
  • 网络Political expression;political voice
  1. 西方不缺少政治表达。

    In the West there is no shortage of political expression .

  2. 农村改革、社会稳定与农民利益的政治表达

    Political Expression about Rural Reform , Social Stability and Farmer Benefit

  3. 有限政府是市场经济中市场主体有限责任的政治表达。

    Limited government is political indications of market economic subject .

  4. 一个有着相似意思的政治表达叫做最后的努力。

    A political expression with a similar meaning is the last hurrah .

  5. 奥古斯都崇拜成了他们新的政治表达和参与的方式。

    The Augustus worship became their new politics expression and the participation way .

  6. 作为一种政治表达工具,社交媒体的力量是众所周知的。

    The power of social media as an implement of political expression is well known .

  7. 试论上古时期乐的政治表达功能

    " YUE " 's Function as a Political Expression in the Far Ancient Times of China

  8. 乐的政治表达功能,是我国上古时期乐文化社会功能的重要组成部分。

    The function political expression was a very important part of social functions of YUE culture in the far ancient China .

  9. 网络本身的特点导致了网络政治表达的自由和限度都需要重新平衡。

    The characteristics of the internet result that a new balance needs to be set between the freedom of internet Political expression and its limitation .

  10. 这使法律对政治表达自由的规范受到前所未有的挑战,而且要求法律对网络政治表达自由权利的内涵、外延以及权利边界作出明确的规定。

    As a result , the connotation , extension and right boundary of the right of free Political expression via internet needs to be stipulated in an explicit way by relevant laws .

  11. 从本质上讲,这种思维方式是融合了基督教文化和实用主义精神的唯我主义,布什主义只不过是唯我主义在美国的一种政治表达,即美国中心主义。

    In essence , such a thinking-mode is the solipsism that compromises the Christianity culture and the pragmatism spirit . Bush doctrine is no more than a political expression of solipsism in U.S.A. , namely USA-centred doctrine .

  12. 将事实表达为客观真实是一种面向大众的政治表达,而表达为法律真实是一种面向法律职业者司法操作标准的专业表达。

    It is a kind of mass-appeal expression of politics to express the fact as objective and real , whereas it is a kind of professional expression on the judicature operation standards facing the lawyers to express the factual expression as legal reality .

  13. 众所周知,目前我国网络社会政治表达处于一个蓬勃发展的时期,伴随着网络的发展,网络社会政治表达的各种缺点也在这中间被无限的放大。

    As we all know , our current network of social and political expression in a period of vigorous development , with the development of the network , the network of social and political expression in the middle of the shortcomings are that the amplification is infinite .

  14. 大众传媒是都市职业女性政治表达的主要渠道,对传媒政治功能的认知不同,其政治接触行为也不同,大众传媒对政治性社会参与的宣传影响着都市职业女性的社会参与。

    The mass media comprises a main political expression channel of metropolitan career women . Different recognitions of mass media 's political function result in different political contact behaviors , propaganda of social participation with political character on mass media influences the social participation of metropolitan career women .

  15. 十分荣幸能有这样的机会就最重大的政治问题表达我的看法。

    I am grateful to you for the opportunity to express my conviction in this most important political question .

  16. 社会运动是政治意愿表达的另一个侧面,社会成员通过社会运动可以对决策的制定和以及政府的行为产生影响。

    The social movement is a different dimension of political will expression . The members of society could impact on decision making and the activities of government by social movements .

  17. 政治制度是表达自由的根本保障。

    Political system is fundamental to free expression .

  18. 组织惯例的一个作用就是遏制那些主张变革的政治观点的表达。

    Organizational norms also operate to stifle the expression of more transformative political views .

  19. 易态动词在政治新闻中表达状态动作的转变,在政治新闻中体现为旧政策向新政策的转变。

    Change-of-state verbs indicate the alteration of states and actions , from an old policy to a new policy in political news .

  20. 公司认为从制作的独特视角来看电影是一种不妥协的,具有艺术性及政治性观点表达。

    The company recognises that the film is an uncompromising , artistic and political statement from a unique film-making vision and remains fully supportive to the director .

  21. 网络不仅成为人们之间沟通的重要方式,也是人们参与政治活动、表达民意的信息平台,网络为人们政治参与提供了一个更为广阔的空间。

    The Internet becomes not only an important way of communication between people and people , in politics , express public opinion information platform for political participation network provides a broader space .

  22. 他说法国民众充分理解并尊重中国人民的情感,反对体育和政治挂钩,表达了对中国北京奥运会的美好祝愿和支持。

    He said France fully understands and respects Chinese people 's feelings , opposes the mixing of sport with politics , and expressed his best wishes and support to the Beijing Olympics .

  23. 在投射动词方面,think,know和believe和I共现频率最高,这些动词是辩论者在政治辩论过程中表达政治观点和反驳对方的重要资源。

    In terms of projecting verb , think , know and believe are found to co-occur with ⅰ most frequently . They function as important sources for debater to express political views and refute opponent in political debate .

  24. 据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,这个呼吁统一的集会是罕见的对国家可以摆脱政治混乱的乐观表达。

    NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports the rally for unity was a rare expression of optimism as the country could strip further to a political chaos .

  25. 论高校思想政治工作的语言表达艺术

    The Language Expression Art in the University Thought Political Work

  26. 本文试图从政治课老师语言表达的科学性和艺术性相结合入手,探讨当今政治课的教学方法。

    The paper probes into the teaching method starting from the combination of scientific and skillful language expression .

  27. 文化对于战斗精神的培育而言也毫不例外地带有政治倾向,它表达的是无产阶级思想。

    As the culture to the cultivating of combat spirit , it also has the political tendency . It expresses the ideology of the proletariat .

  28. 准确地解读隐性知识在高校思想政治工作中的表达与接受是高校思想政治工作理论与实践中的重要课题。

    Precise analysis of expression and acceptance of covert knowledge is an important task in the theory and practice of college thought and political work .

  29. 第二部分是表达自由的保障,主要阐述政治和法律保障表达自由权的行使。

    The second part is the freedom of expression protection , mainly on the political and legal security to express the exercise of the right to freedom .

  30. 现代报刊作为政治斗争、舆论表达、普及知识和商业广告须臾离不开的最有效载体之一,不断为资本主义的发展开辟着道路。

    As one of the most effective carriers of political view , public opinion , knowledge and advertisement , newspapers and periodicals pave the waycontinuously for the development of capitalism .