
  • 网络Avantgarde music;avant-garde music
  1. 我对先锋派音乐略知一二。

    I only have a casual acquaintance with avant-garde music .

  2. 本文结合先锋派音乐的基本技法与形式,在美学层面进行深入研究。

    This in-depth research laid in aesthetic level has incorporated both basic technic and format of avant-garde music .

  3. 作为先锋派音乐的一面旗帜,约翰·凯奇对二十世纪音乐产生了重要影响。

    John Cage , as a banner of the avant garde music , exerted significant influence on the music of twentieth century .

  4. 本文研究的先锋派音乐是特指1945年前后产生的带有实验特征的一系列音乐流派,并择取这一时期音乐形态中的不确定性特征进行美学研究。

    As for this article , it particularly refers to a series of music genre born around the year of 1945 . The esthetics research I conducted is mainly on the indeterminacy character of musical forms in this period .

  5. 《钢琴与弦乐五重奏》是他经历了序列作曲和先锋派音乐比较理性的创作阶段以后,转向突出音乐的抒情性和质朴性,以及探索新的调性呈示手段的一部极其成功的作品。

    After experienced the rather rational creation stage of serial-composition and avant-garde music , he composed the Piano Quintet , a quite successful work stressed on the musical lyric and unaffected features , and explored the new way to exposit tonality .

  6. 在国外有关对西方先锋派合唱音乐的专门研究还并不多,在我国有关这方面的研究就更少了,几乎还是空白。

    Researches specialized on the chorus of Avant-garde are rare in the west , and even fewer in China .