
  • 网络Black feminism;womanism
  1. 莫里森的作品所关注的内容与黑人女性主义的观点不谋而合。

    What Morrison concerns in literary works is consistent with the aim of black feminism .

  2. 沃克把妇女主义者这一术语引入女权主义理论,以描述黑人女性主义的特殊性,从而与白人女性主义区分开来。

    Walker brings in the term " womanist " to feminist theory , in order to describe the particularity of black feminism and distinguishes it from white feminism .

  3. 抵抗表征:美国黑人女性主义的形象批评

    Resisting Representation : The Afro-American Feminist Criticism on Image

  4. 从《梅丽迪安》解读艾利斯·沃克的黑人女性主义思想

    Interpreting Alice Walker 's Black Feminist Thought from Meridian

  5. 美国黑人女性主义批评研究

    A Study of Black Feminist Criticism in America

  6. 本文是对美国黑人女性主义文学批评思想进行的系统研究。

    This dissertation is meant to make a systematic inquiry into the critical thoughts of black feminist criticism in America .

  7. 其后,佐拉尼尔赫斯顿这位美国黑人女性主义文学的先驱者从女性视角出发,塑造了一位自我意识觉醒的反传统黑人女性形象。

    Thereafter , Zora Neale hurston , the Outrunner of Afro-American women literature , portrayed an anti-tradition black woman image whose self-consciousness awakens .

  8. 揭示出对母女关系的研究应当考虑到更广泛的社会和历史语境,在黑人女性主义者眼中,种族、阶级压迫和性别压迫同等重要,同样都需要去关注,去反抗。

    To the black women , Gender oppression , as well as race and class persecution , should be focused on and fought against .

  9. 根据黑人女性主义的理论观点,话语权的获得标志着女性在男权社会下斗争的胜利。

    In accordance with the theoretical viewpoints of the black feminist criticism , obtaining the right of speech marks the victory of the female in the patriarchal society .

  10. 第一部分为引文部分,介绍了哈里特·雅各布斯的生平和黑人女性主义理论,同时还对目前国内外对雅各布斯及她的作品的研究现状做了综述。

    The first part is the introduction , stating the life experience of Harriet Ann Jacobs , the theory of black feminism , and the literary review home and abroad .

  11. 黑人女性主义主要研究处于困境中的黑人妇女自我意识的觉醒和自我身份认同并且旨在提供黑人妇女实现自我解放之路。

    Black feminism mainly studies the issues of self-consciousness and self-identity of black women who are caught in a dilemma and tries to provide methods to help black women achieve self-realization .

  12. 黑人女性主义理论指出,性别歧视、阶级压迫和种族主义是相互关联的,女性主义斗争的目标就是要战胜它们。

    Black Feminism argues that sexism , class oppression , and racism are inextricably bound together , and the end of the Feminism is to combat racism , sexism and class oppression .

  13. 20世纪70年代,随着欧洲和美国女权运动的深入发展,美国黑人女性主义批评开始发出自己的声音,她们在批判主流女性主义霸权的同时,要求公正地看待她们在女权主义运动中的贡献。

    With the deep development of feminist movement in the 1970s , black feminist began to criticize the hegemony of mainstream feminism and request their position and contribution in the feminist movement .

  14. 本文运用黑人女性主义理论,详细分析了《最蓝的眼睛》的主题,旨在为国内莫里森研究提供一个新的视角。

    By adopting the theory of black feminism , the thesis attempts to analyze the theme of the text through close reading , hoping to offer a new angle of studying the novel .

  15. 然而,与广义上的黑人女性主义作家不同的是,艾丽丝·沃克不仅揭露了黑人父权制本身的罪恶,而且进一步揭示了黑人男性本身也是父权制和种族主义的受害者。

    What makes Alice Walker different from other black feminist writers is that she not only shows the evil deeds of patriarchy , but she further exposes that black men themselves are victims of patriarchy and racism .

  16. 作为女性主义文学批评的延伸和发展,黑人女性主义文学批评改变了传统女性主义文学批评的议题和内涵,为传统的女性主义文学批评提供了一个新的视角。

    Black feminist literary criticism has extended and developed traditional feminist literary criticism , and it not only has changed the issues and connotations of traditional feminist literary criticism but also has offered a new critical perspective .

  17. 艾丽斯·沃克(1944&)是美国当代著名的黑人女性主义作家,她从小经历痛苦和艰险,清楚地意识到黑人女性所处的困境。

    Alice Walker ( 1944 & ) is a famous contemporary black feminist and novelist in America . Having experienced so many sufferings and hardships , she is keenly aware of the predicament that black women are in .

  18. 作为一名黑人女性主义作家,艾丽斯·沃克从未停止过为女性、儿童、动物和自然这些种族主义和父权主义的受害者说话。

    As a black feminist , Alice Walker never stops speaking for the victims of racism and patriarchalism : women , children , animals and nature , and devotes herself to the fights for the equal rights of all .

  19. 换言之,我是个下层社会黑人女同性恋女性主义者,国籍是巴勒斯坦。

    In other words , I am a lower-class black lesbian feminist whose nation is Palestine .

  20. 黑人批评和女性主义批评从一开始,它们的议程就不太一样。

    Black criticism and black feminist criticism from the beginning saw that they didn 't have quite the same agenda .

  21. 黑人女性小说家和女性主义批评家则用自身的实践经验书写并丰富了西方的文学理论。

    The Afro-American female novelists and feminist critics have developed and enriched western literary theories .

  22. 身份的迷失是黑人妇女长期遭受多重压迫的结果,而黑人女性主义的任务之一就是通过描述黑人妇女如何迷失身份而来揭露她们所承受的多重压迫。

    Since the loss of identity is the result of the multiple oppressions , so portraying how black women lose their identities is one of the recurring themes in black feminist literary works .

  23. 因此揭露压迫给黑人妇女带来的伤害以及如何解决这个问题正是黑人女性主义的关注所在。

    Thus black feminism concerns the harm caused by the oppression and how to solve the problem .