的特点,给出了一套消除RDSS位置滞后的方案,并对RDSS/SINS组合系统进行了建模。

    In order to eliminate the position lag for RDSS , a solution is proposed by taking the advantage of less output velocity errors of integrated navigation position system , and a model is built up for RDSS / SINS .

  21. 还引入导航系统的可观度定义来分析了导航系统的可观性,数学仿真结果表明导航的位置误差小于30km,速度误差小于0.3m/s,证明该自主光学导航算法是有效的。

    On the side , the observability degree definition of navigation system has been introduced and applied to the observability analysis of navigation system . And the autonomous optical navigation algorithm is validated using the numerical simulation .

  22. 沥青洒布车速度误差对洒布精度的影响

    Effect of Speed Error of Asphalt Spray Car on Spray Accuracy

  23. 给出了它们与陀螺测量角速度误差的关系式。

    The error of gyro measured angle velocity is given .

  24. 本文详细推导了里程计的速度误差方程。

    In this paper , the OD error equations are proposed in detail .

  25. 捷联惯导系统速度误差补偿实用算法

    A Practical Algorithm for Speed Error Compensation of SINS

  26. 初制导主要目的是消除入轨的初始位置速度误差。

    The initial guidance aims at eliminate the initial position and velocity errors .

  27. 炮口速度误差修正系数的理论推导与应用

    Deduction and Application of Muzzle Velocity Error Modifying Coefficients

  28. 无陀螺惯性测量组合设计及角速度误差补偿方法研究

    Design of Non-gyro Inertial Measurement Unit and Research on Error Compensation Method of Angular Velocity

  29. 陀螺罗经纬度、速度误差内补偿系统的检验方法及其原理

    The testing method and theoretical analysis of the internal compensation system for gyrocompass latitude and speed errors

  30. 初始对准观测方程通常以速度误差作为观测量,其主要缺点是系统的可观测性不理想。

    Generally the velocity errors are selected as the observation variables of initial alignment , which results in bad observability .