
  • 网络orbit perturbation
  1. 分析了星载合成孔径雷达空间几何关系和卫星轨道摄动方程,提出了一种基于StopandGo模型的星载SAR回波信号仿真方法。

    This paper analyses space geometrics of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar and equation of orbit perturbation , and brings forward a method of simulation of spaceborne SAR echo based on stop-and-go model .

  2. 本文基于Lie级数的方法对卫星轨道摄动进行了频谱分析。这种摄动是由地球引力场的所有带谱调和项和田谐调和项引起的。

    In this paper an expression for the spectrum of satellite orbit perturbation , induced by all zonal and tesseral harmonics of the earth 's gravitational field , is derived based on Lie series .

  3. 低高度环月卫星轨道摄动分析和计算

    Analyzing and Computing the Orbit Perturbation of Low-Altitude Lunar Satellite

  4. 太阳活动对卫星轨道摄动影响仿真

    Simulation of Solar Activities ' Impact on Satellite Orbit Perturbation

  5. 卫星轨道摄动的小波平滑

    Analysis of Orbital Perturbation of Satellite via Wavelet Smoothing

  6. 地球引力场带谐调和项引起的卫星轨道摄动

    Satellite orbit perturbation caused by zonal spherical harmonics in the earth 's gravitational field

  7. 最后讨论保持点的动力学特性和轨道摄动对保持点的影响。

    Dynamic characteristics of the station keeping point and orbit perturbations are finally discussed .

  8. 卫星自主定轨中轨道摄动仿真组合大视场星敏感器自主定轨方法

    An Autonomous Orbit Determination Method for Satellite Star Sensors with Large Field of View

  9. 中间轨道摄动法及其应用

    A perturbative method and application of intermediate orbit

  10. 基于小波变换的轨道摄动时间序列建模及仿真

    Modeling and Simulation on Orbital Perturbation of Satellite by Time-sequence Analysis Based on Wavelet Transformation

  11. 卫星轨道摄动频谱分析

    Spectral analysis of satellite orbit perturbation

  12. 在指定时间内,轨道摄动方程的状态变化可以用柯西标准型的常微分方程表述。

    In certain time , orbit perturbation equations can be written in form of ordinary differential equations .

  13. 该初制导方法能补偿制导方法误差和轨道摄动对拦截脱靶量的影响。

    The miss distance caused by guidance method error and the effects of perturbation are compensated in this initial guidance law .

  14. 从而,建立起反映太阳活动的太阳10.7cm辐射流量与卫星轨道摄动的关系模型。

    Then the relation model between satellite orbit perturbation and 10.7 cm solar radio flux , which reflects solar activity , is established .

  15. 研究了基于小波变换的卫星轨道摄动偏差特征提取方法,能够对轨道摄动偏差做出很好的预测和噪声平滑;

    The characteristic identification method for orbital perturbation difference via wavelet transformation was researched , which has a high performance in prediction for perturbation difference .

  16. 采用这种控制方法能够补偿轨道摄动对拦截脱靶量的影响,并通过仿真验证了此方法的有效性。

    The miss distance caused by the effects of perturbation was compensated in this initial control . The simulation results show that the initial control is rational and efficient .

  17. 在摄动力分类和轨道摄动偏差统计分析的基础上,给出了一种基于小波变换的卫星轨道摄动时间序列分析建模方法。

    A modeling method on orbital perturbation of satellite by time-sequence analysis based on wavelet transformation was proposed after the classification of perturbation and the statistics analysis of orbital perturbation difference .

  18. 依据卫星轨道摄动测量结果反演的地壳区域构造应力场和密度场资料,可圈定油气区域构造圈闭和储集油气的低密度层。

    The data of crustal stress and density fields calculated from perturbations of satellite orbits are used for delineation of structural traps of hydrocarbon accumulation and detection of low density hydrocarbon bearing formations .

  19. 卫星在编队飞行过程中总受到各种摄动力的作用,由于轨道摄动直接影响卫星的寿命,研究卫星编队飞行相对轨道的摄动问题具有重要的意义。

    Satellites may be perturbed by many perturbations in formation flying all the time and the life of the satellite is affected directly by perturbations . So it is important to study perturbations in the relative orbit of satellites in formation flying .

  20. 本文推证了一个轨道摄动制导的干扰定理,按照这个定理,可以估算由引力,特别是气动力等干扰力引起的偏差沿轨道的传播量。

    In this paper a general perturbation theorem about orbital perturbed guidance is derived . By means of the theorem , we can estimate propagation value of the deviation along the orbit which is caused by disturbing force , such as the gravitation , especially aerodynamic force and so on .

  21. 卫星编队飞行相对轨道的摄动研究综述

    Study on perturbations in the relative orbit of satellite formation flying

  22. 根据相对轨道的摄动理论,分析了影响编队卫星相对轨道的摄动因素;

    Based on perturbation theory of satellite , perturbation factors influencing relative orbit of formation satellites are analyzed .

  23. 在考虑地球同步轨道主要摄动条件下,进行编队飞行队形变化动力学仿真。

    With the main perturbation in the earth-synchronous orbit considered , the simulation for formation flying satellites dynamics is studied .

  24. 通过算例表明,当卫星带有大量电荷时,地球磁场对卫星轨道的摄动影响必须加以考虑。

    It can be shown that this effect must be considered if a satellite brings much charge in the Earths magnetic field .

  25. 近地卫星轨道的联合摄动

    The combined perturbation on the orbit of closed earth 's satellite

  26. 磁感应阻力对导体卫星在圆形轨道上的摄动影响

    Perturbation Effect of Magnetic Inductive Drag on the Circular Orbital Elements of the Conductive Satellite

  27. 出差由于太阳引力引起的月球轨道运动的摄动(月亮的)满月之后是月亏。

    Solar perturbation of the lunar orbit . ( of the moon ) after full moon comes the waning moon .

  28. 双星多方模型的形状及其对同步子星轨道要素的摄动影响

    Configuration of the Polytropic Model of Binary Star and Its Perturbation Influence on the Orbital Elements of the Synchronous Components in Close Binary System

  29. 卫星编队飞行中相对轨道的J2摄动分析

    J_2 perturbation analysis of relative orbits in satellite formation flying

  30. 给出自转对轨道产生的长期摄动效应和周期摄动效应。

    The secular and periodic perturbation effects are both given .