
  • 网络economic marginalization
  1. 在互联网促进全球增长的同时,也会使不能有效利用互联网的国家日益面临经济边缘化的危险。

    While the Internet should enhance global growth , it also brings increased danger of economic marginalization to countries that cannot access it effectively .

  2. 二是本国银行业在国外开展的经营业务。加入WTO后,中国经济与世界经济逐渐融合,经济边缘化将不复存在,为国内商业银行的发展提供了更加广阔的空间。

    Being a full member of WTO and with the more and more integration of China 's economy into the world , China has surmounted the threat of economic marginalization and created a more spacious environment for the development of domestic banks of commerce .

  3. 国际分工与非洲经济的边缘化、碎片化

    International division of Labor ," Marginalization " and " Fragmentation " of Africa 's Economy

  4. 摘要菲律宾独立后的40年中,聚居于南部的穆斯林摩洛人在现代化和国家整合的双重挤压下,其社会经济的边缘化日益加剧。

    During the40 years after the Philippines became independent the moros-muslim Filipinos in the southern philippines-were marginalized economically and socially progressively due to the double pressure of modernization and national integration program .

  5. 四海一家始于城市,但许多城市面临的挑战是如何确保本国居民从这种国际化进程中获益以及避免本地经济被边缘化。他说。

    Cosmopolitanism begins in cities but the challenge for many places will be to ensure that national citizenship enjoys the benefits of this international experience and the local economies are not left behind , he says .

  6. 报告还称,对于在社会上和经济上被边缘化的人来说,气候变化对他们的影响最大。

    It also said climate change had the largest impact on people who are socially and economically marginalized .

  7. 这两方面因素的变化是导致东北地区制造业的产业集中程度下降,使东北地区在全国的经济地位逐渐边缘化的经济因素。

    These two factors are the causes of decline in industrial concentration and the whole economy in the Northeast China .

  8. 非洲各地妇女在社会、政治(掌声)和经济上的边缘化给这个大陆留下了巨大空白,每天都在阻碍进步和繁荣。

    The social , political - ( applause ) - the social , political , and economic marginalization of women across Africa has left a void in this continent that undermines progress and prosperity every day .

  9. 这可能是因为,他们在经济上更为边缘化,因此不像美国白人那样习惯于一直享有稳定的中产阶级工作,但对于他们之中受教育程度最低的人而言,这类工作现在正在消失。

    This could be because they have been more economically marginalised , and so less accustomed to the steady middle-class jobs that whites have enjoyed , but that are now vanishing for the least educated among them .

  10. 东亚经济一体化格局下台湾经济的边缘化

    Taiwanese Economic Marginalization under East Asian Economic Integration

  11. 但是也存在着资源分割、产业空虚化、城乡经济发展不平衡、竞争力不强、经济发展边缘化等问题。

    However , some problems have existed , for example , the division of resources , the hollowness of industry , the imbalance of economic development between urban and rural area , the weak competition force and the marginalization of economic development .

  12. 借重两岸经济一体化渠道尽快融入东亚区域整合浪潮,是台湾经济防范边缘化危机的最佳选择。

    The best choice to avoid this is to join East Asian integration through cross-strait economic integration .

  13. 即使他所说的经济复苏的确一度走上正轨,这一趋势在今年春天又再次脱轨,罪魁祸首就是能源价格上涨以及使日本经济边缘化的大地震。

    But if that recovery was ever on track , it was derailed this spring by the surge in energy prices and the earthquake that relegated Japan to the economic sidelines for a few months .