
  • 网络flood forecast;Flood Forecasting
  1. 基于GIS的三峡库区洪水预报系统

    Based on GIS for the Three Gorges Reservoir Flood Forecast System

  2. 基于改进BP网络模型的洪水预报研究

    Research on flood forecast based on improved BP model

  3. 基于Web的水库洪水预报调度系统的关键技术

    Key Technologies of Web-based Reservoir Flood Forecasting and Control System

  4. 基于Web的洪水预报系统

    Development of web-based flood forecasting system for basins

  5. 基于GIS的汉江流域洪水预报系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of GIS-based Flood Forecasting System for Hanjiang River Basin

  6. 小波变换与BP神经网络耦合的洪水预报方法

    Flood forecasting method of coupling wavelet transform with BP neural network

  7. 延迟BP算法在洪水预报中的应用

    Application of Delayed BP Arithmetic in Flood Forecasting

  8. 短期洪水预报的新型BP网络模型

    A New BP Model for Short-time Flood Forecasting

  9. 基于PSO优化的BP神经网络在洪水预报中的应用

    PSO-Based Optimization of BP Neural Networks in Flood Forecasting

  10. 基于AutoCAD的中小型水库群洪水预报

    The Flood Automatic Forecast of Small And Medium-sized Multi-reservoir Based on AutoCAD

  11. 为了更好的防洪避害,需要精度高实时的洪水预报。引入动态FIR神经网络于洪水预报,并和BP神经网络预报的效果进行了比较。

    In order to avoid effectively flood disaster , higher accuracy flood forecasting is importance .

  12. FIR神经网络及其在洪水预报上的应用

    FIR Neural Network and Its Applications in Flood Forecasting

  13. 提出了将GIS应用到流域洪水预报系统,实现地理信息系统与洪水预报系统的结合。

    Suggest using GIS in basin flood forecasting system to realize the combination of flood forecasting system and GIS system .

  14. 基于DEM的分布式汇流模型及其在洪水预报中的应用

    Distributed Flow Routing Model Based on DEM and Its Application in Flood Forecasting

  15. 利用现代洪水预报调度技术和分布式网络编程技术,成功开发了基于Web的水库洪水预报调度系统。

    By using the modern flood forecasting and dispatching technology and the distributed network programming technology , the Web-based reservoir flood control system was successfully designed and developed .

  16. 为了洪水预报,瑞典国家水文气象局开发了HBV水文预报模型及与之相集成的软件系统。

    Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute developed HBV hydrological forecast model and an integrative system based on flood forecast .

  17. 并且以VB语言和SqlServer2000数据库为基础开发了实用性较强的洪水预报软件,实现了人机对话的功能。

    On the based of VB language and SQL Server 2000 database develop high practicability flood forecast software and implement man-machine conversation function .

  18. 论文探索了人工神经网络方法(ANN)在河道洪水预报中的应用;该结果具有一定实用前景。

    The artificial neural network ( ANN ) method is studied for use in river channel flood forecasting , the result show that the method can be applied in practice .

  19. 小波软阈值降噪与BP神经网络综合模型(NNBP模型)应用于洪水预报。

    The model ( NNBP ) combined the wavelet soft-threshold de-noising with BP-GA model application to the flood forecast .

  20. 通过SqlServer数据库接口对实时洪水预报系统预报的入库洪水进行分析,统计其洪水特性,包括洪峰流量、洪水总量、洪水频率等。

    The reservoir inflow , which are forecasted by the real-time flood forecasting subsystem and stored in SQL Server database , are analyzed . The statistics of flood characteristic conclude peak flow , flood volume , flood frequency etc.

  21. BP-GA模型应用于洪水预报。

    ( 1 ) BP-GA model application to the flood forecast .

  22. 本文将BP网络的洪水预报模型、基于自适应遗传算法的BP网络洪水预报模型应用于珠江三角洲北江的洪水预报。

    The thesis use the artificial neural network-forecasting model for flood water level and the artificial neural network-forecasting model for flood water level based on adaptive genetic algorithm to forecasting of flood on Beijiang River in Zhujiang Delta .

  23. 利用相关关系,在不同地区研究了满足实际洪水预报要求的DEM分辨率问题。本文以三峡区间和福建龙岩地区小流域为例研究满足实际洪水预报要求的DEM分辨率问题。

    Using the correlation relationships , the resolution ratio of DEM that meet the requirement of flood forecasting is studied in different areas , which provides the foundation for actual application .

  24. BP-GA学习算法在短期洪水预报中的应用

    Application of BP-GA mixed algorithms to forecasting short term flood

  25. 研制了包括Sacramento模型、Tank模型、API模型、新安江模型等多种洪水预报模块,并形成了浑河流域暴雨洪水预报系统。

    Developing lots of flood forecasting models , including Sacramento Model , Tank Model , API Model and Xin'an River Model , and forming the storm and flood forecasting schemes in the Hun basin .

  26. 为了减小系统误差,本次研究尝试将雷达测雨技术、BP神经网络技术引入流域洪水预报中,并建立基于分布式水文模型的洪水预报模型。

    In order to diminish the system error , this study tried to introduce the weather radar rainfall technique and BP neural network technique into River Basin flood forecasting , and a flood forecasting model was developed based on the distributed hydrological model .

  27. 提出了洪水预报模型预评估机(PEM)的概念,介绍了其工作原理,并提出了基于相似系数、基于人工神经网络和基于支持向量机三种类型的预评估机模型。

    The concept and principle of pre-evaluation machine ( PEM ) of flood forecast models are described . PEM models based on resemblance coefficient , ANN and SVM are posed .

  28. 以GIS为基础,寻求流域面雨量与雨量站均匀度的相关关系,分析比较了相关分析和离散数据网格化法两种雨量插值方法对洪水预报精度影响。

    Based on GIS , the correlation relationship between areal rainfall and the equality degree of precipitation station is found out , and the influence to hydrological forecast of two methods , the method of correlation relationship and the method of discrete data gridding , is analyzed and compared .

  29. 结果表明,应用DHF产流模型和流域经验单位线相结合的洪水预报方案模拟的洪水过程与实际洪水过程吻合的更好。

    The results showed that the simulated flood fitted the actual flood better when applied the flood forecasting scheme combining DHF runoff model and watershed experience unit hydrograph model .

  30. 选取了SSARR模型作为区间洪水预报的水文学模型,介绍了模型的基本原理和具体的计算流程;

    We choose SSARR model as the hydraulic model of section flood forecast and address the basic principles and calculating procedure .