
  • 网络hydrologic effects;hydrological effects
  1. 探讨了30年生油松天然林的水文效应。

    The hydrologic effects of 30-year old natural Chinese pine forests have been measured .

  2. 试论城市水文效应及城市水环境&以贵州喀斯特区的城市环境为例

    A dissertation of urban hydrologic effects and environmental hydrology in the karst region of Guizhou Province

  3. Fuzzy综合评判在森林水文效应研究中的应用

    Application of Multiple-Level Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgment Technique in the Studies of Forest Hydrologic Effect

  4. 祁连山植被水文效应的多层次Fuzzy综合评判

    Multiple - Level Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Hydrological Functions of Vegetations on the Qilian Mountains

  5. 结合GIS与遥感技术获取模型所需的驱动数据和初始参数,进行参数率定及模型验证,为分析流域内城市化的长期水文效应和洪水效应提供科学的分析方法。

    The required driving data and initial parameters were obtained in help of combination of GIS and RS technologies .

  6. 丛生竹林生态系统的水文效应研究I.麻竹人工林地表径流规律的初探

    Studies on Water Effects of Biological System of Big cluster Bamboo Forest I.Exploitation of rules of earth surface stream in man made forest

  7. SWAT模型在流域LUCC水文效应研究中的应用

    Application of SWAT Model in Basin LUCC Hydrological Effects

  8. 森林土壤和枯枝落叶层DOM的研究广州七种园林植物枯落物的水文效应

    Dissolved Organic Matter of Soil and Forest Floor in Forest Ecosystems ; Hydrological Effects of Seven Landscape Plants Litter in Guangzhou

  9. 植被护坡的水文效应探讨

    Discussion on the hydrology Effect of the Slope Protection by Vegetation

  10. 阐述因城镇化产生的水文效应,以及给小城镇带来的水问题。

    Hydrological effect and water problem caused by urbanization are researched .

  11. 黄土区坡面与小流域植被变化的水文效应分析

    Hydrological effects of vegetation change in loess slope and small watershed

  12. 气候变化的水文效应气候及老化之因素

    Hydrologic Impacts Owing to Climatic Change FACTORS OF WEATHERING AND CLIMATE

  13. 小兴安岭林区森林水文效应分析

    Brief analysis of hydrological function of forest in lesser Xingan Mountains

  14. 黄土高原中部森林的流域水文效应研究

    Effect of Forest on Watersheds Hydrological Process in Middle Loess Plateau

  15. 杉木幼林生态系统水文效应研究

    Study on Hydrological Benefit of the Ecosystem of Thicket Chinese Fir Plantation

  16. 长江三角洲地区城市化的水文效应研究

    Impacts of urbanization on hydrology in the Yangtze River delta

  17. 北京十三陵不同林分枯落物层和土壤层水文效应研究

    Hydrological Effects of Forest Litters and Soil in Ming Tombs Forest Farm

  18. 常绿阔叶林生态系统水文效应研究

    Study on Hydrological Effect of Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Ecological System

  19. 祁连山森林水文效应研究综述

    Review on Hydrological Effect study of Forest in Qilian Mountains

  20. 北京密云水库地区2种人工林生态系统水文效应研究

    Hydrological effects of two artificial forest ecosystems in Miyun reservoir of Beijing

  21. 汶川地震对现代河流形态的影响与水文效应

    Morphological and Hydrological Effects of Wenchuan Earthquake on Modern Rivers

  22. 雾灵山典型林分枯落物和土壤水文效应

    Hydrological effects of forest litters and soil in Wuling mountain

  23. 巢湖流域土地利用/覆被变化的水文效应研究

    Hydrological Response to Land Use / Land Cover Change in Chaohu Basin

  24. 黄土高原森林水文效应及林地生产力研究

    Researches of forest hydrological effect and forest land productivity in the Loess Plateau

  25. 南方红壤丘陵区人工林地水文效应研究

    Hydrological Effect of Artificial Forest in Red Soil Hilly Region of South China

  26. 祁连山青海云杉林枯落物层水文效应分析

    Analysis of hydrological effects from litter of Picea crassifolia forests in Qilian Mountains

  27. 广州七种园林植物枯落物的水文效应

    Hydrological Effects of Seven Landscape Plants Litter in Guangzhou

  28. 绿竹种源的引种水文效应分析

    Analysis on hydrological effect of Bambusa oldhami provenances

  29. 湛江市的干旱治理与森林生态系统的水文效应

    Solution to the Drought and the Hydrological Function of Forest Ecosystem in Zhanjiang City

  30. 川西亚高山不同植被类型林地水文效应及评价

    Study on Hydrological Effects and Evaluation of Different Vegetation in Western Sichuan , China