
zhèng quán
  • regime;power;political power;organs of state power;state political power
政权 [zhèng quán]
  • (1) [state political power]∶政治上的统治权利

  • (2) [organs of state power]∶行使国家统治权力的机关

政权[zhèng quán]
  1. 他们无法保证政权的顺利交接。

    They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power .

  2. 552名LokSabha的成员每五年由直接选举产生,是政权和政府机构起决定性作用的委托人。

    The552-member Lok Sabha is directly elected for a five year term , and is the determinative constituent of political power and government formation .

  3. 现政权已经执政两年了。

    The present regime has been in power for two years .

  4. 军事政权尚未放松对权力的控制。

    The military regime has not loosened its hold on power .

  5. 很少有人敢宣称他们反对这个政权。

    Few people dared to declare their opposition to the regime .

  6. 教会日益和反对政权的势力走到一起。

    The Church became increasingly identified with opposition to the regime .

  7. 在施行了25年的蠹政后,这个政权最终垮台。

    The regime finally collapsed after 25 years of misrule .

  8. 英国已拒绝承认这个新的政权。

    The UK has refused to recognize the new regime .

  9. 他在1997年的军事政变中夺取了政权。

    He seized power in a military coup in 1997 .

  10. 这个政权的左翼反对派多数已被除掉。

    Most of the regime 's left-wing opponents were eliminated .

  11. 人们指控这个政权压迫少数宗教信徒。

    The regime is accused of oppressing religious minorities .

  12. 他因为反对那个政权而过了五年的铁窗生活。

    He spent five years in prison for his opposition to the regime .

  13. 这一政权大势已去。

    The regime is now in its death throes .

  14. 他们希望重掌政权。

    They are hoping to return to power .

  15. 他在军事政变中夺取了政权。

    He seized power in a military coup .

  16. 该政权内部彻底分裂了。

    The regime is profoundly divided against itself .

  17. 现在仍有零星孤立的势力反对新政权。

    There are still a few isolated pockets of resistance to the new regime .

  18. 军事统治政权被推翻以后,接着是一段时期的无政府状态。

    The overthrow of the military regime was followed by a period of anarchy .

  19. 普遍认为,这一举措是试图安抚批评政权的人。

    The move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime .

  20. 该政权的种种劣行集中体现于一人。

    The iniquities of the regime are incarnated in one man .

  21. 在拉奇米尔建立政权可以视为一个简便易行的选择。

    The regime at Latchmere could be seen as a soft option

  22. 即使被动接受该政权也是一种通敌行为。

    Even passive acceptance of the regime was a kind of collaboration .

  23. 经过3个月内战,爱国阵线夺取了政权。

    The Patriotic Front took power after a three-month civil war

  24. 各继任政权吞并了该地区,并将低地的人们迁移到了这里。

    Successive regimes annexed the region and populated it with lowland people .

  25. 近来的历史论著对该政权持赞同态度。

    Recent historical work looks kindly on the regime .

  26. 英国人使我们重掌政权。

    The British people put us back in power .

  27. 他们代表了一个残暴的非法政权,这样的政权是不可能长久的。

    They represented a ruthless and illegitimate regime that could not remain forever .

  28. 问题是:军政府会通过武力巩固其政权吗?

    The question is : will the junta consolidate its power by force ?

  29. 该政权正是罪恶的化身。

    The regime was the very incarnation of evil

  30. 法西斯主义和保守主义这种令人不安的结合产生了一种新政权。

    The uneasy coupling of fascism and conservatism spawned a new kind of political regime