
  • 网络Rail gap;joint gap
  1. 系统的激励大小可由轨缝值和行车速度推导出来,并运用赫兹非线性接触理论计算轮轨之间的相互作用力。

    The excitation value of the whole system could be derived by joint gap values and running speeds ; Hertz nonlinear contact theory is used to calculate the wheel / track interaction .

  2. 智能型轨缝电阻测量仪及其控制系统设计

    Design of Intelligent Joint Gap Resistance Measurement and Its Control System

  3. 25m钢轨轨缝设置的研究与探讨

    A Study on Setting of Gap of 25m Rail

  4. 数值结果表明:Mises等效应力、最大主剪应力、塑性区和变形越靠近轨缝越大;

    The results show that the Mises equivalent stress , the maximum shear stress , the plastic zone size and the deformations increase with a decrease in the distance from the contact point to the rail joint .

  5. 钢轨轨缝接触-冲击的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Contact-Impact of Wheel / Rail at Rail Gap

  6. 钢轨接头轨缝对轮轨接触应力的影响

    Effects of rail gap on wheel-rail contact stresses

  7. 钢轨接头轨缝值和行车速度对轮轨垂向振动的影响

    Effects of Rail Joint Gap and Running Speed on the Wheel / Rail Vertical Vibration

  8. 介绍了一种利用变化率滤波处理水平参数中轨缝信息的方法。

    This paper introduces a method to eliminate the rail slot information which adopt to Variability rate filtering .

  9. 同时,轨缝信息也是轨道检查关注的内容,但在进行超限检查时,轨缝信息将引起频繁的超限误报。

    Which is required in track inspecting too , but the rail slot information will induce false report .

  10. 在车辆的响应分析中,对于载荷模型可以分为:动不平衡载荷;轮缺陷及其擦伤载荷以及直轨道轨缝、接头处引起的激振载荷。

    As to load model , it contains unbalance dynamic load , wheel flaw , abrasive load and rail gap exciting load .

  11. 最大等效应力和最大主剪应力的位置随接触点到轨缝距离的减小而接近轨面;

    The maxim equivalent stress and shear stress occur close to the rail surface if the wheel-rail contact point approaches the rail joint .

  12. 建立了钢轨接头抗扭刚度的计算模型,推导了冻结无缝线路稳定性的计算公式,分析了接头阻力、预留轨缝、曲线半径等因素对冻结无缝线路稳定性的影响。

    A model is proposed for calculating the flexural rigidity of rail joints . The calculation formulas for the stability of the track with frozen joints are deduced .

  13. 为了分析轨缝值与行车速度对车辆通过钢轨接头时产生的振动与噪声的影响程度,利用有限元方法,建立了车辆&轨道垂向耦合动力计算模型;

    Dynamic computational model of vehicle / track vertical coupling system is developed by means of finite element method for analyzing the effects of joint gap value and running speed on the vibration caused when the vehicle passing a rail joint .

  14. 运用插值法对轨向高低的轨缝信息进行较深入的探讨,在此基础上确立了目前对轨向高低轨缝信息的处理方法;

    Discussed the rail slot information of the track direction and the track height parameter in interpolation method ;

  15. 在处理轨检仪信息时,轨缝或焊接接头,道岔等轨道不连续部位将引起很严重的信息干扰。

    When dealing with the track datum , there are many interferential information , such as the rail slot information .