
guān bì
  • close;shut;shut down;shut off;seal;close down;close business;paralyse;to
关闭 [guān bì]
  • (1) [close]∶合拢

  • 关闭门窗

  • 关闭工厂的大门

  • (2) [close down;shut down;close business]∶歇业

  • 商店关闭

关闭[guān bì]
  1. 委员会已决定关闭这家餐馆。

    The committee has / have decided to close the restaurant .

  2. 他们打算尽早关闭学校。

    They intend to close the school at the earliest opportunity .

  3. 计算机系统周末关闭。

    The computer system will be shut down over the weekend .

  4. 车站关闭后很快便破败不堪。

    The station quickly fell into disrepair after it was closed .

  5. 最严厉的处罚将是关闭这家餐馆。

    The ultimate sanction will be the closure of the restaurant .

  6. 为削减费用,关闭了两家工厂。

    Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs .

  7. 这些医院的关闭是在三年期间逐步进行的。

    Closure of the hospitals was phased over a three-year period .

  8. 注意:办事处从7月1日起将关闭。

    NB The office will be closed from 1 July .

  9. 请注意办事处星期一将关闭。

    Please note the office will be closed on Monday .

  10. 这家工厂最后于2002年关闭。

    The factory closed its doors for the last time in 2002 .

  11. 处理公司逐步缩减直至关闭的事宜效率很高。

    The wind-down of the company was handled very efficiently .

  12. 关闭医院怎么会对民众有利呢?

    Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest ?

  13. 工人在极力反对关闭工厂的决定。

    Workers are fighting the decision to close the factory .

  14. 关闭机构的建议受到各方严厉批评。

    The suggested closures came under assault from all parties .

  15. 新法规将使很多小企业关闭。

    The new regulations will put many small businesses out of business .

  16. 活动家们为这家受关闭威胁的医院赢得了喘息的机会。

    Campaigners have won a reprieve for the hospital threatened with closure .

  17. 这份报告认为代价最低廉的选择是关闭实验室。

    The report concluded the cheapest option was to close the laboratory .

  18. 工厂的关闭是一大退步。

    The closure of the factory is a retrograde step .

  19. 这所医院去年年底关闭。

    The hospital closed at the end of last year .

  20. 那家工厂一关闭,很可能1000个工作岗位就没有了。

    The closure of the factory is likely to cost 1 000 jobs .

  21. 他们要关闭这家地方医院,我认为这太让人气愤了。

    I think it 's disgusting that they 're closing the local hospital .

  22. 最坏的情况可能是工厂关闭。

    The worst-case scenario would be for the factory to be closed down .

  23. 病人高兴的是当地医院得以免遭关闭。

    Patients are delighted their local hospital has been saved from the axe .

  24. 军队已关闭了两国边界。

    Troops have sealed the borders between the countries .

  25. 关闭这条路的建议已得到当地人的支持。

    The suggestion to close the road has found favour with local people .

  26. 一段九英里长的高速公路已关闭。

    A nine-mile stretch of motorway has been closed .

  27. 计算机系统被不慎关闭。

    The computer system was switched off in error .

  28. 这家工厂已被指定关闭。

    The factory has been earmarked for closure .

  29. 工厂如果关闭,就意味着500人要失业。

    When the factory closes , it will mean 500 people losing their jobs .

  30. 到1981年,这些码头几乎等于关闭了。

    By 1981 the docks had , to all intents and purposes , closed .