
  • 网络investment and financing management
  1. 其次,围绕三阳新社区项目的概况、特点和存在的困难,提出BT模式,研究分析BT模式在项目实施的过程和效果,总结存在的问题和不足,深入研究BT投融资管理。

    Secondly , based on the general situation , characteristics and difficulties in Sanyang program , this paper studies the executive process and the results of BT in this project ; summarizes the existing problems and further studies the investment and financing management .

  2. 国有大型集团公司重构股权关系与规范投融资管理研究

    Research on the Re-organization of the Share-right Relationship and the Standardization of the Investment and Financing Management in the State-owned Mega Groups

  3. 提出水土保持项目管理体制创新&BOT投融资管理模式,建议在废黄河流域水土保持综合治理中尝试进行BOT投融资模式的立项管理。

    An innovative idea of water and soil conservation project management is put forward - the BOT management mode , and also a suggestion is made to carry out the BOT investing and financing mode in the comprehensive treatment of water and soil conservation in the old-yellow river basin .

  4. 高速公路特许经营项目投融资管理研究

    Research on Management of Expressway Concession Project Investment & Financing

  5. 第三章对世界港口投融资管理模式进行了分析,并提出了对我国的借鉴意义;

    The third chapter puts forward some suggestions after the analysis of the world ports financing and management mode .

  6. 正确界定企业投融资管理财务分析中所用利润指标的税、息因素,对投融资管理财务分析具有重要意义。

    It is significant to determine the factors of " taxation , interest " of profit index employed in investment and finance in enterprise .

  7. 此文运用了资本经营基础理论、风险分散理论、投融资管理理论及财务分析方法对胜利油田的资本经营活动进行了系统的分析,对资本经营策略进行了深入的论证。

    The article exert the capital management base theory , risk detract theory , invest and financing theory and finance analytic method to demonstrate the strategy .

  8. 目前财务管理理论与实践在投融资管理财务分析中普遍存在所用利润指标界定不当和融资分析不完善的问题。

    At present , in the analysis of investment and finance , there exist the problems of the inaccurate determination of profit index and imperfect finance analysis .

  9. 投融资管理作为一切管理活动的基础,提供企业发展的血液,为技术创新提供足够的资金支持,企业的技术创新离不开财务的支持,技术创新与投融资有密不可分的关系。

    Investment and financing management as the basis for entire management activities , provides the ' blood ' for business development and sufficient financial support for technological innovation .

  10. 价值管理至少应该包含企业战略管理、全面预算管理、投融资管理、营运管理、业绩评价和薪酬激励。

    Value management system should at least include strategic management , comprehensive budget management , investment and financing management , operation management , and performance evaluation and compensation incentive .

  11. 企业投融资管理一直是财务管理研究的核心内容,作为企业资金运动的两个方面,投资活动与融资活动密切相关。

    Corporate investment and financing management has been the core of financial management study , as the two movement of enterprise funds , investing and financing activities are closely related .

  12. 第五章建立了城市基础设施建设发展水平评价模型和城市基础设施投融资管理绩效评价模型,并进行了实证研究。

    In chapter 5 , the author erected the achievement and result evaluation model of investment and financing management for urban infrastructure construction , and carried out the demonstration study .

  13. 对于加强风险管理方面,论文重点在风险指标的设计、风险预警机制的建立、投融资管理的创新等方面进行了探讨。

    For strengthening risk management , the paper focuses on the design of risk indicators , risk early warning mechanisms , management of innovation , investment and financing were discussed .

  14. 必须对投融资管理体制进行改革和创新,增加制度约束,矫正地方政府的非理性投资行为。

    It is necessary for us to adopt institutional innovation to the administration system of investing and financing , increase the institutional restriction and rectify the unrational behavior of the local government .

  15. 第二部分主要是介绍了国外港口投融资管理体制,并总结分析了国外港口资金来源多渠道的经验。

    The second part mainly introduce the foreign port investing and financing system , and analyzing their experiences of capital supply ; The third part is the most important one in the thesis .

  16. 公路收费权转让属于目前我国公路建设融资的重要方式之一,也是深化公路投融资管理体制改革所涉及的热点问题之一。

    Transfer of road tolling equity is one of the most important ways of financing in highway in our country , is also one of the hot topics in deepening reform of financing system in highway .

  17. 笔者认为,要完善基础设施项目市场化融资体系的经济制度基础应从以下几方面着手:1、完善项目投融资管理体制;

    The author believes that in order to perfect the economic system basis for market raising fund in infrastructure projects , the following should be done : 1.To improve the investing and raising funds control system of the project .

  18. 公路车辆通行费制度是我国深化公路投融资管理体制改革的产物,公路车辆通行费制度推动着我国公路建设事业、特别是高等级公路建设事业的快速与健康发展。

    Highway tolling system in China comes from the reform of the highway investing and financing management system . The Highway tolling system speeds the development in the area of the highway construction , especially the high-grade highway construction .

  19. 本论文从城市政府宏观经济管理角度出发,针对城市政府的主要职责之一的城市基础设施建设投融资管理中存在的问题展开研究。

    From the angle of urban government macro-economic management , this paper focuses on the study of the issues existing in the management of urban infrastructure investment and financing , which is one of the main duties of the urban government .

  20. 加快证券市场的发展是我国资本市场发展的需要,也是我国众多企业进行投融资管理的需要,更是广大投资者进行投资理财的需要。

    It is of importance to accelerate the development of the stock market , which is essential to the development of the capital market , the investing and financing management of many enterprises and the investment and financial management for a large number of investors in China .

  21. 企业改制是建立现代企业制度,转换企业经营机制的一项重要举措,更是国有投资公司加强投融资管理,确保国有资产保值增值的一种有效途径。

    Enterprise system reform is not only an important measure for establishing modern enterprise mechanism and transforming enterprise operating mechanism , but also an effective approach for state-owned investment corporation to enhance the investment and financing management so as to maintain and increase the value of state-owned assets .

  22. 基于金融工程为企业理财提供的新思路、新方法和新工具的基础上,企业理财可以将金融工程应用到企业的风险管理,资本结构的优化,投融资管理及其他企业的理财活动中来。

    On the basis of new thinking , new methods and new tools that Finance Engineering offers to enterprise 's financing innovations , we can apply the Finance Engineering to the risk management , the optimization of capital structure , investing and financing management and other financing activities in enterprises .

  23. 项目运作模式、组织保障体系是项目风险有效控制和规避的重要环节,本文针对BT投融资项目管理模式进行探讨,对BT投资建设单位所面临的风险因素进行了剖析。

    In section 3 , project operation mode and organization security system control the project risk effectively and are the important evading link . This text carry on discussion to BT investment and financing project management mode , and analyze .

  24. 我国基础设施项目投融资风险管理机制研究

    China 's Investment and Financing Infrastructure Projects Research in Risk Management Mechanism

  25. 企业投融资组合管理的模糊模型与优化

    Fuzzy Model and Optimization of Enterprise Investment Combination Management

  26. 地方政府投融资预算管理改革。

    Reform of the Budgeting Management of Investment and Financing by Local Governments .

  27. 第二章对我国港口投融资和管理模式的现状进行了全面阐述;

    The second chapter fully expounds the port financing and management mode in our country .

  28. 资信增强作为项目投融资风险管理的重要手段和金融创新在国内外项目融资活动中得到了广泛的运用。

    Credit enhancement is extensively used in project finance activities as a financial innovation and risk management tool .

  29. 财务管理是以会计学和经济学理论为基础,按照一定的整体目标对有关资产的购置、投融资和管理进行决策的体系。

    Financial Management is a strategic system about purchasing , investment , and management of assets , which based on theory of accounting and economics .

  30. 在工业化国家中,英国、法国、德国和美国为城市水资源的投融资和管理方式提供了一系列有用的实例。

    In the industrialized countries , England , France , German and America provide a series of practical examples of water source investment and management models .