
  1. 洪婷兰是个可爱的姑娘,聪明,非常有吸引力。他们喜欢和对方在一起。

    Ting 's a lovely girl , smart and very attractive .

  2. 他们经常见面,洪婷兰已经成为休格兰特生活中重要的一部分。

    They see each other most days and she 's a big part of his life .

  3. 休格兰特和32岁的洪婷兰去年相识,从1月开始约会。

    The actor met Hong , 32 , last year and is said to have been dating her since January .

  4. 根据每日邮报的报道,休格兰特已经和绯闻女友、中国姑娘洪婷兰约会了有一段时间。

    The Daily Mail is reporting that Grant has been on a series of dates with his rumored new Chinese girlfriend Tinglan Hong .

  5. 是的,休格兰特和洪婷兰一直在约会,但通常都是按休的方法来在他家里、在酒吧、或者在附近饭店。

    Yes , he sees Ting all the time , but it 's normally on his terms & at his house or bars and restaurants nearby .

  6. 据《镜报》报道,51岁的英国男演员休·格兰特当上了爸爸,和他有过短暂恋情的中国女友洪婷兰近日为其生下一个女儿。

    British actor Hugh Grant told of his joy after a Chinese woman he had a brief affair with gave birth to his love child , The Mirror reported .

  7. 51岁的“英伦情人”休·格兰特第一次当爸爸啦!他的华裔前女友洪婷兰(音译)为他生了个女儿,这个前女友比他年纪小19岁。

    Hugh Grant has become a father for the first time after a former girlfriend , who is19 years his junior , gave birth following a ' fleeting affair ' .

  8. 32岁的洪婷兰今年4月被拍到小腹微隆,当时她正离开格兰特位于伦敦西部切尔西的价值300万英镑的豪宅。

    Hong , 32 , was reported to have been showing a small baby bump in April when she was photographed leaving Grant 's £ 3 million home in Chelsea , west London .

  9. 格兰特曾经与名模伊莉莎白赫莉还有豪门继承人杰迈玛可汗约会过。不过格兰特是个不肯轻易给承诺的人。他与洪婷兰曾经短暂交往过。洪小姐来自中国浙江,据说从事演员行业。

    Grant - who previously dated Liz Hurley and Jemima Khan and has a reputation as a commitment - phobe - had a short-lived relationship with Miss Hong , who is Chinese and said to be an actress .

  10. 本周末,这对恋人在伦敦街头被拍到,照片上看起来洪婷兰小腹滚圆,让人不得不猜测她已经怀了休格兰特的孩子。

    The couple were seen out over the weekend in London and in a particular photo , it appeared that Hong had a rounded belly , leading to speculation that she may be pregnant with Grant 's child .

  11. 但休格兰特仍然是个很难安定下来的人,尽管俩人关系越来越亲密,洪婷兰知道休还会见其他女孩子。

    She and Hugh love spending time together . But as ever he 's a very difficult man to nail down . And although they 're increasingly close , Ting 's aware that he still goes out with other girls .