
  • 网络clamping force;clamp force
  1. 过大的锁模力会使模具以及模腔产生不必要的变形,影响成型品的精度。

    An excessive clamping force distorts the mould and the mould cavity unnecessarily , affecting the precision of the moulded part .

  2. 模具升温时受热膨胀,降温时又会收缩,使锁模力很不稳定。

    Due to the molds expansion when in temperature rising and its shrinkage when in temperature drop , the clamping force is quite unstable .

  3. 比较结果表明“C”站址(中站址)为最优。预测可能存在的气泡位置及锁模力的大小,确定最佳浇口位置。

    The station " C "( the middle station location ) is the best . In order to obtain the best gate location addition , the position of air bubble and the clamp force were forecasted .

  4. 压铸机规格的确定及锁模力不足的解决方法

    How to Determine Die-Casting Machine Specification and Solve Insufficient Locking Die Force

  5. 注塑机锁模力的计算

    Calculation of the Mould Clamp Force of Injection Moulding Machine

  6. 塑料注射成型机的锁模力测试、分析和建议

    The Analysis of A Test of Close Mould Force for Plastic Injecting Moulding Machine and Improving Suggestion

  7. 通过对压铸件成型压力的计算,选择锁模力为6300kN的J1163型卧式冷室压铸机。

    The horizontal cold chamber die casting machine with closed force of 6 300 kN has been selected by calculating filling pressure .

  8. 过量或超出必要的锁模力设定,同时也是对能源的一种浪费,不管是液压机,机械式的,电动的。

    Over-clamping , or using more clamp than necessary , also wastes energy , be it hydraulic , mechanical , or electrical .

  9. 微孔注射成型也具有周期短且注射压力锁模力降低等优点。

    The process of MIM also have some advantages , such as shorter cycle time , lower injection pressure and clamp force etc. .

  10. 我们都知道对于相应的产品投影面,如果没有足够的锁模力的话,可能会有飞边产生。

    We all know that if you don 't have enough clamp force for the projected area of the parts , flash will result .

  11. 为研究在不同工艺参数条件下锁模力和模腔压力的变化规律提供了一种新的方法。

    A new method is provided for researching into the law of mould locking force and mould impression pressure when technology parameters are changed .

  12. 概述了影响注塑机螺杆背压、注塑压力、保压压力和锁模力的重要因素及其设定方法。

    The important factors influencing the screw backpressure , injection pressure , packing pressure and mold clamping force as well as their setting means are presented .

  13. 解决办法是安装一个装置在模具温度改变时去测量锁模力并且将其控制在一个公差范围内。

    The solution is to attach a device to measure the clamping force and to control the clamping force to within a tolerance as mould temperature changes .

  14. 同时当浇口均设置为保压结束时关闭,成型中的注射压力、锁模力以及制件质量较为理想。

    When the close time of the nozzles was set at the end of packing , the injection pressure , clamp force and parts quality were all better .

  15. 与传统注塑成型工艺相比,气辅成型可以提高产品表面质量、减少翘曲变形、降低锁模力、减轻制品重量、节省费用。

    The GAIM can not only reduce warpage , clamping force and product weight , but also improve surface quality and save costs compared with the traditional injection molding .

  16. 本文采用应变原理,通过在假模上放置应变片来检测注塑机锁模力,并由计算机实现数据采集、显示和处理等。

    By setting strainometers on mold , the authors adopt strain principl to detect the clamping force of injection machine and realize acquisition , display and processing of data by computer .

  17. 讨论了锁模力、模具、残余应力和内应力对注塑制品周边白线的影响,提出了改善注塑制品周边白线的方法。

    The influences of locking force , mould , residual stress and internal stress on the white-line round injection products are discussed and the methods of improving white-line are put forward .

  18. 多余的锁模力,可能让模具无法“呼吸”或排气,周期超时等,对模具分模线的挤压。

    Heaping on the clamp force , makes the mold harder to " breathe " or vent , and over time , can permanently hob closed the vents on the parting line .

  19. 注射成型中工艺参数对胀模量的影响显著,主要有锁模力、保压压力、转压点等。

    Process parameters have notable influence on MS , the main parameters are clamping force , holding pressure and switchover point , etc. Clamping force is the basic of applying the system .

  20. 以最大注射量、注射压力和锁模力等注射参数为出发点,结合数据库系统数据查询知识,借助计算机辅助设计方法来完成注射机校核工作,从而获得最优注射机。

    Based on the injecting parameters such as the maximum of injecting volume , the injecting press and the locked-mold force , the optimal injector is gained after using the data query language about database and checking injector through computer .

  21. 给出了罩壳零件旋转自动脱螺纹压铸模实用结构,锁模力计算和工艺参数,论述了模具工作原理和设计要点。

    The practical structure of die casting mould with the rotational automatic thread demoulding for shell parts , the calculation of mode locking force and the process parameters were presented . A description was made on the operational principle of the mould and the main points of the design .