
  • 网络advanced;culture;advanced culture
  1. APP企业社会责任履行机制是先进文化、先进技术、先进生产经营方式在雄厚的资金投入的基础上有机结合产生的综合机制。

    APP CSR performing mechanism is an integrated mechanism producing by the organic combination of advanced culture , technology and advanced production and management manner on the base of abundant capital investment .

  2. 略论学报编辑工作与先进文化

    A Brief Discussion on Editorial Work of Journals and Advanced Cultures

  3. 发挥地域特色,构建先进文化,建设文化大省

    Construct advanced culture , exert local feature , build cultural province

  4. 高校德育目标应该体现先进文化的发展方向

    Aim of Higher-School Moral Education Should Embody Orientation of Advanced-Culture Development

  5. 论先进文化中的教育文化建设

    The Development of Education Culture within the Scope of Advanced Culture

  6. 学习与传播先进文化的先驱徐继畲

    XU Ji-yu & A Pioneer of Studying and Propagating Advanced Culture

  7. 建设先进文化要体现时代特征

    The Advanced Culture of Developments Must Emerge the Characteristic of Ages

  8. 第六,党员要不断学习先进文化。

    At last , party members should study advanced culture constantly .

  9. 论文学艺术在先进文化建设中的前进方向

    On the Direction of Literature and Art in Building Advance Culture

  10. 文化自觉与中国先进文化发展

    Analysis of Culture Self-consciousness for Development of Advanced Culture in China

  11. 先进文化是灵魂和旗帜;

    The advanced literature is a soul and a banner ;

  12. 用先进文化推动先进生产力的发展

    Using the advanced culture to push the development of the production power

  13. 列宁建设无产阶级先进文化思想探析

    Analyses of Lenin 's Thought of How to Build Proletarian Advanced Culture

  14. 关于代表中国先进文化前进方向的几个基本问题

    Some Basic Problems About Representing The Forthright Direction Of Chinese Advanced Culture

  15. 高校是社会主义先进文化的先锋力量。

    Higher education is a pioneer of socialist advanced culture .

  16. 党要代表中国先进文化的前进方向

    The Communist Party of China Should Represent Advanced Cultural Direction

  17. 党如何成为中国先进文化前进方向的代表

    How the party represents chinese advanced culture ′ s orientation

  18. 先进文化代表与高校党的建设

    Advanced Culture Representative and Party Building in Colleges and Universities

  19. 推动高校图书馆先进文化发展,实现高校图书馆科学管理的现代化

    The modernization of the scientific management of college libraries must be realized

  20. 全球化进程中中国先进文化建设的战略选择

    The Strategic Choice of Advanced Chinese Culture in Globalization Process

  21. 是对当代中国先进文化的补充和完善。

    It 's the addition and consummation of modern advanced Chinese culture .

  22. 中国近代文化冲突中对先进文化代表的历史选择

    The histroy selection of modern Chinese culture against advanced of culture representative

  23. 论先进文化和先进文化建设

    Advanced Cultural and Un advanced Culture Library in the Advanced Cultural Construction

  24. 浅谈中国先进文化的理论渊源及其科学内涵

    The Theoretical Sources of the Chinese Advanced Culture and Its Scientific Intensions

  25. 民俗是创造和发展先进文化的根基。

    Folk customs are the foundation of creating and developing advanced cultures .

  26. 构建现代化的民族传统体育先进文化探索

    Establishment of modern and advanced culture of national traditional sports

  27. 高校要成为中国先进文化建设和传播的重要阵地

    College Library and the Construction and Transmission of Advanced Culture

  28. 对边疆民族地区先进文化建设的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on Construction of Advanced Culture in Ethnic Area of Borderland

  29. 高校先进文化创新与服务地方的几点思考

    Considerations about University 's Advanced Culture Innovation and Service for the Locality

  30. 以先进文化促进陕西经济的发展

    Promote the economy of Shaanxi with the advanced cultural development