
guān huái
  • care;be concerned with;solicitude;consideration;show loving care for;show solicitude for;to bosom
关怀 [guān huái]
  • [show loving care for;consideration;solicitude] 关心他人

  • 不治产业,居常贫罄,无有半约,未尝关怀。--《宋书.孔觊传》

  • 从这件小事上,我们看到的是周总理那平易近人的高贵品质,对劳动人民的深切关怀。--《一件珍贵的衬衫》

关怀[guān huái]
  1. 论道德教育对生命关怀的拓展

    On Expanding of Moral Education to Show Loving Care for Life

  2. 教育是关怀生命、促进生命发展的活动,具有生命性,而且教育现象、教育活动也因为生命的在场而具有意义。

    Education is the activities that show loving care for life and promote life development . Education has life and educational phenomenon and activities are significant just because of life standpoint , which determines that pedagogy must have life stand .

  3. 这些孩子非常需要爱心和关怀。

    The children are in desperate need of love and attention .

  4. 部长们应该更关怀家庭的需要。

    Ministers should be more attentive to the needs of families .

  5. 临终关怀医院旨在减轻临终者的痛苦。

    The hospice aims to ease the sufferings of the dying .

  6. 他对孩子的关怀让我感动。

    I was touched by his solicitude for the boy .

  7. 我无法报答你对我无微不至的关怀。

    I can never repay your many kindnesses to me .

  8. 他现在需要的只是休息和充分的亲切关怀。

    What he needs now is just rest and a lot of TLC .

  9. 儿童需要一个充满关怀的环境。

    Children need a caring environment .

  10. 我们能够给予的关怀、关爱和关注是有限的。

    Our capacity for giving care , love and attention is limited

  11. 他于3月在圣朱莉娅临终关怀医院去世。

    He died in March at St Julia 's Hospice .

  12. 一些学校现在开设咨询课;所有学校都有某种教导关怀体制。

    A few schools now offer counselling sessions ; all have some system of pastoral care .

  13. 这个文件体现了政府对残疾人的关怀。

    This document embodies the concern of the government for the deformity .

  14. 你对我的关怀给了我莫大的安慰。

    Your solicitude was a great consolation to me .

  15. 祖国人民对海外同胞深为关怀。

    The Chinese residents overseas are much in the thoughts of the people at home .

  16. 在我国儿童受到无微不至的关怀。

    The children have the best of care in our country .

  17. 在新中国,儿童受到无微不至的关怀。

    The children have the best of care in new china .

  18. 他再次痊愈是靠医生的关怀。

    He owes it to his doctor 's care that he is quite well again .

  19. 他表示过关怀如果他关怀过她的话那也只是因为她是他儿子罗伊的母亲。

    He cherished if he cherished her only because she was the mother of his son , roy .

  20. 我们依旧需要人文关怀或是人际交往,尤其当人们抑郁的时候。

    " We do still need the human touch or the human interaction , particularly when people are depressed . "

  21. 凯克说:“性别准则以及社会对付出关怀的预期可能使得男性更难为重病的配偶提供关爱。

    " Gender norms and social expectations about caregiving many make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses , " Karraker said .

  22. 许多人将“奉献”等同为教师,护士之类的关怀型职业。

    Many of us equate " commitment " with such " caring " occupations as teaching and nursing .

  23. 那天晚上,我带着对我温柔的母亲和她关怀的手的新的感激入睡。

    That night , I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her caring hands .

  24. 回报关怀。有时朋友会借给你一本教科书,或是一个可以依靠的肩膀。

    Return the care.There are times when a friend will lend you a textbook , or a shoulder to cry on .

  25. 朋友可以影响我们是谁,帮助我们学习,与我们一起分享喜悦,在我们有困难的时候支持我们,在我们不开心的时候给予我们关怀。

    Friends influence who we are . help us leam , support us in good and bad times , and care for us even when we are not happy .

  26. 我们社会的年轻人需要关怀和照顾。

    The young in our society need care and protection .

  27. 海琳·盖尔:美国国际关怀组织总裁兼首席执行官

    Helene Gayle : President and CEO , CARE USA

  28. 但我们的街道并不是空荡荡的,那里充满了我们对彼此的爱和关怀。

    But our streets are not empty , they are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other .

  29. 实验前,两组护生的关怀意识和关怀能力得分无统计学差异,P0.05。

    Before the experiment , there was no significant difference between the care awareness and caring ability scores of two groups , P0.05 .

  30. 从GDP崇拜到GNH关怀,是两种发展观的转变,其实质就是对幸福的一种崭新诠释和评价标准的转变。

    The change from GDP Worship to GNH Concern is a change of two viewpoints of development , and its essence is a change of a kind of brand-new annotation and evaluation standard to happiness .