
  1. 日本政府主导型市场经济体制的构建与运营

    On the Building and Operating of Market-economy System Dominated by Japanese Government

  2. 本文论述了韩国政府主导型市场经济体制下政府行为对经济发展所起到的决定性作用。

    This article is about the crucial influence which the political behavior has on the economic development under the government dominating economic system in Korea .

  3. 日本欠发达地区经济市场化则是代表政府主导型市场经济模式,在这种模式中政府如何主导,对我们有借鉴,值得研究。

    And then it pointed out that the market-orientation in less-developed region in Japan stands for a government-dominating market-oriented mode . With this mode we could learn from Japanese experience how the government dominates .

  4. 在经济发展中,政府主导型市场经济发展模式因其有力地推动过一些国家和地区的经济起飞而受到人们的广泛关注和赞誉;

    During the economic development , the governmental guiding model of the market economic develop ment has been broad attended and commended because of its forceful impetus to the economic takeoffs in some countries and areas .

  5. 是以政府主导型的市场经济为背景的工业化。

    Its background is the market economy leaded by the government .

  6. 在我国当前政府主导型的市场经济发展模式下,工业园区建设中政府的主导作用也更为明显。纵观我国当前园区建设现状,政府主导型的发展模式存在着明显的不足。

    Under the present government-oriented market economy , the local government plays an even important role in the course of Industrial Park construction .