
  • 网络inputs
  1. 购买种子,化肥和其他生产投入品都要货币。

    Money was needed for seeds , fertilizer , and other inputs .

  2. 并且这种集聚现象多是由企业为节约中间投入品成本而造成的聚拢效应。

    This clustering phenomenon is mostly controled by the cost of intermediate inputs .

  3. 而且,农业投入品补贴由于容易引起农业生产的扭曲,属于WTO农业协议中的黄箱政策,需要进行削减承诺。

    In addition , for agri-input subsidy is prone to arose distortion in agricultural production , it belongs to " amber box policy " and needs to promise to cut .

  4. 强化农业投入品市场监管,控制农产品污染;

    Strengthening market supervision for agricultural products and controlling pollution ;

  5. 投入品补贴政策调整对农业生产和农民收入的影响分析

    Adjustment of Input Subsity Policy and Effect on Agricultural Production & Income

  6. 伴随投入品替代对内生技术变化的影响(Ⅰ)

    Influence on Endogenous Technological Change in Accompanying Input Substitution (ⅰ);

  7. 但当投入品价格飞涨时,人为的价格管制会侵蚀掉利润。

    But pseudo price controls kill margins when input costs are soaring .

  8. 作为农业生产中重要投入品的种子,在应用过程中有着自己的特点。

    But as the most important input of agriculture , it has its own characters .

  9. 关于大型体育赛事服务的生产投入品及消费主体的讨论

    Analysis on related problems of inputs and consumers about the service product of large games

  10. 中间投入品贸易对我国收入分配的影响:理论与实证

    The Effect of Intermediate Inputs Trade on Income Distribution of China : Theory and Empirical Analysis

  11. 它与食品安全之间的关系,主要是指与食品生产,即食品生产源头的农业投入品之间关系密切。

    The relationship between humic acid and food safety mainly reflectsroles of humic acid in food production .

  12. 但是,中间商对市场的代替程度取决于投入品资产专用性程度;

    However the degree to which middleman replaces market depends on the degree of asset specialty of input .

  13. 农业生产资料是农业生产的重要投入品,其价格调整直接关系到农产品生产成本变化,间接影响了农民的收入。

    Agricultural production materials price adjustment directly influence the agricultural products costs , indirectly influence the interests of farmer .

  14. 本文从中国制造业的角度来研究中间投入品贸易对制造行业收入分配的影响。

    In the empirical section this paper analyses the effect of intermediate inputs trade on income distribution of China .

  15. 先进技术是实现现代化必不可缺少的投入品,它的来源不外乎技术引进,或者技术创新。

    High technology is the necessary input to fulfill modernization , whose resource is either technology import or independent innovation .

  16. 第三部分引用芬斯特拉简单的中间投入品贸易模型,作为本文实证研究的理论支撑。

    The third section takes Feenstra 's simply Intermediate input trade model as the theory supporting of later empirical analysis .

  17. 本文首先介绍全球中间投入品贸易的状况以及我国中间投入品贸易&加工贸易的现状。

    In this paper , we first introduce the status of Intermediate input trade both in the world and in China .

  18. 这45起调查针对的进口产品绝大多数属于下游产业使用的原料或投入品。

    Most of these 45 investigated import products are intermediate goods or the inputs and raw materials of related downstream industry .

  19. 中央政府将继续控制关键经济投入品的价格,其中包括电力、石油、天然气和水。

    The central government continues to control prices for key economic inputs , including power , oil , gas and water .

  20. 选择高锰酸钾、石灰或草木灰、腐熟农家肥等有机投入品对根肿病的控制效果和施用方法进行了初步尝试。

    Studied on effect and applied method of potassium permanganate , calcareousness lime or plant ash and compost for control Plasmodiophora brassica .

  21. 在给定关于大型体育赛事服务的定义基础上,讨论了大型体育赛事服务的投入品和消费主体等相关问题。

    By proposing the definition of service in large sports competition , the paper discusses the relevant issues as input products and consumers .

  22. 在市场经济条件下,农产品的市场需求和投入品的相对稀缺是诱导技术创新的主要因素。

    Main factors in innovating induce technology in hybird maize breeding includes market demand and the relative shortage of inputs under market economy .

  23. 这是因为亚洲内部出口产品的三分之二左右为中间产品,它们作为最终出口到亚洲之外市场的产品的投入品使用。

    This is because about two-thirds of intra-regional exports are made up of intermediate components for items that are sold outside east Asia .

  24. 种子作为农业生产过程中主要的投入品,对农业生产的产出具有重要的影响。

    As the seed is the most important input in the agricultural production , it has a remarkable role in the final output of agriculture .

  25. 国际产业转移的盛行带来中间投入品贸易的扩大,在发展中国家的直接表现则是加工贸易份额的增加。

    Corresponding to the international industrial transfer is the increasing of Intermediate input trade that has increased the share of processing trade in developing countries .

  26. 由于蔬菜具有生鲜的特殊性,蔬菜质量安全本身极易受到产地环境、农业投入品等各方面因素的影响。

    Due to the speciality of fresh vegetables , vegetables are highly susceptible to environmental quality and safety of its producing area , and agricultural inputs .

  27. 集聚经济有很多潜在的源泉,其中一些已被马歇尔所提出,包括知识外溢、劳动力市场蓄水池和投入品共享等。

    Agglomeration economy has many latent fountainheads , in which some have been proposed by Marshall including knowledge spillover , labor market pooling and investment sharing .

  28. 其中投入品来源对纵向合作意愿具有负影响;其余4个因素对合作意愿具有正影响。

    Among them , the inputs source have negative impacts on the cooperation willingness ; while the rest four factors have positive impacts on the cooperation willingness .

  29. 小规模家庭式商业养殖者往往提供相似的产品,但在获取优质的仔鸡和饲料等投入品和销售产品时效率较低,且面临限制因素。

    Small-scale commercial family producers often produce similar products , but with lower efficiency and constraints to securing quality inputs – chicks and feed – and marketing products .

  30. 长期以来,我国为了提高农业产量,在农业生产中大量使用化肥、农药等化学投入品,促使农业面源污染问题日趋严重。

    For a long time , the agriculture in China has large-scale inputs of fertilizer and pesticide to increase agricultural production , which caused serious Agricultural Non-point Pollution .