
jīng guǎn
  • management;be in charge of
经管 [jīng guǎn]
  • [be in charge of] 负责管理

  • 由专人经管

经管[jīng guǎn]
  1. 养老基金由商业银行经管。

    The pension funds are administered by commercial banks .

  2. 这个地方以前由一位前陆军上校经管。

    This particular place was run by an ex-Army colonel .

  3. 请告诉我如何经管这个账户好吗?

    Could you tell me how to operate this account ?

  4. 疱疹病毒是从核膜出芽经管状结构而释放到细胞空腔内。

    Herpesviruses bud from the nuclear membrane into channels that lead directly to the intracellular space .

  5. 根据中华校友会的信息,通过中国竞争激烈的考试体系被大学录取的学生当中,19.39%的人选择经济学专业,19.06%的人选择商务管理专业,这意味着经管类专业几乎占据了热门专业的半壁江山。

    According to China University Alumni Association , among those who score well enough in China 's highly competitive exam system to get into university , 19.39 % choose to study Economics and 19.06 % select Business Management , which means business & management related majors account for almost half of the popular majors .

  6. CT蜗神经管平均直径为(2.20±0.30)mm,直径的正常参考值为(2.08~2.23)mm(95%可信区间)。

    The value of the diameter of cochlea nerve canal was in the range of 2.08 - 2.23 mm .

  7. 基于ERP平台的经管类大学生实践能力培养模式

    Training Mode of Practical Ability for University Students Majoring in Economy and Management Based on the ERP Platform

  8. 清华经管学院针对一年级MBA学生开设有一门伦理与企业责任课程。

    The School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua has a course on ethics and corporate accountability for first-year MBA students .

  9. 2006年毕业于清华经管学院、获得EMBA学位的马涛(MichaelMa),符合清华x-lab的要求。

    Michael Ma , who graduated from Tsinghua SEM in 2006 with an Executive MBA , fits the bill .

  10. 上周,《金融时报》(TheFinancialTimes)对清华经管学院设计的有关A股的口号进行了报道。这之后,网上的很多中文评论对此表示难以置信,或对清华学生进行了批评。

    After The Financial Times reported last week on the economics school 's planned slogan referring to A shares , or stocks traded in China , many online comments in Chinese expressed disbelief or criticized the Tsinghua students .

  11. 2008级新生UPI调查分析与对策研究:以政法与经管学院为例

    UPI Diagnosis and Countermeasure Research into the New Students of 2008 Grade : With College of Politic , Law , Economic and Management as the Example

  12. 当年他从常青藤(IvyLeague)辍学、全力打造自己的社交网站。但是2014年,扎克伯格加入了中国顶级商学院之一清华大学经管学院的顾问委员会。

    Having dropped out of his Ivy League education to build his social network , in 2014 Mr Zuckerberg joined the advisory board of Tsinghua University 's School of Economics and Management , one of China 's top business schools .

  13. 结论ADR刺激Na+经管腔膜面的入胞作用,且这一作用不受上述诸效应物质的影响,这一体外研究结果可能适用于肾病时钠潴留的体内情况。

    Conclusion ADR stimulated Na + influx into IMCD cells cultured in vitro , and the stimulative effect is not regulated by other effecting factors . The events observed in vitro in the study might also be in the case of Na + retention in nephrotic state in vivo .

  14. 结果在筛查的4661名孕妇总检出6例胎儿染色体异常,12例神经管畸形(NTD),并发现唐氏综合征高风险孕妇娩出异常胎儿的可能性明显高于唐氏综合征低风险孕妇。

    Result There are 6 anomaly of chromatosome of fetus and 12 NTD in 4661 screened gravida , And we found the possibility of expulsion abnormal fetus was much higher in the high risk group than the lower risk group of Down 's syndrome .

  15. 这家公司是由叁人组成的董事会经管的。

    The company is run jointly by a triumvirate of directors .

  16. 加强实践教学环节培养合格经管人才&关于在经管专业大学生毕业实践环节引入模拟实践法的思考

    On Introducing the Simulative Practice Method into Management Majors ' Graduation Practice

  17. 309例神经管缺陷围产儿相关因素研究

    Study of risk factors in 309 perinatal neural tube defects

  18. 经管慈善事业、信托基金、地产

    Administer a charity , a trust fund , an estate

  19. 经管类图书引进的传播机制及传播价值研究

    Study on Communication System and Value of Imported Econonics & Management Books

  20. 构建开放实验平台促进经管实验教学

    Reflection on Building Opening Platform for Experiment Teaching in Economics and Management

  21. 为深入探讨我国经管类图书出版传播的规律,本文从纵向和横向两个角度来进行分析。

    My analysis is from the vertical and horizontal angles .

  22. 经管类专业本科生会计类课程体系构想

    The designing of the accounting kind courses system for management undergraduate students

  23. 面向国际型经管人才培养的双语教学研究

    Study on Bilingual Teaching Orienting International Talents Education in Economics and Management

  24. 经管类实践教学基地建设的探索

    Probe into the Establishment of Practical Teaching Base of Economy and Management

  25. 经管类应用型课程分组教学的探讨

    On the Grouping Teaching in Economic & Management Applied Courses

  26. 发家国家有雄厚的资金、前进前辈的技能和经管常识。

    Developed countries have sufficient funds , advanced technology and managerial expertise .

  27. 破产重整中经管债务人的监督机制研究

    The Research of Supervision Scheme for Debtor in Possession in Bankruptcy Reorganization

  28. 经管类应用型人才人格问题的研究

    Research into the Personality of Practical Talents in Business Management

  29. 加强经管类专业实验教学的思考

    Thinking about the improving the experimental teaching of economy and management specialty

  30. 经管专业技术人才就业质量体系的建立

    Establishment of Employment Quality System for Economic Management Professional Talents under Popular Education