
  • 网络stellar radiation
  1. 建立了以恒星目视星等、等效温度为参数的恒星辐射谱模型,使利用恒星数据库进行背景噪声分析变得更加简捷。

    A new stellar radiation spectral function was produced to convenience the background noise analysis of satellite optical communication system .

  2. 一种改进的恒星辐射流体动力学方程

    A set of the improved radiation - hydrodynamic equations for stellar oscillations

  3. 该方法根据最佳检测原则,由信噪比阈值和APS噪声值得到APS探测信号值,再通过典型APS对0星等恒星的辐射响应求出APS相应的探测极限星等。

    The APS detection signal is obtained from signal-noise ratio ( SNR ) threshold and APS total noise value based on optimal detection principle . The corresponding stellar detection limit of APS is obtained through the radiation response of typical APS to 0 magnitude star .

  4. 恒星的辐射将是无法节制的。

    The radiation of the star could not be regulated .

  5. 太阳和恒星的辐射波和放射,会加速并优化聚集的水晶能量。

    Solar and Stellar radiation waves and emissions accelerate and optimize the amassed beds of crystalline energies .

  6. 这颗人造卫星将用来研究恒星的能量辐射。

    The satellite will study energy radiation from stars .

  7. APS星跟踪器探测灵敏度同APS噪声源、填充因子、量化效应、频谱响应和恒星的光辐射特性有关,其中,APS噪声和APS对恒星辐射的响应特性是主要影响因素。

    The detection sensitivity of APS ( Active Pixel Sensor ) star tracker is related to APS noise source , fill factor , quantization effect , spectra response and star light radiation behavior . APS noise source and the stellar response of APS are the main influence factors .

  8. 晚型恒星宁静微波辐射的一种产生机制

    A possible mechanism for the microwave radiation from the quiescent coronae of late-type stars

  9. 在每个柱子的顶端,明亮的年轻恒星发出的强辐射使低浓度的物质沸腾离开该恒星托儿所,从而将EGGs暴露出来。

    At each pillars'end , the intense radiation of bright young stars causes low density material to boil away , leaving stellar nurseries of dense EGGs exposed .

  10. N44内部炽热年轻亮星的恒星风和强烈辐射,激发四周的云气发出辉光,也雕塑出这些奇形怪状的云气丝。

    Winds and intense radiation from hot , young , luminous stars in N44 excite and sculpt filaments and streamers of the glowing nebular gas .

  11. 热恒星的紫外辐射使星云发光。

    Ultraviolet radiation from the hot star powers the nebular glow .

  12. 它也几乎被它的母恒星“潮汐锁定”一面持续接受恒星电磁辐射的烘烤冲击,另一面朝向冰冷的黑暗空间。

    It is also almost certainly tidally locked to its parent , meaning that one side is constantly baked and blasted by stellar radiation , while the other faces the freezing blackness of space .