
  • 网络Horizontal branch
  1. 如果处于一个水平分支它会擦自己的喙。

    if it 's sitting on a horizontal branch , it 'll wipe its beak on its perch .

  2. 功率密度谱表明,如果CirX-1是Z源,那么所采用的数据将处于Z源的不同态,即垂直水平分支态、水平分支态、正常分支态和耀斑分支态。

    The power density spectra show that the used observations are in the different states of Cir X-1 , i. e. vertical horizontal-branch spectral state , horizontal-branch spectral state , normal-branch spectral state , and flaring branch spectral state , if Cir X-1 is a Z source .

  3. 地质油藏随钻技术在渤海水平分支井钻进中的应用

    Applications of geological reservoir technique while drilling of horizontal multilateral well in Bohai sea

  4. 对于斜井多井系统和由多条斜井分支组成的水平分支井的等价压力点,提出了一个理论计算公式和一种有效算法,并通过计算实例验证。

    The algorithm was verified by computational examples . 3 . A theoretical formula and an efficient algorithm are presented to solve the equivalent pressure point of an inclined multi-well system or horizontal multilateral well consisting of inclined branches .

  5. 鱼骨型水平井分支井眼完井技术实施探讨

    Discussion of completion techniques on branch hole of fishbone well

  6. 煤层气水平羽状分支井的综合录井

    Coal seam gas mud logging for horizontal pinnate branch well

  7. 应用实例计算表明,本文通过对水平多分支井钻柱进行力学分析,力学分析结果对现场钻井具有重要的指导意义。

    With the mechanic analysis to the field application of the horizontal multi-branch wells , it shows that the solution has great realistic significance to field operation .

  8. 腹腔干水平各分支的供血情况以及再入口分布对主动脉夹层真假腔鉴别有重要临床应用价值,并有助于发现该区域的再入口。

    The level of the celiac branch of the blood supply as well as import of the distribution of true and false lumen of aortic dissection has important clinical value of identification and help to identify the region re-entry .

  9. 水平井与分支水平井产能计算的几个问题

    Problems concerning the productivity calculation of horizontal well and branch horizontal well

  10. 水平井、分支井采油工艺现状分析与展望

    Status analysis and Prospect of the horizontal well , complex - structure well techniques

  11. 水平井及分支井流入动态预测方法研究

    Research on the Prediction Method of the Inflow Performance Relationship of Horizontal Wells and Multi-lateral Wells

  12. 在水平T形分支管道中,用压缩空气作为输送气体,对不同粒径的砂石进行气力输送试验。

    Pneumatic conveying experiments of different particle diameter sands were carried out using compress air at horizontal tee branch pipe .

  13. 嵌套因子依赖于分支因子的水平,在分支因子的不同水平下,存在着不同的嵌套因子。

    Nested factors depends on the branching factors , and within different levels of the branching factor , there exist different nested factors .

  14. 井筒技术也比陆上发展要快些,主要使用长距离水平钻井及分支水平井钻井技术等。

    Newer well bore technologies , as well as seismic , are adopted preferentially offshore such as long-distance horizontal drilling and multilateral horizontal drilling technologies .

  15. 根据等值渗流阻力法原理,采用电路分析方法,研究了水平井和分支水平井与直井混合井网条件下的产能公式。

    According to the law of equivalent percolation resistance , the productivities of mixed well patterns of horizontal well or multilateral horizontal well with vertical well are studied .

  16. 同时,对短半径侧钻水平井、分支水平井、大位移水平井等特殊水平井完井技术进行了深入地研究和大胆地尝试,并获得了成功。

    Meanwhile , further studies and tests have been conducted on the advanced completion technologies for short radius sidetracking horizontal well , multilateral well , and extended reach well .

  17. 水平井、分支井技术是国内外开发油气田、提高采收率的重要手段。

    The technology of horizontal well and multi-lateral horizontal well is an important means to development the oil and gas fields and enhance oil recovery at home and abroad .

  18. 近年来,水平井、分支井已逐渐成为世界范围内油气藏增产的重要手段。

    In recent years , drilling horizontal wells and branched well has been becoming an important method of increasing production for oil and gas reservoirs development all over the world .

  19. 由于水平井和分支井的生产过程与直井有较大差别,随着水平井和分支水平井的广泛应用,研究和分析水平井及多分支水平井的产能具有重要意义。

    Because there is a distinct difference in the producing procedure between horizontal and multi-branch horizontal wells and vertical wells , and the wide application of these kinds of wells , it is very significative to further the study of the productivity of these wells .

  20. 结果表明,分支水平井的分支长度和分支井数是影响产能的主要因素,二者的影响程度相当,增加分支长度或分支井数均可以增大泄油范围,进一步增加油井产能。

    The results show that the major factors of affecting the well deliverability are lateral branch length and branch number . The oil drainage area can be improved when the branch length or branch number is increased , and the well deliverability will be increased .

  21. 对水平井和分支井的流入动态研究及产能分析可以充分发挥水平井和分支井潜力,提高油田开发效果。

    The study of the inflow performance relationship and capacity analysis of horizontal well and multi-lateral horizontal well , which can give full play to the level of potential of horizontal well and multi-lateral horizontal well , which can enhance the effect of oil field development .

  22. 点源函数在水平井及多分支井试井理论中的应用

    Application of Point Source Function to Well Test Theory of Horizontal Wells and Multi-lateral Wells

  23. 正如之前提到的,编码人员的工作峰值水平在每个项目分支的构建阶段是很高的。

    As noted earlier , the peak level of effort for a coder is high in the Construction phase of each program branch .

  24. 几何学是数学中最先提高到精湛水平的一个分支,它仅仅建立在长度概念的基础上。

    Geometry , the first branch of mathematics that was brought to a sophisticated level , is based simply on the idea of length .

  25. 对于低渗透、特低渗透油气藏而言,目前国际上有效的开发方式有两种,其一是打水平井、多分支井,然而这种方法的成本相对较高;

    As for low and extra low permeability oil and gas reservoirs , right now there are two effective developing styles internationally , one is drilling horizontal well and drilling multiple branch well , however , the cost of this method is relatively high ;

  26. 通过研究,建立了多分支水平井油藏渗流与井筒管流耦合模型,该模型与数模结果平均误差小于3%,为多分支水平井分支参数优化和完井参数优化设计提供了理论基础。

    The average error of the result of this model and the numerical simulation is less than 3 % . The theoretical basis of the branch parameter optimization and completion parameters optimization is provided by this model .