
yīnɡ cí
  • heroine
  1. 秋瑾就是其时英雌文学实践和社会实践的典型代表。

    Qiu Jin is a good representative of " heroine " in literature and social practices .

  2. 摘要20世纪初,“英雌”概念浮出历史地表,并迅速演变为那时代民族国家振兴、女权振兴的典型话语形态之一。

    At the beginning of20th century ," heroine " came into being as not only a simple concept but rapidly a typical form of symbol of national and feminist prosperity .

  3. 嗯,你知道的。俗话说:英雌所见略同!

    Cindy : Well , you know what they say . All great minds think alike !

  4. 与此相应,男女共进的时代特征,亦演绎了英雌话语志士对女杰、英雄配英雌的浪漫婚恋情怀。

    Accordingly , male and female advance together as the feature of the times embodies romantic feelings of love and marriage between male patriot and female hero .

  5. 有人说《傲慢与偏见》书中真正的英雌是说故事的人,那个叙述故事却又不属于书里角色的人。

    It is sometimes said that the real heroine of Pride and Prejudice is the narrative voice , which tells the story and belongs to no one in the novel .