
  • 网络orbital control;track control;AOCS
  1. 本文讨论在相对运动体制下,追踪飞行器的轨道控制问题。

    Orbital control of chasing spacecraft during relative motion is studied .

  2. 相对运动有限推力轨道控制

    Finite thrust orbital control in relative motion

  3. 首先分析、确定低轨星座优化的轨道控制参数,然后将基于Pareto最优概念的多目标进化算法引入星座优化中。

    First the orbit control parameters for LEO constellation optimization were analyzed and determined ; then multi-object genetic algorithm based on Pareto maximum was introduced into constellation optimization .

  4. 结合星座覆盖性能的评价准则,给出了一种利用非劣分层遗传算法(NSGA-II)实现星座轨道控制参数优化的框架。

    Combining the coverage assessment criterions , an orbit parameters optimization framework based on nondominated sorting genetic algorithm ( NSGA-II ) was proposed .

  5. 为满足某在研大型挠性卫星计算机在回路中的仿真需要,利用dSPACE多处理器系统设计了卫星姿态和轨道控制实时仿真系统。

    To meet the need of on-board computer-in-the-loop simulation , real-time simulation system for attitude and orbit control of a flexible satellite is designed based on dSPACE multiprocessor system .

  6. 进而导出了带有J2项摄动的环绕星相对运动方程,并给出了基于惯性笛卡尔坐标系运动学变量的相对轨道控制方法。

    Then a control method considering the J2 perturbation based on Encke 's linearization equation is proposed to maintain the relative motion of the constellation .

  7. 本文导出了基于对象CARMA模型的多变量广义预测自适应控制器,并将这种新的控制方法应用于航天器轨道控制中。

    It is presented in this paper a multivariable generalized predictive adaptive controller based on CARMA model and its application in the orbit control of spacecraft .

  8. 通过用打靶法对Lorenz-Haken激光混沌模型进行控制,包括周期轨道控制和稳定轨道控制。

    The control of Lorenz-Haken laser chaos is realized by using the shooting method , including the periodic orbit control and stability control .

  9. 脉冲等离子体推力器(PPT)具有结构简单可靠,比冲高,推力在较大范围可控的特点,适合用于微、小卫星轨道控制和小卫星高精度姿态控制,其研究和应用得到了重视。

    With advantages of simple and reliable in structure , high Isp and easy control over a wide range of thrust , Pulsed Plasma Thruster ( PPT ) is very suitable for micro-satellite 's orbit control and high precision attitude control .

  10. 本文简要阐明CBERS-1轨道控制系统的任务目标、系统结构、轨道控制策略、控制性能、飞行软件和在轨操作以及飞行结果。

    The paper briefly presents the mission objectives , system structure , orbit control strategy , control performance , flight software and no-orbit operations for the orbit control system of the CBERS - 1 , as well as its flight results .

  11. 接着给出了轨道控制小推力火箭发动机的推力模型,并讨论了弹体上发动机的分布布局。

    Given orbit control and attitude control engine thrust model .

  12. 轨道控制分为平面内轨道控制和平面外轨道控制。

    Orbit control is divided into in-plane and out-plane control .

  13. 伴随卫星接近绕飞的轨道控制方法研究

    An Orbit Transfer Method for Concomitant Satellite Approaching and Flying-around

  14. 在轨地球同步卫星轨道控制参数计算及工程实现

    Orbit Control Strategies and Implementation for on-Orbit Geostationary Satellites

  15. 卫星轨道控制力对挠性帆板振动的影响

    Influence of Satellite Control Force on Its Flexible Solar Panel during Orbit Maneuver

  16. 井眼轨道控制系统控制原理分析

    Control principle analysis of bit trajectory control systems

  17. 混沌吸引子不稳定周期轨道控制方法研究

    The Research of the Method of Control Unstable Periodic Orbits Embedded in Chaotic Attractor

  18. 近圆轨道控制的分析方法

    An Analytical Method for Controlling Near Circular Orbits

  19. 定向井轨道控制中的地层力分析与验证

    An analysis and verification of formation force for controlling bit trajectory in directional drilling

  20. 探测器定点在日&地+月系三角平动点附近的轨道控制

    Station-Keeping of Spacecrafts around the Equilateral Equilibrium Points in the Sun-Earth + Moon System

  21. 浅谈逆向工程的应用追踪飞行器轨道控制执行机构为常值推力的轨控发动机。

    On Application of Reversing Engineering Thrust value of actuator is supposed to be constant .

  22. 月球软着陆探测器轨道控制方案设想

    Orbit control for lunar soft landing mission

  23. 高速铁路轨道控制网测量和数据处理探讨

    Exploration on the Surveying and Data Processing of Control Network for Ballastless Track of High-Speed Railway

  24. 星座与星座轨道控制技术

    Constellations and Their Orbit Control Techniques

  25. 描述许多轨道控制问题的方程通常构成非线性半显式的微分代数系统。

    The equations which describe many trajectory control problems naturally form nonlinear semiexplicit differential algebraic systems .

  26. 关于井眼轨道控制研究的新思考

    New idea on wellbore trajectory control

  27. 通用电气卫星轨道控制

    General electric satellite orbit control

  28. 钻柱力学对井眼轨道控制和钻柱疲劳失效研究具有重要的意义。

    Drill string mechanics is very important to the trajectory control and fatigue life prediction of drill string .

  29. 针对近距离相对运动的轨道控制问题,提出用常值小推力完成最优转移的方法。

    An optimal orbit maneuver method based on continuous low thrust was presented to solve relative motion control .

  30. 仿真结果证明了设计的卫星姿态和轨道控制实时仿真系统和串口通信接口模型的有效性。

    The simulation results show the effectiveness of this real-time simulation system and the modeling approach of serial communication .