
  1. 通过插值关节点以及半径生成球B样条曲线曲面表示的角色模型。

    Then Ball B-Spline curves and surfaces are generated to represent characters through interpolating joint points and radii on them .

  2. ERP及其实施过程中的关节点

    Some Critical Points in the ERP Implementation

  3. 第三:研究了二维人体运动跟踪技术,采用特征光流算法跟踪已标注的关节点,并利用Kalman滤波器修正跟踪出错的关节点。

    Researching on the technique of 2D human motion tracking , this paper implements optical flow algorithm to tracking the marked feature points . Any wrong tracking result will be corrected by Kalman filter .

  4. 无线Mesh网络中只有一个或多个节点充当网关节点接入基础设施网络,其他节点通过相邻节点中继连接到网关,再接入到互联网。

    In Wireless Mesh Networks ( WMNs ), only one or several nodes play the role of the network gateway , accessing to Infrastructure / Backbone Networks , and other nodes access Internet in the way of the neighbor nodes relaying them to gateway nodes and then accessing to Internet .

  5. 论制约国有企业发展的关节点

    On Key Points That Restrict Development of State - owned Enterprises

  6. 一次整型动作即可同时完成关节点与脚背点之定型。

    This machine can mold the joint point and instep point simultaneously .

  7. 序参量和关节点是企业管理的关键。

    Order parameters and critical points are the key to enterprise management .

  8. 提出了一种人体关节点的自动定位的方法。

    An automatic method finding the location of joint points is proposed .

  9. 侧踹腿动作各关节点的运动学特征:(1)。

    Kinematics characteristics of joints in the side-kicking motion : ( 1 ) .

  10. 房地产市场调查质量控制的几个关节点

    Several key points of the quality controlling in market survey of the real estate

  11. 城市化是解决中国当前问题的关节点。

    Urbanization is the key of solving all the problems of China at present .

  12. 所有行动的关节点是实施有效的环境管理。

    The articulated point for all conducts is to implement the effective environmental management .

  13. 运动中人体关节点自动定位的实现

    Realizing of Arthrosis Auto - Orientation in Sports

  14. 图像中框架标识点或人体关节点的计算机自动识别与人工识别相结合;

    Recognise the frame keys and the human keys by computer automatically and users ;

  15. 尤其在社会主义市场经济条件下,政府信用更是市场信用秩序建设的关节点。

    Government credibility can express itself especially in the context of socialist market economy .

  16. 体育运动图象序列中人体关节点的特征抽取和自动识别

    Image sequence feature extraction and automatic recognition of joint points of the human body-in athletic sports

  17. 物自体康德哲学的关节点从璀璨星空到道德法庭

    Thing-in-itself the Joint of Kantism Philosophy From " Resplendent Night Sky " to " Morals Court "

  18. 犯罪未得逞是犯罪既遂与犯罪未遂的区别标准,也是犯罪完成形态(既遂)与犯罪未完成形态的关节点。

    At first , unfinished crime is the joint links between complete crime pattern and unfinished crime pattern .

  19. 控辩双方的证明责任转换的关节点是法官证明评价的形成,这和控辩双方证明责任的性质密切相关。

    The key point on the shifting of burden is the judge 's evaluation of to the proofs .

  20. 行为人意志以外的原因是犯罪未遂与犯罪中止的关节点。意志以外的原因即障碍性原因,包括主观障碍和客观障碍。

    Thirdly , the cause out of will is the joint links between criminal attempt and criminal suspension .

  21. 采用的人体模型关节点的自动标注方法在一定程度上减少了系统中的人工干预。

    The method of automatic joints marking of human body model can reduce the manual work in the system .

  22. 尽管如此,基于该模型的跟踪头部误差还是很明显的,而且这种误差在自顶向下的跟踪策略中不断累积并传播,无形中增大了其他关节点的跟踪误差。

    However , the error of head is so clear that it can accumulate constantly in the top-down tracking tactic .

  23. 人体关节点的识别完全靠人工,劳动量巨大。

    The recognition of human keys totally depends on handwork , which needs a lot of job to be done ;

  24. 这些差异,是墨家逻辑研究历史转型、范式转换的标志和质变关节点。

    These differences are fundamental and the signs of historical transformation , the changes of the paradigm idea , qualitative changes .

  25. 通过轮廓跟踪来定位运动人体所在的区域,并对人体图像区域进行骨骼化操作,作为人体关节点位置定位的辅助信息。

    The area of human body is located by human motion contours and handled by skeleton as auxiliary information . 2 .

  26. 这些标志是劳动关系区分雇用关系、人事关系的关键,也是改革和完善救济机制的根本关节点。

    These signs are used to distinguish employment and interpersonal relationship and are the key points in reforming and improving remedy system .

  27. 在得到干净的人体区域后,就可以获得人体的高度和宽度参数,以便进一步实现下肢关节点的定位。

    After the human region and height are obtained , we can further complete the lower limb joints detection of walking human .

  28. 给定人物角色骨架后,依据人体测量学根据骨骼长度计算出关节点处的半径。

    When the skeleton of a character is given , these radii on joints are obtained according to length of bones in Anthropometry .

  29. 在关节点位置识别跟踪研究方面,首先介绍了几种常用的目标特征和匹配算法。

    In terms of the extraction and trace of body joint in image sequence , several main object features and matching algorithms are introduced .

  30. 实验结果显示,该算法能够较精确地定位关节点位置,自动提取出人体尺度骨架模型。

    Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can locate the body joints ' positions with relatively high precision and initialize the SPM automatically .