
xiān hòu
  • successively;order;priority;one after another;early or late
先后 [xiān hòu]
  • (1) [early or late]∶先和后;早和晚

  • 人来的不少,但总要分个先后

  • (2) [one after another]∶前后相继;陆续地;接连地

  • 她先后去了美国、英国和德国求学

先后[xiān hòu]
  1. 爱国一家,爱国不分先后。

    All patriots belong to one big family , whether they rally to the common cause early or late . ; All patriots belong to one big family , whether they come forward early or late .

  2. 山西省昔阳县境内寺家庄井田在构造上处于阳泉矿区地层走向由北西向南北方向的转折地带,先后经过三次应力作用。

    The Sijiazhuang minefield in Xiyang County , Shanxi Province is located in the Yangquan mining area strike transition from NW to NS zone , had experienced three stressing actions early or late .

  3. 这些事实应按时间先后顺序陈述。

    The facts should be presented in chronological order .

  4. 一名警察和一位护理人员先后试图救活她。

    A policeman and then a paramedic tried to resuscitate her .

  5. 这些剧作是按照其创作的先后顺序安排的。

    These plays are arranged in their order of composition .

  6. 她把自己一时出轨的先后经过一五一十地告诉了他。

    She gave him a factual account of the chronology of her brief liaison .

  7. 对难分先后的冲线镜头的回放显示奥蒂先于奥运冠军到达终点。

    The replays of the close finish showed Ottey finished ahead of the Olympic champion .

  8. 她后来上了大学,先后获得了文科学士与硕士学位。

    She then went on to university where she got a BA and then an MA .

  9. 20世纪60年代,肯尼迪兄弟和马丁·路德·金先后去世。

    In the sixties there were the deaths of the two Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King .

  10. 他按事情发生的先后次序解释那些情况。

    He explained the facts in the sequence of events .

  11. 经理将按(到达)先后次序接见这些应征者。

    The manager will interview the candidates in order of arrival .

  12. 办事应有个先后次序。

    Things should be taken up in order of priority .

  13. 名单排列不分先后。

    The list is arranged in a random order .

  14. 校队先后胜了5场球。

    The school team won five games successively .

  15. 代表们先后入了座。

    One after another the deputies took their seats .

  16. 这些事都该办,可也得有个先后。

    All these matters should be tackled , but in order of priority .

  17. 爱国一家,不分先后。

    All patriots belong to one big family , no matter when they rally to the common cause .

  18. 5月21日夜间到5月22日凌晨,云南大理州漾濞县和青海果洛州玛多县先后发生地震,引发全国关注。周末发生在云南和青海省的地震已经导致3人遇难,多人受伤。

    Earthquakes that rattled the provinces of Yunnan and Qinghai over the weekend left three people dead and dozens injured .

  19. 29例2型糖尿病病人于2个连续日先后行A试验及B试验,血糖控制后,重复该2刺激试验。

    Repeat the two stimulation tests after the glycemic control .

  20. 在政府选择RD补贴率后,每个企业先后确定自己的RD支出和产量。

    Each firm determines its R D expenditure and output successively after the government chooses the R D subsidy rate .

  21. 方法给SD大鼠先后腹腔注射氯化锂、匹罗卡品,制成癫疒间动物模型;

    Methods Models of epilepsy of SD rats were established by intraperitoneal injection with lithium chloride and pilocarpine .

  22. 他具有IndianInstituteofTechnology的IndustrialEngineeringandManagement专业的技术硕士学位并曾先后在几个Web应用程序开发项目中担任过Java/J2EE程序员。

    He has a Master of Technology degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Indian Institute of Technology and has been a Java / J2EE programmer on several Web application development projects .

  23. 改变现有CCD外围电路,通过异步时钟控制曝光,即调整CCD曝光的先后次序和延迟时间,实现错位修正;

    An asynchronous clock can be used to control the exposures so that the sequence and delay of tri-CCD exposures can be adjusted to avoid color disorder .

  24. 本试验先后将109枚胚胎用于此项研究,通过将小鼠ES细胞注入8-16细胞桑椹胚和囊胚,观察两个不同时期注射胚胎的发育能力。

    This experiment collected 109 embryos to observe their developmental ability by ES cells microinjection into 8-16 cell stage morula or blastocyst .

  25. 自成立以来,这家公司先后从红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)和老虎全球基金(TigerGlobalManagement)等公司获得了总计1.4亿美元的投资。今年9月,它的票务销售总额达到了20亿美元。

    Since its founding , the company has raised $ 140 million from firms like Sequoia Capital and Tiger Global Management and reached $ 2 billion in gross ticket sales this September .

  26. 作为中国高品质的灯饰厂家,尼好先后通过了CCC,CE和UL的认证。

    Being a top quality lighting manufacturer in China , We have been passed CCC , CE and UL certificate .

  27. 在第一部分研究结论的基础上,本文先后提取了测井曲线的两种混沌特征&关联维数和最大Lyapunov指数。

    Based on the obtained conclusion of part 1 , two different chaotic features of well-logs , correlation dimension and maximal Lyapunov exponents , were extracted .

  28. 我国利用BOT投资方式的探索先后进行了多个项目的试点,并取得了较大成功。

    Utilizing BOT investment way , a lot of projects have been the experimental units in China successively , and have obtained relatively great success .

  29. Evolution一词先后被用在胚胎学的预成论和后成论中,分别用来描述预先存在的微缩体的展开以及高等动物胚胎对低等动物形式的重演。

    " Evolution " was first used in Preformationism and then in Epigenesist , respectively , to describe the unfolding of preexisted miniature and the recapitulation of the forms of lower animals by the embryo of higher animals .

  30. 先后并购汤姆逊、阿尔卡特的彩电和手机业务,TCL成为中国家电业最为耀眼的明星之一。

    TCL became a dazzling star of china in the industry of electric appliance after combining the TTE and T & A.