
suǒ dìnɡ wèi zhi
  • Locked position;lock anchor
  1. 随着液压系统嘎吱一声响,起落架进入了锁定位置。

    There was a whine of hydraulics as the undercarriage locked into position .

  2. 图示是针对v8发动机的,但锁定位置和操作过程完全一致。

    The illustrations are from the v8 , however , the locks and the procedure are identical .

  3. 与其它旋转屏平板电脑一样,X60的屏幕可旋转180度,折叠为平板,键盘上方锁定位置。

    As with other convertible tablets , the screen swings through 180 degrees and folds flat , locking into position over the keyboard .

  4. 该传感器通过检查、电子锁定位置。

    The sensor passes the inspection , the electronic lock out faithfully its post .

  5. 无线电解锁之前,中控锁系统设置到安全或锁定位置。

    Central locking system was set to safe or locked position before radio unlocking .

  6. 我已经进入了球队,愿望可以锁定位置。

    I am in the team and I have got to look to stay there now .

  7. 如果成为脱离卡环和方向盘,然后反复转向全面锁定位置,转向轴可以脱离了时间。

    If the snap ring becomes disengaged and the steering wheel is then repeatedly turned to the full locked position , the steering shaft may disengage over time .

  8. 为了防止可能的损坏,抽屉或大工作本身慢跑,确保抽屉锁定位置是在试图推动这一单位英寸。

    To prevent possible damage to the larger drawer or the work canter itself , make sure drawer is in the locked position before attempting to move this unit .

  9. PocketLint网站的博主本•克朗普敦说,之前也有很多应用可以通过GPS锁定他人的位置,比如“谷歌纵横”,但苹果的产品会让这种应用流行起来。

    Ben Crompton , who writes the Pocket Lint blog , said there have certainly been other apps before , such as Google Latitude , that let you track people through GPS signals , but Apple will make it trendy .

  10. 班吉你能锁定亨德里克斯的位置吗

    Benji , can you pinpoint Hendricks ' location ?

  11. 当然他们也输给了一些弱旅,例如输给山猫两次和国王,但是那是在他们过早地锁定西部头号位置的情况下发生的。

    Sure they have lost to some scrubs , e.g.Charlotte twice and Sacramento , but that happens when you have the Western Conference locked up so early .

  12. 任何可以访问你的互联网服务供应商(ISP)手机基站数据的人都可以锁定你的确切位置,这比我们目前的4G网络提供的信息更加准确。

    Anyone with access to your ISP 's cell tower data will be able to hone in on your exact location far more precisely than they can today under our 4G networks .

  13. 只能将托架锁定在卡入位置。

    The carriers can only be locked in the click positions .

  14. 这将会把两个小部件锁定在并排的位置。

    This will lock the two widgets side-by-side .

  15. 我们锁定了斯宾塞的位置她们在费城

    We got a lock on Spencer 's GPS . The girls are in Philadelphia .

  16. 机器停放在挖机平板车上面之后,拉起安全锁定杆到锁定位置。

    Machine parked WaJi 's top after , pull up safety lock shaft to lock position .

  17. 手柄可转到一侧以轻松地检测靠近壳体,或锁定笔直向前的位置,用于常规扫描。

    The handle can be pivoted sideways to ease inspection close the shell or locked on the straight ahead position for normal scanning .

  18. 打开硒鼓盖门。将盖门的两侧向前拉,直到锁定在打开的位置。在执行步骤7之前一直保持门打开。

    Open the toner door . Pull the sides of the door forward until the door locks in its open position . Leave the door open until step 7 .

  19. 设置了锁定机构(20,22),以便将药丸输送器可释放地锁定在其关闭位置。

    A locking mechanism ( 20,22 ) is provided for releasably locking the pill conveyor in its closed position .

  20. 许多座位有一个锁定装置,以防止滑倒一旦它被收紧的安全带-确保这是在锁定位置。

    Many seats have a lock-off device to prevent the seat belt slipping once it has been tightened-make sure this is in the lock position .