
  • 网络The government information system
  1. 联合国政府信息系统管理专家工作组

    United Nations Expert Working Group on Management of Government Information Systems

  2. 角色认同差异、责任推脱行为与政府信息系统审计定位

    Difference of Role-Identity , Behavior of Shifting Responsibilities and Reorientation of Government Information System Audit

  3. 在这种情况下,当今政府信息系统、国防信息系统都对网络安全监控提出了迫切的需求。

    In this circumstance , information systems for government and national defense have an urgent demand for monitoring of network security .

  4. 本文在分析信息系统特点的基础上,试图解决政府信息系统所面临的困难并提供了一套可供借鉴和采用的全新模式。

    On the basis of the analysis of the features of information system , this essay attempts to solve the problems which the government is confronted with and offers a creative pattern , which can be served either as a reference or as a practicable choice .

  5. 基于事项法的政府会计信息系统构建研究

    A Study on the Construct of Events-based Government Accounting Information System

  6. “甘肃省情信息系统”是一个面向政务的政府地理信息系统。

    Gansu situation information system is a compact program for government affair .

  7. 非平均区间数计算及其在政府决策信息系统中的应用

    Non-average Interval number and its application in the Government Decision Information Systems

  8. 基于计算机网络的建设项目政府管理信息系统

    Government Administration Information System for Project Based on Network

  9. 阳泉市政府信息网系统的设计

    System Design of Governmental Information Network in Yangquan

  10. 广西政府信息服务系统的开发

    Development of Guangxi Government Information Service System

  11. 然而与投入相比,我国政府部门信息系统远未达到其预期效果。

    However , compared with the investment , our government information systems is far from the anticipated results .

  12. 本文从信息化的角度入手,首先,政府信息资源系统的工作对象是数据和信息,政府信息资源系统提供的主要功能可以概括为交换、共享和协同,而协同的前提是信息资源的共享和交换。

    At first , we analyze the characters of electronic official document interchange system and the object of the government information resource system data and informations . We propose a practical application scheme . The main function is exchange 、 sharing and cooperation .

  13. 随着电子政务的发展和行政决策的复杂化,政府对于信息系统决策支持的要求也逐步提高,电子政务环境下决策支持的研究成为国内外研究的热点课题。

    With the development of E-government and the complication of executive decision , the government rises to the demand of decision support of information system gradually , which makes the research on decision support under E-government become a hot topic at home and abroad .

  14. 桂林市政府数字综合信息系统的系统分析初探

    System Analysis of Digital Information System for Guilin City Office

  15. 政府办公信息管理系统的远程信息管理

    Remote information management of the government office automation system

  16. 一种基于数据中心的政府信息资源整合系统架构设计

    A Design of Whole Structure for Government Information Resource Conformity Based on Data Center

  17. 针对联邦政府部的信息系统/服务,启动快速的和成本效益为导向的采购

    Enable rapid and cost effective procurement of information systems / services for Federal Agencies

  18. 政府采购综合信息系统设计

    Design of comprehensive information system of government purchase

  19. 政府决策信息采集系统是政府管理自动化系统的一部分。

    Collection system of government decision-making information is a part of the government management auto system .

  20. 金财工程即政府财政管理信息系统。

    Government Fiscal Management Information System ( GFMIS ) is also called Golden Fiscal Project in China .

  21. 基于此,本文致力于探索政府信息公开动力系统运行机制的一般规律。

    Based on these problems , this thesis focuses on exploring the general rules of the dynamic system operation mechanism in making government public .

  22. 政府财政管理信息系统,是与我国建立公共财政体制框架目标相适应的一套先进信息管理系统,是我国电子政务战略工程建设的重要组成部分。

    Government finance management information system is an advanced information management system , which is fit for public finance system of our country . It is a significant part of e-government stratagem .

  23. 电子商务与电子政务的发展,特别是信息系统开发中成熟的软构件技术,为构建政府采购管理信息系统提供了一种新思路。

    The development of e-commerce and e-governance bring a new way to solve the problem , especially the frame flat technique of compiling software provides a new mode to set up information systems .

  24. 不论是商业管理还是行政办公,越来越多的企业和政府采用管理信息系统来优化信息的存储以及利用效率,从而为决策、管理服务。

    Not only in business management , but also office administration , more and more company and government take advantage of MIS to improve information storage and use efficiency for supporting management and strategy .

  25. 政府部门业务信息系统作为电子政务系统的一种,是信息技术高速发展与政府部门运作向效率导向转变的产物。

    Government information system , as a kind of electronic government systems , is the result of the rapid development of information technology and the efficiency-oriented change of government departments ' management and operation efficiency .

  26. 从应然层面上分析政府信息公开动力系统的构成要素,构建各构成要素功能定位与相互作用的动力系统运行机制。

    From the ideal aspect , this paper analyzes constitutional elements of the dynamic system in making government public , setting up the functional location of each constitutional element and the interactive dynamic system operation mechanism .

  27. 从重大危险源安全监管的现实需要出发,研究了重大危险源企业安全管理与政府安全监管信息系统的总体框架及其软、硬件结构,并开发出了重大危险源安全监管信息系统。

    Based on the need of work safety supervision and control for major hazards , the whole framework and the structure of software and hardware of safety management and monitoring information system for major hazards were designed .

  28. 随着办公自动化的推进,文件日益成为政府和企业信息系统中的重要资源,文件内容的泄露和不当使用将带来巨大风险和损失。

    With the development of office automation , files become increasingly an important role in the information systems of the government and enterprises . Disclosure or improper usage of the file information may lead to a huge risk and loss .

  29. 而收费管理是财政收入最重要的管理方面之一,且财政票据是实现其收费的唯一依据,所以财政票据管理系统是政府财政管理信息系统的重要业务系统。

    In addition , charge management is an important aspect of finance income management , and the bill is the unique receipt for charge , so financial bills management system is an important business system of government finance management information system .

  30. 在此基础上提出了政府信息资源管理系统目标模型、功能模型、技术结构模型、信息资源规划与网络模型,以及政府信息基本数据元属性结构模型。

    This paper presents target model , function model , technology structure model , information resource programming and network model , and basic data element attribute structure of government information , briefly elucidates the basic components and major functions of the model .