
  1. 并且网络创业的成功案例不胜枚举。

    Network pioneering examples of successful are enumerating .

  2. 事实上,网络创业真的很难。

    It turns out that starting a business on the web is hard . Very hard .

  3. 今后会有什么因素让我离开网络创业界、转而在传统公司界找一份稳定的工作吗?

    Is there anything that would make me leave the world of online entrepreneurship and take a steady job in the corporate world ?

  4. 事实上,就其本质而言,网络创业原有高度风险,每有一家公司成功,或许便有数百家惨遭淘汰,落败道旁。

    But the reality is that , because of its high-risk nature , for every success story there are hundreds who will , perforce , fall by the wayside .

  5. 从图书馆网络创业规划、技术支点、图书馆个性化网络服务的开发、特色图书馆网站的建设、网络人才的管理等5个方面分析了图书馆发展的方向。

    This paper analyzes on the developing directions of the library from five aspects of library 's network pioneering plan , the technical support , the development of library 's individual network service , the construction of the characteristic library website , and the management of the network talents .

  6. 结合研究假设及统计分析结果,主要得出以下结论:1.创业动机、风险承担性、网络创业知识、预期回报和资源禀赋等个体因素对创业机会识别有显著影响,自我控制源的影响不显著。

    Combinating the hypotheses and results of statistical analysis , it draws the following conclusions : First , entrepreneurial motivation , risk-taking , network business knowledge , expected rewards and resource endowment on the process of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition have important influence , the source of self-control is not significant .

  7. 社交游戏公司Zynga聘用了电子艺界(ElectronicArts)的副总裁杰夫•卡普,他将担任这家社交网络游戏创业公司的首席营销官和首席营收官。

    Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp , who will serveat the social gaming startup as chief marketing and revenue officer .

  8. 基于价值网络的创业网络组织模式分析

    An Analysis on Entrepreneurship Network Organization Mode Based on Value Network

  9. 高科技创业企业社会网络对创业企业而言,有着其存在的特殊意义。

    The social network of high-tech venturing enterprises has special existing significance .

  10. 换句话说,网络媒体创业不适合胆小鬼。

    In other words , online is not for the faint of heart .

  11. 本文从创业者的个体特征因素出发,使用多元线性回归的方法来检验创业者的风险态度、人力资本与社会网络对创业者的创新型创业路径选择的影响。

    Based on the perspective of individual characters , this paper attempts to examine the influence of risk attitude , human capital and social capital on innovative entrepreneurial career choice by using OLS model .

  12. 近30%的巴西新兴中产阶级都在非正规市场中谋生,收入很不稳定,缺乏社会保障网络,创业机会极为有限。

    Close to 30 percent of Brazil 's new middle class owes its livelihood to the informal market , where income is irregular , safety nets are nonexistent , and opportunity for entrepreneurship is limited .

  13. 在现有研究基础上,引入创业自我效能概念,建立起大学生人格特质、大学创业环境、创业自我效能、社会关系网络及创业意向之间的理论假设模型。

    Based on existing research , introducing the entrepreneurial self efficacy , the thesis built theoretical assumptions model among personality traits , University of entrepreneurial environment , entrepreneurial self efficacy , social network and entrepreneurial intention .

  14. 探究创业网络与创业过程及结果之间的联系,无论对于创业理论研究还是创业实践来说,都具有重要的意义。本文首先对国内外的相关研究进行了回顾与总概。

    Therefore , exploring the causal relationship between entrepreneurial networks and entrepreneurial processes has the vital significance whether in entrepreneurial theory research or practice . First , this paper reviews the results of relevant researches and conclusions at home and abroad .

  15. 在新创企业层面上,降低交易费用、规避风险、获取新的资源和能力是新创企业进入创业网络和创业网络形成的重要原因,创业网络构成新创企业经济活动过程中必不可少的一部分。

    Generally speaking , for innovative businesses , reducing transaction costs , avoiding risks and obtaining new resources and ability are the main reasons for them to join the entrepreneurial networks and form the entrepreneurial networks , which become an essential part of the economic activities for start-up businesses .

  16. 社会网络作用于创业融资的机制研究

    The Research for Function Mechanism of Social Net-works on the Venture Financing

  17. 例如,印度的蜜蜂网络在基层创业者的一个广泛的非正式团体中间公开分享信息。

    The Honey Bee Network in India , for example , openly shares information between a broad , informal group of grassroots entrepreneurs .

  18. 全球网络平台,创业是在家里,在这里学习,是启发是做的时候,无情的,收获是你的意见想不出不同。

    Global network platform which starts an undertaking in the home , in here with study , is illuminating is doing , relentless , the harvest is your opinion cannot think variously .

  19. 于是,社会网络成为提供创业企业生存和发展所需资金、实物资源、人力资源和信息资源的重要渠道。

    Therefore , social network has become a predominant and important approach to getting access to essential resources ( capital , physical resources , human resources , and information resources ) for new entrepreneurial firms ' survival and early growth .

  20. 在创业机会识别过程中,情感主导的亲友网络对农民工创业者识别创业机会更具影响力,但与高社会地位个体的交往联系有助于识别创新性创业机会。

    And in the process of entrepreneurial opportunity identification , emotion-driven network of friends and relatives of migrant workers entrepreneurs have more influence to identify business opportunities , but the association with high social status individuals can assist the entrepreneurs to identify innovative business opportunities .

  21. 这些指标包括毕业生自创公司的比例、在2014年底仍在运营的公司的比例、创业公司是否是毕业生收入主要来源,以及学校和校友网络帮助毕业生创业的程度。

    The criteria included the percentage of graduates who created their own company , the percentage of companies still operating at the end of 2014 , whether it was their main source of income and how the school and the alumni network helped set things up .

  22. 以私营高技术新创企业为研究对象,在分析现有创业理论研究成果基础上,结合中国特定的传统文化与转型期社会经济背景,提出运用关系网络理论研究创业现象的合理性;

    With privately owned high-technology and newly established enterprises as the research objects , it expounds the rationalization of using the network theory on the base of reviewing the previous research on entrepreneurship and in the combination of analyzing the Chinese culture and the transition socioeconomic background .

  23. 例如,笔者所在的机构便与花旗集团(Citi)合作推出了一个名为StartupLab的项目,除了现有机构(包括JA与NFTE)外,我们还可以在社交网络平台上为创业者提供指导。

    Likewise , my organization launched a program called # startuplab with Citi so we could build a social layer on top of existing organizations ( including JA and nfte ) .

  24. 网络脱生:创业过程的社会学分析

    Born out of Network : A sociological analysis of the startup

  25. 社会网络对东西部创业的影响主要有五个结论。

    There are five conclusions about social networks effecting self-employment .

  26. 第一个行动者网络为首创者创业的过程。

    The first actor-network is the process of entrepreneurship of the pioneer .

  27. 社会网络视角下的创业研究评述

    Review of the Research on Entrepreneurship from the Perspective of Social Network

  28. 从创业网络视角来看,创业网络规模与网络的强度确实能够促进企业的发展,提高企业的经济效益。

    From the view of entrepreneurial network , network size and network intensity both can improve new venture performance .

  29. 越来越多沉溺于计算机的年轻人不上大学,而作为计算机网络工程师、因特网创业者和游戏设计者,加入到高科技革命中。

    And more and more computer-savvy young people are skipping college to join the high-tech revolution as computer network engineers , Internet entrepreneurs , and game designers .

  30. 该文在分析以校园网络为依托的创业性电子商务实验平台优势后,设计了创业性电子商务实验方案并在实践的基础上论证了方案的可行性。

    After analyzing the E-business experiment platform based on campus network , this paper presents the design of a project of the E-business experiment and demonstrates the feasibility .