
  1. 会计行为机制的运行是会计人员认识和改造客观世界的过程,它的功能处于正常状态,对于企业实现提高经济效益目标有着重要的意义。

    The normal condition of accounting behavioral mechanism has an important significance to achieve the goal of improving economic results .

  2. 具体目标主要有:筹资目标、投资目标、利润管理目标、经济效益目标和社会效益目标。

    The concrete targets mainly include raising money target , investment target , profit management target , economic benefit target and social benefit target .

  3. 优化控制层的任务是通过计算选择最优的设定点并传达给直接控制层,使得经济效益目标函数取得最优值。

    The task of the optimization layer is to select optimal values of set-points for the lower control layer , optimizing a defined objective function of economic nature .

  4. 本文以西航公司总装生产线如何深入有效地开展质量成本工作、提高经济效益为目标。

    Assembly line develop quality cost management deeply and efficiently , and increase their economic benefit .

  5. 然而,现行的竹林经营措施多是以获取最大经济效益为目标体现,一定程度上忽视了竹子良好生态功能的发挥。

    Current techniques of management focus more on gaining maximum economic profits , but ecological and social benefits are neglected at some extent .

  6. 在动态进度费用优化的基础上,从项目业主角度,研究项目运营期收入对进度计划优化的影响,以项目全寿命周期的经济效益为目标,来进行项目的建设期优化。

    Thirdly , with the consideration of the income of running period , the whole optimization is researched on the position of owner of construction projects .

  7. 在企业兼并和扩张过程中一定要充分考虑自己的实力,以经济效益为目标;

    Third , we should take full consideration of one 's own strength when seeking enterprise merging or expansion , with economic results as the goal ;

  8. 为了得到此类换乘系统经济效益最优目标下的常规公交线路调度优化方案,建立了常规公交与城市轨道交通换乘系统总经济效益模型;

    In order to get the optimal control schedule under such economic conditions , a model of cost in bus & urban rail transfer system is developed .

  9. 为了体现油气田管理过程中以产量为目标到以经济效益为目标的转变,提出经济极限储采比的定义,并结合定义和储采比的理论关系式推导出求解经济极限储采比的关系式。

    In order to embody the change of management goal from production rate to economical benefit , the paper firstly defines the economical limited reserves production ratio .

  10. 如何在以经济效益为目标科学确定产业经济发展规划的同时保证水环境质量是本研究的主要内容。

    How to scientifically make the industry development planning with the economic benefit and the water quality combined is the main problem to be solved in this thesis .

  11. 指出考核应以最大经济效益为目标,而不只考虑催化剂单耗等单项指标。

    It is pointed out that the unit examination should aim at maximizing economic effect instead of only inspect on single index , such as catalyst make-up rate .

  12. 以使检修管理更加科学,实现在提高设备可用率的同时,降低维修成本,提高检修的经济效益的目标。

    It can make maintenance management more scientifically and construction equipment more efficaciously , at the same time tile cost of maintenance is reduced and the benefit is improved .

  13. 为了高效利用资源和保护环境,应从提高肥水利用效率入手,培育超级麦品种,来实现少种多收、提高经济效益的目标。

    For efficiently using the resources and protecting the environment , super wheat cultivars should be developed by improvement of the fertilizer and water use efficiency so as to increase the economic benefit .

  14. 改造后,铁精矿品位达到68.00%以上,实现了节能降耗、提高生产能力、增加企业经济效益的目标。

    As a result the iron grade of the concentrate has reached above 68.00 % and saved energy . With the increase of productivity the economic effect of the enterprise can be obviously increased .

  15. 本文以防洪减灾和总的最大经济效益为目标,建立起综合治理小流域洪水的数学规划模型式,并通过实际工程的数据进行了验算。

    Regarding flood preventing , flood disaster reducing and the total maximum economic results as the objective functions , this paper proposed a mathematical program model for the comprehensive control and harness of small drainage area flood .

  16. 本文提出了战略型管理信息系统的概念,强调信息管理与企业管理的有机结合,注重企业的全面整合应用,最终达到提高企业的管理水平和工作效率,提高经济效益的目标。

    This paper proposes conception of strategic MIS , emphasizing the integration of management and information , paying much more attention to the comprehensive application , in order to attain the goal of improving management level and work efficiency .

  17. 实施战略成本管理,要求企业运用战略成本的方法,分析成本动因,加强成本控制,以达到降低成本,提高经济效益的目标,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。

    SCM requires corporation to use methods of strategic cost , analyze the cause of cost , strengthen cost control to reduce cost and increase economical benefit , which enables corporation not to be defeated in the intense marketing competition .

  18. 从经济学的观点出发,分析了热能设备寿命周期内发生的各种费用,提出了以最低寿命周期费用或最大寿命周期经济效益为目标,对热能设备进行优化设计与管理的方法。

    On the basis of economics , the life cycle costs of energy system are analysed , and the optimum designing and management method for energy system according to its minimum life cycle costs or maximum life cycle economic benefits is proposed .

  19. 以经济效益为目标函数,软土地基路基工后沉降、沉降速率双控制指标为约束条件,建立了砂井联合超载预压处理软土地基的优化设计模型。

    The mathematical model of surcharge precompression on ground with sand drains is established for optimization design . In this model , economic utility is the object function ; the post-construction settlement and the rate of settlement of soft subsoil are constraint conditions .

  20. 温泉度假区景观设计应实现温泉水资源循环使用,通过科学的设计,达到减少温泉度假区内外环境的破坏,实现地域景观与历史文化传承以及改善经济效益等目标。

    The landscape design of hot spring resort should realize the conservation , protection and recycle use of water resources , control the damage level of Spa resort itself and surrounding environment to improve the economic benefits and other goals by scientific design .

  21. 为了合理确定露天地下水平联合开采时的露天开采境界,以经济效益为目标函数,建立若干经济数学模型,开发出确定露天地下水平联合开采时露天境界的软件系统。

    In order to rationally determine the open-pit mining boundary in the combined mining horizontally of surface and underground , a software system is developed which is composed of several economic and mathematic models that take the economical effects as the object function .

  22. 本文以热交换器回收余热取得最大经济效益为目标,得出六种热交换器的最佳温度效率公式、线图及最佳传热面积、最佳换热温度公式,可供设计无相变余热回收热交换器参考。

    Based on maximum economy profit of heat exchanger for recovery of waste heat . The formulas and diagrams of optimal heat exchanger effectiveness , formulas of optimal heat transfer area and optimal heat transfer temperature for six kinds of heat exchangers are shown in this paper .

  23. 物流中心的选址应以物流系统和社会经济效益为目标,用系统学的理论和系统工程的方法,综合考虑多种因素,对物流中心的位置进行科学的研究和决策。

    The location of logistics center should be the first target in both of social and economic , efficiency and the system of logistics . By the way of the theory in system and system engineering the location of logistics center must be studied and decision with multi factors .

  24. 供热企业搞好成本管理是企业实现经济效益的重要目标。

    Cost management of heating-supply corporation is important for corporation economy benefit .

  25. 电力市场中兼顾环境保护和经济效益的双目标模糊优化短期交易计划新模型

    A novel bi-objective fuzzy optimal model of short-term trade planning considering environmental protection and economic profit in deregulated power system

  26. 以提高农田经济效益为重要目标的多类型、多功能种植和农作制度。

    The cropping and farming systems of diverse types and functions with increasing economic benefits of arable land as important goal .

  27. 本文以综合经济效益最大为目标函数,对配电网无功优化方法进行了研究。

    Reactive power optimization of distribution network has been studied in this paper , taking maximum synthetical economic benefit as objective function .

  28. 针对非充分农业灌溉,在农业水资源供给量一定的条件下,建立农业水资源大系统优化配置模型,以经济效益最大为目标,对模型进行求解。

    The agricultural water resources optimization model is built up for deficit irrigation under the condition of given amount of agricultural water resources .

  29. 以经济效益最大为目标,建立灌溉供水量最优分配的分解协调模型。

    The maximum economic benefit is set as the objective to establish the dissociation and coordination model for optimal deployment of irrigation water supply .

  30. 内蒙古典型草原草畜系统适宜放牧率的研究Ⅰ.以绵羊增重及经济效益为管理目标

    The Optimal Stocking Rates on Grazing System in Inner Mongolia Steppe ⅰ . Based on Analysis of Liveweight Gain per Animal and Hectare and Benefit