
  • 网络stellar motion
  1. 线条的方向表示恒星运动的方向;

    The direction of the line indicates the direction of the star 's motion ;

  2. 开普勒-62F行星是一个比地球大1.4倍的岩石世界,它围绕着一颗比太阳小且暗的恒星运动。

    Kepler-62f is a rocky world 1.4 times bigger than earth and circles a star smaller and dimmer than the sun .

  3. 但地球相对于太阳运动,太阳相对于某些其他恒星运动,等等。

    But the earth is in motion relative to the sun , the sun is in motion relative to some other star , and so on .

  4. GJ581d被认为是在太阳系之外宜居带内发现的绕恒星运动的第一颗行星。宜居带不冷不热,适合生命生存。

    GJ 581d is believed to be the first planet outside our solar system in the Goldilocks zone around its star an area not too hot and not too cold for life .

  5. 2009年启用的开普勒望远镜根据恒星运动到太阳前方附近轨道时造成恒星反射的微弱光观察到了超过10万颗恒星。

    Launched in 2009 , Kepler watched more than 100000 stars , looking for tiny dips in a star 's brightness caused by orbiting planets when they pass in front of their sun .

  6. 提取尽可能多的星系内部恒星运动信息、减少模板星失配的影响、简化误差分析,是这些方法追求的目标。

    The ultimate purpose of these new methods is to get galactic dynamical information from its spectrum as much as possible , to minimize the effect of template mismatching , and to simplify the error analysis . Exercise .

  7. 科学家发现的第三颗可能类似地球的行星是开普勒-69C行星,它是地球体积的1.7倍,围绕着太阳附近的一颗恒星运动,布鲁克说这次的发现是人类在寻找第一颗“外星地球”过程中所迈出的一大步。

    The third potential earth-like planet identified by the scientists is Kepler-69c , standing at 1.7 times bigger than Earth and orbits a star similar to our own sun . Borucki said it represents a big step towards finding the first ever " alien earth . "

  8. 利用Lick天文台的NPM星表作为参考架,高精度地测定银河场天琴RR型星的绝对自行,可以使得对于这些恒星空间运动的研究建立在更加可靠的基础上。

    High precision measurements of absolute proper motion for Galactic field RR Lyrae stars on the reference frame from the Lick NPM catalogue enables the investigation of space motions for these stars based on more reliable data .

  9. 非球对称情况下的恒星风运动方程

    Equation of motion for stellar wind under the condition of non-spherical symmetry

  10. 即使这样,他仍然无法判断究竟是他还是恒星在运动。

    Even then he cannot decide whether he or the stars are moving .

  11. 外来能量冲击对恒星内部运动影响的数值研究

    Numerical Study of the Kinematic Effect of an External Energetic Strike on a Massive Star

  12. 这种颤动旋转产生了恒星的运动形状,并逐渐在天空中漂移,称为一个5125年周期中的一个岁差。

    This wobbling rotation causes the movement of stars pattern and gradually drift in the sky called precession in a5,125 year cycle .

  13. 格布哈特说,在这个巨大星系的中心,恒星的运动的确说明,在不太遥远的过去该星系有可能经历过一次吞并黑洞的事件。

    Stellar motions in the core of the giant galaxy do indeed suggest that it may have experienced a black hole merger in the not-too-distant past , says Gebhardt .

  14. 基于银河系对毗连的矮星系的引力作用,研究人员作出一项新的估计:银河系比过去的测量更强大。过去的测量是以大质量恒星的运动为基础。

    A new estimate , based on its effect on the motion of a nearby dwarf galaxy , has the Milky Way a bit beefier than some past measurements that relied on the motions of massive stars .

  15. (指对时间的划分)根据恒星的日常运动来确定。

    ( of divisions of time ) determined by daily motion of the stars .

  16. 星敏感器与目标恒星的相对运动使恒星像斑的像移不可避免。

    The star motion is inevitable for the oppositely motion between the target star and the star sensor .

  17. 通过仿真验证,该方法对于运动恒星背景中运动小目标的检测具有比较好的效果。

    It is demonstrated that this method have a good effect on the moving small space object detection in the moving star background through simulation test .

  18. 在一般的发电机里,运动的部份是旋转的线圈;而在行星或恒星里,运动的则是导电的流体。

    In a generator , the moving parts are spinning coils of wire ; in a planet or star , the motion occurs within an electrically conducting fluid .

  19. 如何处理恒星中的对流运动,是恒星结构和演化理论中一个极为重要的问题。

    How to deal with the turbulent convection motion in stars is a very important problem in the theory of stellar structure and evolution .

  20. 这是非常有用的手段,在天文学中,如果有,一个二元体系,若恒星真的这样运动,你就能得到你想要的,所有的数值。

    So it 's an extremely powerful tool in astronomy if you have a binary system , when the stars exactly do this , to determine all these quantities that you would like to know .

  21. 在第十九章我们已了解到,恒星光谱中的红移是恒星背离地球的运动造成的。

    In chap. 19 we saw that red shifts in stellar spectra result from motions away from the earth .

  22. 例如,通过重新测定150多颗恒星的位置,多次测定二十八星宿距天体北极的度数,发现恒星是运动的。

    For instance , they remeasured the post-tion of over 150 stars and the degree between the 28 constellations and the celestial North Pole , hence concluding the stars were always in mo-tion .

  23. 运行较快的恒星会减慢下来,而较慢的则加速前进,让自己与其他的恒星同步运动。

    Faster ones slow down and slower ones speed up , so they bring themselves into sync .