
  • 网络stellar temperature
  1. 由于这样的恒星温度相对较低,它的行星在近距离环绕其运行的同时还能保持着适宜的气候和温度。

    Since these stars are so much cooler , their planets can orbit much closer to them and still remain in the habitable zone .

  2. 文章采用非参数估计算法对恒星表面温度进行估计。

    A non-parameter estimation algorithm is proposed to estimate the stellar effective temperature in the present paper .

  3. 它的恒星表面温度与地球一样,但直径要比地球大上百分之十。

    Its sun has the same surface temperature as our own , but has a diameter that is 10 percent larger 。

  4. 这颗恒星的温度比太阳低40%,质量和体积只有太阳的三分之一左右。

    The star is 40 % cooler than our sun and only about a third of the sun 's mass and size .

  5. 这颗恒星的表面温度估计在零下75摄氏度左右。

    The star 's surface temperature is reckoned to be minus 75 degrees Celsius

  6. Hoyle,Lyttleton(1939年)给出恒定速度运动的恒星对忽略温度的静态气体云的吸积公式。

    Hoyle & Lyttleton ( 1939 ) considered the accretion of the non-temperature statice gas on moving star .

  7. 使恒星中心的温度降低;

    The central temperature of the star becomes lower ;

  8. 这颗恒星上的温度最低可低至零下54华摄氏度,最高也只有零上9华摄氏度。

    Temperatures on this body range from a frosty minus 54 to plus 9 degrees Fahrenheit .

  9. 恒星所达到的温度取决于它的质量。

    The temperature a star attains is determined by its mass .

  10. 大质量恒星的中心区域温度最高。

    Massive stars are hottest in their central regions .

  11. 宽宏大量是她的最佳品质。大质量恒星的中心区域温度最高。

    Generosity is her best trait . Massive stars are hottest in their central regions .

  12. 恒星大气物理参数,包括恒星的有效温度、表面重力、化学丰度,是导致恒星光谱差异的重要因素。

    The physical parameters of stellar atmosphere , including the effective temperature , surface gravity and chemical abundance , are three main important factors leading to the differences of stellar spectra .

  13. 用摄谱仪分析恒星的光谱,可提供恒星的距离、温度、大小以及运动等方面的材料。

    The analysis of starlight with the spectrograph has provided information on the distances , temperatures , sizes , and notions of the stars .

  14. 但是细致分析显示演化恒星色球活动水平随恒星自转周期间的分布对恒星光谱型和恒星表面有效温度有很强的依赖,并对这些现象提出了几种可能的解释。

    But meticulous analysis show chromospheric activity of evolution stars depend on stellar spectral type and effective temperature strongly .